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This looks like alot of fun, I dont have Generals, but was thinking about getting a copy for this mod.

Has anyone played it yet?

The models and textures look pretty cheesy, but its the gameplay that counts, and if it plays well, they can work on the looks afterwards.

From the page..

All Stars aims to settle the debates that Command and Conquer fans have been having for over a decade: What unit is the best? Which storylines are best? Who would win, Apocalypse, Overlord, or Mammoth MKII? Is Tesla technology better than Tiberium weapons? Can the Generals build system stack up against the classic C&C style?

When the best of the best are thrown into an all out war - when the All Stars battle - what will happen?

In CnC All Stars, each faction is a series from the C&C universe. The armies of the Global Defense Initiative, the zealots of the Brotherhood of Nod and members of The Forgotten form the Tiberian Coalition. The might of the Soviet Red Army, the wit of the Allies, and the psychic powers of Yuri form the Red Alert Alliance. The high-tech power of the United States, the brute numbers and force of the People's Republic of China and the terrorist tactics of the Global Liberation Army form the Generals Elite.

What better way to experience the evolution of the series that defined a genre than to bring out its best of the best. The All Stars are ready. Are you?[/b]



Hey, I made those models and textures. Well, some of them anyways. That screen shot is pretty old, BTW.

I enjoy the mod, however because of the build system, and some of the higher-than-par polycount on some models, it's a bit more taxing on a computer than regular Generals.

Other than that, I think it's pretty fun. Though the AI still needs some work, and other issues, but we intend to resolve them in a patch sooner or later.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Looks like a pretty cool mod.

I remember downloading and playing the General's mod "The First Tiberian War (TFTW)", which was a Generals conversion to TD. I didn't like that one that much, it had a lot of bugs, and a lot of the buildings and units didn't look very good. It also ran super slowly.


wow huh....well i didnt mean to diss ur models (just pointing out that the models, were sub-par for the engine) as its a RTS anyways, im just use to CnC3....playablity is key with me anyways.

well great job on getting this mod together...any chance of a port to CnC3?

Im sure you and your team have discussed it.

You know what, the models arent half bad, its more of a texturing issue...sort of a bland texture on most of the units/structures.


I thought TFTW looked pretty good, but yeah, it had a lot problems, lag being one of the major ones. Part of the problem was the tiberium models were somewhat high poly and didn't actually disappear after being collected. Also many of the structures and vehicles and what not had lots of "hidden" polies, or rather polies that the engine still renders but you can't actually see (like the underside of buildings which you can't see in an RTS as you look DOWN on buildings, never up.).

Originally posted by Titan1x77

wow huh....well i didnt mean to diss ur models (just pointing out that the models, were sub-par for the engine) as its a RTS anyways, im just use to CnC3....playablity is key with me anyways.

well great job on getting this mod together...any chance of a port to CnC3?

Im sure you and your team have discussed it.

You know what, the models arent half bad, its more of a texturing issue...sort of a bland texture on most of the units/structures.

Texturing is not my fort?.

Anyways, there is little to no chance of a direct port to C&C3, we have discussed the possibility of doing a "new" All-Stars mod for C&C3, however, most of the team have expressed interest in doing something new.

Of course finishing of the current All-Stars comes first.


I love the mod, like the idea. And I really want to play it..

But it is on the Generals Engine... that game runs slow when I get like 4 units on the screen... and you said the models had higher polycounts than Generals did..

  • 5 months later...

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