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Renegade X: Community Q&A - Episode #8

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Episode number 8 of the Renegade X Community Q&A series brought to you by TheJamnub. In this week's video I answer 8 questions asked by the community.


0:15 - Cirex: A10 Airstrike

1:23 - Demigan: New weapons

1:48 - Sdajno: Renegade X on Steam or Origin

2:06 - Jointn00b: Multiplayer assault mode

2:34 - Jenskai1: TF2 Promotional Weapon

2:47 - GuiAlphaProductions: In-game voice-chat

3:03 - Robbierew: Naval routes and naval yards

3:19 - Zebliks & Tacohiman: Renegade X release date

Missed out on an earlier Community Q&A episode? Check out the Renegade X Community Q&A playlist right here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL50614B1617C97DFD&feature=viewall

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Don't forget to ask questions for next week's video by commenting on this video, and let the developers know your opinion on naval yards aswell!


good video got my question in (robbierew)

my idea for navy is that you can buy a hover craft from the weapons factory or airstrip. the hovercraft should be fast, defenceless but cheap and can go on water useful for a map like Islands. I don't think we should get too focused on navy because that's not the tiberium universe that's the red alert universe


while pondering the possibility of naval yards I realised something, if one team's naval yard gets destroyed the other team then has a strong advantage they could just buy a boat and travel on water. This is where the problem will occur they will be in a zone where the enemy can't reach. the only solution I could think of is making all these maps have aircraft support so they can still be destroyable. Not trying to appear that I'm extremely anti-navy just something I should mention.

while pondering the possibility of naval yards I realized something, if one team's naval yard gets destroyed the other team then has a strong advantage they could just buy a boat and travel on water. This is where the problem will occur they will be in a zone where the enemy can't reach. the only solution I could think of is making all these maps have aircraft support so they can still be destroyable. Not trying to appear that I'm extremely anti-navy just something I should mention.

If they team with the naval base wants to sit out on the water fine by me, I'll go destroy their base :P

What's the problem with that?

If they team with the naval base wants to sit out on the water fine by me, I'll go destroy their base :P

What's the problem with that?

i understand where your getting at but when new games modes such as capture the flag and death match come out a safe zone could wreck the fun.

this could result in flag hoggers for capture the flag and in deathmatch, wimps


I would prefer naval yards. In the good old renegade, when you destroy the vehicle production before your own defences are down, your enemy has almost no chance of destroying anything in your base, same with losing a naval yard. So if you lose your naval yard, I would suggest one, maybe two civilian boats that can carry infantry across, other option was already mentioned, the WF and strip could be capable of building hovercraft in case of naval destruction.

Also, swimming should be looked at, swimming would be a good alternative to reach the enemy shoreline, but weapons should be disabled during swimming (with the exception of pistols or sub-machine guns maybe), otherwise, ships would be useless as players would dive under and shoot the boat from below.

Maybe limit swimming, if you start to swim, your stress meter goes down. If your meter runs out, your health starts to go down until you find somewhere to rest.


small Hovercraft,

arms: none

low infantry capacity

big hovercraft

arms: none

low high infantry capacity ór carries one tank+few infantry


arms: machine gun

1 or 2 infantry capacity, low health, meant to take out swimmers?

(wishful thinking coming next)



aircraft carrier (instead of a base, have the aircraft carrier contain all buildings in modules which can be destroyed)


(/wishful thinking)

Capture the flag could be changed. Instead of just one flag, give each building a flag, to prevent flag-hoggers being able to mine just the one flag and place a big bad tank on top/in front of the building. You are supposed to protect the buildings anyway.

Yours sincerely,



hey guys, i'm relatively new to this forum and renegade X, but absolutely NOT new to C&C renegade... totally love it :D

so, i have been taking a look on the website, and for my first comment, i have a few questions about renegade X which i hope they will be answered:

1. if you enable speech to characters, would you please let the engineers say ''I'm the mechanical man!"? :D

2. will gun- and/or rocket emplacements make a comeback in the multiplayer and/or singleplayer version of the game, and maybe even make them semi-mobile? rocket replacements are kinda keen as anti-air units, and every time i saw one, i couldn't stop smiling ^^

3. does this game enable inverted mouse look? i hate it when i have to pull up the mouse to aim higher... it feels so strange :/

4. i kinda miss the original health/armour bar... could you maybe turn this into an additional option in the graphics menu or something?

I would prefer naval yards. In the good old renegade, when you destroy the vehicle production before your own defences are down, your enemy has almost no chance of destroying anything in your base, same with losing a naval yard. So if you lose your naval yard, I would suggest one, maybe two civilian boats that can carry infantry across, other option was already mentioned, the WF and strip could be capable of building hovercraft in case of naval destruction.

