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So I got talking with Ruddles in the EKT IRC server and he said that you guys are always looking for skinners. You can see all the Skins I have done for EKT if you Browse around the topics. Also in the Showcase are my 2 recent Vech SKins they are basic but its just showing off so If you need anything Admins have my email and Im always in EKT IRC too.


Well it appears that you haven't "made" any of those skins. They're just edits of pre-existing Renegade skins. We need skinners that can make a skin out of a blank model unwrap.

Also as a bit of future advice, if you're ever trying out for an art-related job position, always have samples of previous work immediately available. Meaning screenshots and.jpgs of the actual skin files. No self-respecting professional will dig through multiple forum posts and then follow yet a second set of links to download a file from a third site just to see your work. They won't go out of their way to accommodate an interviewee, they'll just throw their application in the trash and move on to the next person who has a professional presentation. They want portfolios.


I do not do this as a profession I do this as a hobby for one. Two apparently you looked at some of the stuff I did or you wouldn't have said anything. I can use Photoshop very well and those skins where just samples. I do not Render 3d Art though. I was direct from Ruddles and he said it was worth posting on here. I was shooting for a job then yes i would have thrown together some real stuff and taken the time but turn something like this into a job takes all the fun out of it. I am sorry if you had to "dig" for some of the stuff but it really it takes 15 minutes to browse around and look.


He has a bad attitude anyways....a nice way would of been to collect some examples of work for us, when he had given you some "advice"

for my 15 mins i couldnt find 1 topic you started where it had your work, i had to go back to the showcase to find them.


Yes I can texture and create from blanks. Lol like I said before Titian this is all in good fun Im not going to take this as a profession and I take Request so none of the topics were started by me they were ended with the request made. Lighten up this is something fun.

You want me to take one of the blanks and play with it and kick it back out for ya let me know. I will throw something together tomorrow when and if I get the "OK" to do it being that you guy are doing this legit I don't want to step on anyone's toes.

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