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Renegade 2007 Public Game! [EDIT! MORE DETAILS INSIDE!]

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  • Totem Arts Staff

Hey guys.

As some of you may know, I am the founder of a Renegade clan, called NE - the Nod Elites. On Sunday, July 22nd we will be celebrating 4 years of NE. We're calling it the "4th NE-Versary". So an idea came to us, and we said, why not invite our Renegade 2007 Community for a game?

So that's what we're doing. A public 100-player server will be set up for this event. All players are welcome to come and enjoy Renegade again, play with the Renegade 2007 dev team, friends, etc. Enjoy the game we're here to remake!

We will also have a Teamspeak server set up for the event. That way, team players can communicate with each other, develop strategies, and help out. Even if you don't have a microphone, you're encouraged to download teamspeak in order to hear what the others are saying. Download it here.

The game will take place on Sunday, July 22nd at 3:00pm EST (Eastern Standard Time). I will be posting the Server IP and Teamspeak IP this Friday, so be sure to check this post out on Friday if you want to come. Make sure you join Teamspeak at 3 EST sharp, so we can all join at the same time and enjoy the game.


More details added!

Teamspeak server: srv1.alienxsoftware.co.uk

Game Server IP:

The server is not up. As I have said above, we will all meet on Teamspeak together, then when everyone's ready, the 100 player server will be launched. The game will go for as long as people stay.

For those of you who do not know how to connect by IP, it is very simple. Follow these instructions:

#1. Press Start

#2. Hit "Run"

#3. Type this into the Open box: "C:\Westwood\Renegade\game.exe" +connect +netplayername 'yournamehere'

Make sure you put in the proper directory, and replace 'yournamehere' with your ingame screen name.

This is your chance to play a teamwork-filled game with the development crew!


100 people?! :shock: :shock: :shock:

1. This will be uterly awesome! I have never played ren with 100 people in a single server before (depending if the server gets filled of course)

2. Ima do my best to make it smile.gif


I hope the server can support that kind of bandwidth and system strain. >.>

Although I bet there won't be more than 40.

Also what is the map rotation on the server? I know NE runs some fanmaps (such as some of Titan's maps) and I only have the default maps currently installed so I need to know which maps I need to install that might possibly come up during Sunday's game.

  • Totem Arts Staff

-We won't be running any fan maps, just standard ones.

-There won't be 100 people. The server is just that big, so we don't face any problems of people not being able to join, due to the server being full.

Originally posted by CarrierII

I can't be there, I'm not in the country. sad.gif

seconded I will be in Florida at that time, in fact I am leaving tomorrow. (and I live in Denmark, which is in Europe, if you should be in doubt)

  • Totem Arts Staff

Just download it, it's such a small file. With it you're able to connect to Teamspeak channels and talk with other people ingame.

It makes a huge difference to the gameplay. I remember last time we had a game, you were the only one not using Teamspeak. So you missed out on all the plans, and basically the fun.

  • Totem Arts Staff

More details added!

Teamspeak server: srv1.alienxsoftware.co.uk

Game Server IP:

The server is not up. As I have said above, we will all meet on Teamspeak together, then when everyone's ready, the 100 player server will be launched. The game will go for as long as people stay.

For those of you who do not know how to connect by IP, it is very simple. Follow these instructions:

#1. Press Start

#2. Hit "Run"

#3. Type this into the Open box: "C:\Westwood\Renegade\game.exe" +connect +netplayername 'yournamehere'

Make sure you put in the proper directory, and replace 'yournamehere' with your ingame screen name.

Remember guys, it's important that Teamspeak is used for this event. Even if you don't have a microphone, it's great to be listening in on strategies, and working with your team. All strategies will be discussed there, so without it, you'd be missing out greatly.

The game is still set for this Sunday at 3:00pm EST sharp. From there, we'll join the server and have a good time.

Don't forget about this, guys! Show up if you want to play with the dev, and some of Renegade's best players.


I have a good question that I unfortunately just thought of... (I really should've thought of this a couple of days ago...)

Can we get some kind of Map List for the server? It's the pits to jump into a Renegade server, play a few games, then get auto-punted 'cause you don't have a map. xD

Originally posted by Mighty BOB!+-->
(Mighty BOB!)
Also what is the map rotation on the server? I know NE runs some fanmaps (such as some of Titan's maps) and I only have the default maps currently installed so I need to know which maps I need to install that might possibly come up during Sunday's game.[/b]

  • Totem Arts Staff

Good games guys. A lot of awesome teamwork strategies were put in place, and some funny times on teamspeak.


Thanks to everyone who showed up. You guys helped this become a reality

And thanks for all the time and support you give this mod around the clock!

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