Also, swimming should be looked at, swimming would be a good alternative to reach the enemy shoreline, but weapons should be disabled during swimming (with the exception of pistols or sub-machine guns maybe), otherwise, ships would be useless as players would dive under and shoot the boat from below.

Maybe limit swimming, if you start to swim, your stress meter goes down. If your meter runs out, your health starts to go down until you find somewhere to rest..

I think that mite work well I'm convinced.

hey guys, i'm relatively new to this forum and renegade X, but absolutely NOT new to C&C renegade... totally love it :D

so, i have been taking a look on the website, and for my first comment, i have a few questions about renegade X which i hope they will be answered:

1. if you enable speech to characters, would you please let the engineers say ''I'm the mechanical man!"? :D

2. will gun- and/or rocket emplacements make a comeback in the multiplayer and/or singleplayer version of the game, and maybe even make them semi-mobile? rocket replacements are kinda keen as anti-air units, and every time i saw one, i couldn't stop smiling ^^

3. does this game enable inverted mouse look? i hate it when i have to pull up the mouse to aim higher... it feels so strange :/

4. i kinda miss the original health/armour bar... could you maybe turn this into an additional option in the graphics menu or something?

2. I believe we've seen gun emplacements in one of the Singleplayer trailers somehwere, not sure about rockets.

3. Yes it does, that's a built-in UT3 option. When you're ingame, press Escape >> Settings >> Input, and check/uncheck "Invert Y" depending on your preference.

I agree, something needs to be done about the health/armor bars....half the time I don't notice them going down when I'm in combat because they blend too well with the rest of the UI. Maybe having the armor be silver and health be green would help, or something like that?

I think that mite work well I'm convinced.
Agreed, great ideas. I don't know about limiting swimming though, because then the other team will just go out further...so you'd either need to not limit swimming, or put a pretty close-to-shore limit on how far naval units can go.

Also, swimming should be looked at, swimming would be a good alternative to reach the enemy shoreline, but weapons should be disabled during swimming (with the exception of pistols or sub-machine guns maybe), otherwise, ships would be useless as players would dive under and shoot the boat from below.

Maybe limit swimming, if you start to swim, your stress meter goes down. If your meter runs out, your health starts to go down until you find somewhere to rest.


small Hovercraft,

arms: none

low infantry capacity

big hovercraft

arms: none

low high infantry capacity ór carries one tank+few infantry


arms: machine gun

1 or 2 infantry capacity, low health, meant to take out swimmers?

Capture the flag could be changed. Instead of just one flag, give each building a flag, to prevent flag-hoggers being able to mine just the one flag and place a big bad tank on top/in front of the building. You are supposed to protect the buildings anyway.

Yours sincerely,


ah yes, i see this as a good idea, but if this will be released, i think their capabilities should be limited, to prevent (inexpected)(mammoth) tank rushes on the enemy base.

i have no idea how those hovercrafts are calles exactly, but i do think the small version which havoc entered on the shore after the intro mission, becuase that thing looked absolutely AWESOME!!!

i do have some things to tell about the swimming part. this migth be a good idea to be enables, but maps have a limit of 20 players/10 players on each side, and imagine GDI having like 3 players swim in the waters, this would seriously be a drawback to their forces on land... imagine losing 30% of your firepower on the land, you would get terminated O_o

AND this swimming would turn people into water in bait... campers or people that pass by would just shoot it, and you would lose valuable time.



i do have some things to tell about the swimming part. this migth be a good idea to be enables, but maps have a limit of 20 players/10 players on each side, and imagine GDI having like 3 players swim in the waters, this would seriously be a drawback to their forces on land... imagine losing 30% of your firepower on the land, you would get terminated O_o

AND this swimming would turn people into water in bait... campers or people that pass by would just shoot it, and you would lose valuable time.


the UDK version is going to allow for 50+ player matches, so I don't think that it's going to be a problem in big matches.

The water could be made murkier, so that people who dive under are harder to spot.

the UDK version is going to allow for 50+ player matches, so I don't think that it's going to be a problem in big matches.

The water could be made murkier, so that people who dive under are harder to spot.

50+ matches? :D :D :D

this gives me another question though...

with 10 players on 1 side, it still often happens they you see 3 engineers repairing 1 tank, which i still think is reasonable. but with 25 players on 1 side (which is a LOOOT for many multiplayer FPS games), this would result in 5 or more engineers repairing 1 tank, making it nearly impossible to deal more damage then is being repaired...

so this is my suggestion: (don't send me hatemails xD)

LIMIT (!) the ammo of the repair beam to 1998=999x2 ''bullets'' with a rate of fire of 10 bullets per second, and if my calculations are right (999x2÷(60×10=600)) is 3,33 mintutes of action, which makes 1,67 minutes per mag, which i still think which is a lot compared with an engineer's average lifespan of about 3 minutes max...

