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I also tried sending my application by email, and even though I got no message of it being bounced back, I'll post it here just in case.

My name is Stig Sydtangen and I'm a 23 year old male acting and song student. I recently saw your thread on the resumes forum, and my interest was peaked, especially by the prospect of your project going indie. I would therefore like to offer my skills as a voice actor.

Below follows a resume of my modding activities:

As of today I have six years of schooling in acting, three years of experience working with mods and Voice-over on moddb and I'm one year into my bachelor degree in Classical song. The schools in question are:

*Lillestrøm College* 2 years

- Acting as a secondary subject in "International Baccalaureate"

*Baardar Musical Academy* 2 years

- Acting, song and dance.

*Nordic Institute for Scene and Studio* 2 years

- Acting technique as primary and only subject

*Barratt Due Music University*

- Currently attending end of first year

I have a rig set up in my apartment consisting of a tripod mounted Zoom H4n with a popfilter, and during my years on moddb I have learned to work with the sound editing software Goldwave.

In my years on moddb I've been part of a large number of different projects, both mods and commercial, but so far only a few of the mods have finished and most of the remainder has died off.

Here's a list of the projects I've been part of:

***Cube Experimental***

- Mod for Fallout 3

- Voiced "The Hacker".

- Released August 5th 2009


(CE clip begins at 1:04. The rest is from various early projects)

***The Forgotten***

- Mod for CnC3

- Voiced "Commando" Infantry and "Longhorn" Heavy tank

- Released 21st September 2010


***Pirates Vikings and Knights 2***

- Mod for Half Life 2

- Voiced the "Huskarl"

- Character voice added to running beta 23rd December 2010

***Underhell: Prologue***

- Mod for Half Life 2

- Replaced all the Citizen sounds, and voiced the scripted sequences of Police, SWAT, Terrorists and Hostages.

- Released 3rd March 2011


***Omega Warfare***

- Commercial Indie game title

- Voiced the AI system that controlled the players power armour and a few commercials that were to run on the ingame radio.

- Game was cancelled before it got into internal alpha.


***World of Mandana***

- Commercial Indie game title

- Voiced 'The Grim Reaper' and a crazy marine

- Game was cancelled before it got into internal alpha


***Titan XCIX***

- Half Life 2 modification

- Voiced the AI that controls the spaceship and one of the bosses that you fight

- Mod is close to release

(My character pops in at 0:57)

***Cry of Fear***

- Half Life modification

- Voicing the main character Simon

- Mod is close to release

***Red Alert 3: Unleashed***

- Red Alert 3 modification

- Voiced the Ripper X-4, Proton Tank, FTC Engineer and Rover, more in the works Mod is work in progress


***Novus Aeterno***

- Indie game project. Trailer going live at PAX at an undisclosed time.

- Voicing general units

- Development in early cycle, won't happen anything here on my part for a while yet.

***Dawn of War 2 Mod***

- Voiced one Eldar Jetpack Mech and one Chaos sorcerer - both regular units. Currently working on a squad of "The Emperors Children" Chaos Marines and their 'Chosen'.

- No homepage up or released material, but if interested I can ask if I can make a private showreel of it :)

***The Turn***

- Amnesia the dark descent mod

- Voicing one of characters, a professor. (All current work done)


- Indie game made based on Zombie Panic Source by the same team.

- Brought on the team, but given no specific tasks yet.

***Red Alert 3: Synergy***

- Just recently got on board for the project.

I hope you like what you see and that you will consider me for your project. Even though I have a good few active projects on my list, a lot of them are either gaining momentum or don't have anything in particular for me to at the moment (with the Exception of PVK2, The Dawn of War mod and potentially synergy).

I can provide references from all the projects I've been part of if necessary :)


Alright sweet :)

I figured I'd be getting a "We have recieved your application" email when you'd read it, so I got a bit concerned that it had gone nowhere when I didn't hear anything :)


Ha ha cool!

I didn't get to voice it sadly, I just tried out for him, but the takes turned out decent so I decided to use them for the showreel instead :)

Always funny to meet people you've worked with indirectly though he he :D

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