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Hi Renegade-X players!

Since the succes of our previous event on 20 July we thought it would be a good idea to schedule another event for all the people that couldn't make it or just really like Renegade-X and want to play on another event :)

Okay! When will all of this cools happen?

The event will start on Sat. 30 July 2011 at about 8PM Dutch time. You can use this timezone converter to check when the event will start in other timezones.

Server information

Server IP:

Server Port: 31337

Server Name: RenegadeXServer.com Slaughterhouse #2 Ranked (EU)

Specifications: Intel i7 8x2.93GHz, 8GB Ram, 1GBit

Website: http://www.RenegadeXServer.com

Forums: http://forums.mp-gaming.com/forum-537.html

I'd like to play, but what is Renegade-X exactly?

Renegade-X is a (currently) modification/add-on for Unreal Tournament 3

and can be played for free (if you own UT3 that is). It sets the Renegade Command and

Conquer Universe on the UT3 Engine where you can play with a large range of Infantry

and Vehicles in warfare where you must destroy the enemy base.

That sounds like fun! Where can I download it?

You can download Renegade-X over here: http://renegadex.game-maps.net/index.php?act=view&id=6

What do I need to know about the installation?

Since Renegade-X is a MOD for Unreal Tournament 3 you'll have to make sure it is installed and updated with the latest patches. After that just run the installer of Renegade-X and install it in the default directory. Otherwise you may encounter some troubles.

Does the game require me to install any updates for it?

Yes, but this is all done automatically for you. After you've installed the game just run Renegade-X. There should be a shortcut on you desktop. It'll prompt there's an update available.

In some rare cases it is possible that the Updater (and/or Renegade-X.exe itself) does not

function properly or crashes. In that case you can download a newer version of the executable

over here: http://www.renegade-x.com/sc/updates/Renegade-X.exe

Overwrite the existing file and launch it, the problem may be resolved now.

I tried everything, I can't get the game to work :(

If you are still experiencing problems you can post on the Renegade-X forums over

here: http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/forumdisp...chnical-Support

Move out!

Alright we hope to see you on our server! Last time we had at most 11 players and we're hoping to get a few more this time :)


Yes! I loaded up RenX last night for the first time in probably a year, and remembered how great the graphics were (as opposed to the original). Also read up on how it is going to be standalone soon, and I can't wait!!

Hopefully I can make it to the event this time! :)


A friend of mine and I will be there I guess! :)

Although the server list is currently not updating? Is that correct?

Log file tells me this:

"No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it"

I could make a tech support ticket? :)


I'm gonna post this because the Renegade-X ServerList appears to be broken and i am unsure if it will get fixed before tonights (or tomorrow for some of you) game.

If it appears that the serverlist is down, ie: no servers appear on the list at the left side of your screen.


2--- Wait for the game to fully load the menu

3--- Press F10

4--- Type: open and then press enter

5--- The game will join the RenegadeXServer #2 EU server and you can play :)

Greetz zunnie


I added all RenX and C&C TD soundtracks to the server now, they will randomly play on the server

thanks to SKeeterPan's RXBot mutator :)

RenX - Blinded

RenX - Stomp Remix

RenX - Full Stop Remix

RenX - Command And Conquer Remix

RenX - In The Line Of Fire Remix

RenX - Death Awaits

RenX - Got A Present For Ya

RenX - March To Doom

RenX - Move It

RenX - No Mercy

RenX - On The Prowl

C&C TD - Drill

C&C TD - Industrial

C&C TD - Mechanical Man

C&C TD - Act On Instinct

C&C TD - Prepare For Battle

C&C TD - In The Line Of Fire

C&C RA - Hell March

C&C TD - Airstrike

C&C TD - Crush

C&C TD - Depth Charge

C&C TD - Drill

C&C TD - Drone

C&C TD - Face The Enemy

C&C TD - Full Stop

C&C TD - In Trouble

C&C TD - Just Do It Up

C&C TD - Rain In The Night

C&C TD - Roll Out

C&C TD - To Be Feared

C&C TD - VR2

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