OR reduce the effectiveness of the repair beam by 10-15%... whichever is the best, i suppose.

don't hate me now xD

P.S. i always was wondering how engineer bots in C&C renegade singleplayer were able to fire red beams which inficts damage to units... did you have to press a combination of buttons for this, or is this impossible to do yourself? somebody please help :/

50+ matches? :D :D :D

this gives me another question though...

with 10 players on 1 side, it still often happens they you see 3 engineers repairing 1 tank, which i still think is reasonable. but with 25 players on 1 side (which is a LOOOT for many multiplayer FPS games), this would result in 5 or more engineers repairing 1 tank, making it nearly impossible to deal more damage then is being repaired...

so this is my suggestion: (don't send me hatemails xD)

LIMIT (!) the ammo of the repair beam to 1998=999x2 ''bullets'' with a rate of fire of 10 bullets per second, and if my calculations are right (999x2÷(60×10=600)) is 3,33 mintutes of action, which makes 1,67 minutes per mag, which i still think which is a lot compared with an engineer's average lifespan of about 3 minutes max...

OR reduce the effectiveness of the repair beam by 10-15%... whichever is the best, i suppose.

don't hate me now xD

P.S. i always was wondering how engineer bots in C&C renegade singleplayer were able to fire red beams which inficts damage to units... did you have to press a combination of buttons for this, or is this impossible to do yourself? somebody please help :/

I've played a lot of marathon servers with a max of 60 players in the original renegade, and an engineers lifespan is a lot longer then 3 minutes.

While I've seen mammoth tanks ride into a NOD base with so many hotwires behind it that it couldn't die, I've seen it only once or twice. One of the biggest problems is that you usually don't get enough hotties together, the second problem is that it takes just one Nod guy to kill a few hotties to stop it.

So far, 5 techies don't repair 1 tank, they repair all tanks in the field. A daunting task, especially with more then 7 tanks available in most servers nowadays. Having to repair all tanks, which are up against a lot more other tanks ánd infantry, while staying alive with all the extra snipers is hard, and balanced enough.


The red beams were something only the AI engineers were capable off.

Yours sincerely,



a lot of discussion here but i thing Jam might want some questions.

my question is what features have you done to the game that showcase the physics.

(mentioned in a previous video but I want examples)

I've played a lot of marathon servers with a max of 60 players in the original renegade, and an engineers lifespan is a lot longer then 3 minutes.

While I've seen mammoth tanks ride into a NOD base with so many hotwires behind it that it couldn't die, I've seen it only once or twice. One of the biggest problems is that you usually don't get enough hotties together, the second problem is that it takes just one Nod guy to kill a few hotties to stop it.

So far, 5 techies don't repair 1 tank, they repair all tanks in the field. A daunting task, especially with more then 7 tanks available in most servers nowadays. Having to repair all tanks, which are up against a lot more other tanks ánd infantry, while staying alive with all the extra snipers is hard, and balanced enough.

Yours sincerely,


hmm... you made me think though... i see the only issue with this is that, for tanks, is in many maps there is only 1 path towards the enemy base ( 46:35

) there wasnt even space for a nod buggy rushing the hotwires O_o

hmm... maybe i might still have to think about this... hope my comments aren't only good for picking on things xD

hmm... you made me think though... i see the only issue with this is that, for tanks, is in many maps there is only 1 path towards the enemy base ( 46:35
) there wasnt even space for a nod buggy rushing the hotwires O_o

hmm... maybe i might still have to think about this... hope my comments aren't only good for picking on things xD

Well, best you pick out the bad stuff before, if you set fire to your house to keep it warm, it's a bitch to find out afterwards that it will break it down.

I think the best answer is: the new maps will be tailored more to the standards of today's FPS's, less maps which are simply mirrored bases, more streamlining and pathways and most important: bigger.

Especially with the possibility of tanks shells staying in your path, blocking everyone who's behind it, I think that the pathways will be big enough to allow for multiple tanks to join one rush.

Even as I mentioned bigger maps... It would be a blessing to duke it out on a nice big map, but the walk-time from one base to another is pretty far in a lot of maps even now...

Yours sincerely,



problem solved, i suppose :D

bad stuff then... hmm...


glitches? meh... °_°

Jam, i am that person ;) if u want more prove i'll pm u on utube then

that lazer firing sound fitted the rhythm of the song perfectly! nice work! did you do this on purpose?

50+ matches? :D :D :D

this gives me another question though...

with 10 players on 1 side, it still often happens they you see 3 engineers repairing 1 tank, which i still think is reasonable. but with 25 players on 1 side (which is a LOOOT for many multiplayer FPS games), this would result in 5 or more engineers repairing 1 tank, making it nearly impossible to deal more damage then is being repaired...

so this is my suggestion: (don't send me hatemails xD)

LIMIT (!) the ammo of the repair beam to 1998=999x2 ''bullets'' with a rate of fire of 10 bullets per second, and if my calculations are right (999x2÷(60×10=600)) is 3,33 mintutes of action, which makes 1,67 minutes per mag, which i still think which is a lot compared with an engineer's average lifespan of about 3 minutes max...

OR reduce the effectiveness of the repair beam by 10-15%... whichever is the best, i suppose.

don't hate me now xD

P.S. i always was wondering how engineer bots in C&C renegade singleplayer were able to fire red beams which inficts damage to units... did you have to press a combination of buttons for this, or is this impossible to do yourself? somebody please help :/

This is why the smart dudes, make engineers priority number one.

So NOT a priority of Tanks > infantry

but more a priority of Engineers > Tanks

This also counts for buildings, shooting on the sides of buildings where you are able to hold the most engineers away of the MCT.

Arty's and mrls are good units as anti big groups, just shoot as far as possible behind the tank...

And offcourse when the other are really really good, than they are able to cover there engineers pretty good. But since when should you kill something like winning because of teamplay.

problem solved, i suppose :D

bad stuff then... hmm...


glitches? meh... °_°

Jam, i am that person ;) if u want more prove i'll pm u on utube then

that lazer firing sound fitted the rhythm of the song perfectly! nice work! did you do this on purpose?

This was just a small part of a demostration video, which was more meant as an 1 april fool. Posted on 1 april a few years ago. So not every part of that video do you have to take that serious, however what they are saying, is still what renegade-x is trying to reach one day... Or atleast that is what I gues what the renegade-x team wants to do ;) .


I dunno if these questions have been asked before. How about stuff like ob walking wall jumping alone or with another person, harvy walking. Do ions or nukes go through tunnel dealing damage or do they get blocked? Do flaming vehicles work if you throw c4 on them and blow them up when u exit? Can you stick mines on sbhs?

NVM about wall jumping i just watched error's video

This is why the smart dudes, make engineers priority number one.

So NOT a priority of Tanks > infantry

but more a priority of Engineers > Tanks

This also counts for buildings, shooting on the sides of buildings where you are able to hold the most engineers away of the MCT.

Arty's and mrls are good units as anti big groups, just shoot as far as possible behind the tank...

And offcourse when the other are really really good, than they are able to cover there engineers pretty good. But since when should you kill something like winning because of teamplay.

i still see the engineers as an issue, though these posts have proved me otherwise, i suppose ^^

i guess i'll just wait until the standalone multiplayer version comes out :D

This was just a small part of a demostration video, which was more meant as an 1 april fool. Posted on 1 april a few years ago. So not every part of that video do you have to take that serious, however what they are saying, is still what renegade-x is trying to reach one day... Or atleast that is what I gues what the renegade-x team wants to do ;) .

sigh... don't you have any sense of humour... :Þ

  • Totem Arts Staff

i got a Question about making assault mode maps

as you lot may know i made some fan maps and will be making some more when the MP release comes out ... but what i wouyld like to know is ... when a mapper comes to make such maps will it be as easy as setting up nodes (defend node, destroy node, ect...) or will there be a lot scripting involved ?


Hey, i've got a question: will there be optimizations?

Operating System

MS Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit


AMD Phenom II X4 965 47 °C

Deneb 45nm Technology


4.00 GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 670MHz (9-9-9-24)


ASRock M3A770DE (CPUSocket) 47 °C


E2240 (1920x1080@60Hz)

ATI Radeon HD 5770 (Sapphire/PCPartner)

My system totally crushed the recommended specs for unreal tournament 3 however i get alot of performance problems D:


+1 for JAM for saying happy sinterklaas in the new Q&A... the whole world is thinking "WTF". But I (as a dutch dude) like it :P. Its just a santa that does not go to the burgerking every day. sinterklaas.jpg



Santaclaus was actually born from the idea of Sinterklaas. And where in America and the rest of the world magic and elves are helpers to santa, our santa has black dudes which decided to help him because he helped them out. and the rest is up to the kids's imagination xD


fijne sinterklaas iedereen! ook al is het nu een dag te laat om dat te zeggen... mijn broertje kreeg zo'n skylanders spel voor de wii als cadeau. hij had 8 suikerklontjes in z'n schoen gestopt, amerigo houdt daarvan xD

wat ik nu nog moet vertellen... uhm... tsja, de man in het midden is sinterklaas, en de mensen die naast hem staan heten ''zwarte pieten''... even voor de duidelijkheid :Þ


happy sinterklaas everyone! though it is a day late to say that... my little brother got a skylanders game for the wii as a present. he put 8 sugar cubes in his shoe, amerigo loves those (sinterklaas' white horse) xD

what should i say now... uhm... well, the man in the middle is sinterklaas, and those people next to them are... err... his companions! just to be clear :Þ

P.S. his companions were used to be white though, but they have to climb into those chimney's every year, so... xD

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