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  • Totem Arts Staff

Hey guys. There's been some talk in the air about having our own C&C Renegade server, to advertise for our mod Renegade 2007. Our Dev. team over at R07 believe in sticking close to our community. Each of us already contributes to the great game C&C Renegade in our own way, and we want to give our community everything we can to keep it alive. With a C&C Renegade server hosted by the Renegade 2007 Mod Community, each of us will be devoted to continuing the legacy of this C&C Community. However, we do need YOUR help! Before making this official, we will need to find a low-rates server host, as well as some possible donations. Anyone whom is able to find a good server deal under $50 American per month should post information here right away. The host with the lowest rates will be used. We are looking to use a 28 player server.

If you can donate any amount of money (ALL donations are appreciated), post here immediately and private message me your MSN address and Paypal account. All donations must be at least $5 American.


To all donators, the Renegade 2007 team will reward full-time Moderator status for the month they contributed!

Donators will also be given access to join any Renegade 2007 Dev Team ingame gatherings. Every few weeks, our team will lock the server and have organized and professional fun games with each other. Donating to the server will get all contributers a 1-way ticket to a very fun game with very professional players.

If you want to go one step higher in the Renegade 2007 Community, either post the best server deals you can find, or donate. Even if it's as little as $5, we will accept it, and you will receive your rewards!


I can get a server from elite kamikaze team http://www.elitekamikazeteam.com/modules.p...topic&t=170 for 65p per slot rather than the 75p advertised (as Goku loves me), so a 28 slot server = ?18.20 which according to google is $35.74.

The servers damn good that he runs from there (spec shown in the post linked above).

As for the A00 name we will have to hunt for that, i doubt many are available for cheap (only ones I have are aafact which will be way off the list).

Anyways, let me know.


maybe siteground is something?

donnu how you list everything but if you pay 2 year forward you pay US$5 a month

it has:

250 GB Web space

2500 GB Traffic

and a FREE Domain


just see it for yourself and check if it is something

(also payments every month/3 months/year are allowed but then u pay some extra cash (maximum=9.95 USdollars a month))

  • Totem Arts Staff

Fl00d3d and his TSU Gaming Community made an offer to me and Renegade 2007:

We can get a server with 28 player slots, for $49 U.S, which is just under our $50 limit.

As a bonus, we would get the a00000004 nickname for free. That nickname is one of the best; it puts our server on the first half of the first screen on the WOL menu. The catch? We would have to share it with another couple servers. So basically, we'd have the nickname for a few weeks, then give it off to another server. They'd keep it for a couple weeks, etc. and it rotates. We'd basically get 2 weeks every month with that nickname, if only 3 servers sign up (right now only 1 is signed up).

The plus side, however, is that when we get that nickname, our server will be COMPLETELY booming. Even when we don't get it, people would eventually learn the name of our server, and find it on the server list if they like playing on it. The server's frames per second is locked at 60sfps, and there is supposedly no lag; top line pings.

I think this is a good deal, considering we'd get the server nickname for free. Most people nowadays have been selling nicknames for more money than actual servers - making a business out of it. Unless we don't find a better deal than this, we will be signing up for it.


i only look at player count, if our server has 20-28 players then we are all set. If its empty and at the top it doesnt make a difference to me.

I only play fanmaps anyways, hopefully we have them too.


I just learn its position in the list and how to manipulate the list to get it to be in view (I used to be at Xphaze, so simply sort it by Server Name, starting with "z")

Jeep Rubi's method is much better.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Saga made a proposition:

-28 player server

-Free a0 nickname

-$60 minus a $10 discount comes out to 50 bucks

-Located in Texas, generally good ping

-They set everything up for us (we dont have to do anything, just pay the money)

I'm pretty good friends with Saga and his Borgamers community.. I say we go for this deal.


I say go for it...Just a few questions though

Are we going to run fanmaps?

Can we possibly up the player count?

Is there a max bandwith per month?

what bots are we going to use and can we force RG or the other anti-cheats?


As you know fobby, I would like a big server, just because you don't like big games doesnt mean many other people dont. Fanmaps usually empty out a server so what if like every sunday and thursday (days can be decided upon) we ran fanmaps and the rest we ran regular maps?

  • Totem Arts Staff
Originally posted by JeepRubi

As you know fobby, I would like a big server, just because you don't like big games doesnt mean many other people dont.

Show me the money, and we'll get a bigger server. If not, then we're settling with 28 (which isn't small). I can't even handle $30 monthly (let alone 50) by myself, which is why we're asking for donations.

As for fanmaps... I used to have three servers:

-Public /24

-Sniping /16

-Fanmaps /20

The Public server (aka [NE]Public Warzone) was always full. It had the Core Patch maps (Siege, Last Stand, etc) but other than the few maps that come with Core Patch, it didn't have any fan maps. It was always full, and competed with the biggest names.

The sniper server usually had a few people in it... usually not more than 9 people. It had about 6 or 7 on average.

Fanmaps server had no one... absolutely nobody. Even with an a0 nick. For the month we got it, I think my clan members were the only ones to play on it. This was 2 years ago, when Renegade's players were double the size they are today. With Renegade's numbers quickly decreasing, most fanmaps servers fail except for the big names (UNRULES, Jelly-Server, etc.) Even back then the case wasn't different. We even had the mappacks very easily available, and spent a month telling the public to get it. Indeed the server was depressing, and was a big waste of our money, donations, and time.

If we were to get a server of our own, I would highly recommend using Standard maps as well as Core Patch ones. Those count to about 20 maps in total, most of the people have them all. We can always do a "fan maps friday" or something, that's not out of the question... but a 24/7 fan maps server isn't a good idea at this time.


You can do more players without paying more, well, you should be able to unless the host feels like being stupid, or has limited internet connection in which case shouldn't be hosting anyway.

  • Totem Arts Staff
Originally posted by JeepRubi

You can do more players without paying more, well, you should be able to unless the host feels like being stupid, or has limited internet connection in which case shouldn't be hosting anyway.

Server hosts charge per slot.


I was under the assumption they charged per rig, and you could do whatever with it. Shows what I know, I will leave this in your hand caus I have no idea what im talking about tongue.gif


Our advice is to try before you seriously consider it. Current server name is Hooters. Yes I know, Nachos&Hooters would have been a better name - but they are tired of me naming everything with Nachos.

  • 2 weeks later...

I plan to host a 28 player dedicated Reborn server as soon as Reborn is finally realesed. I also have 2 A0000* names reserved!!!!

Release it and it will live.

  • 2 months later...

a0000004 nick ggets used by alot of people and usally it gets taken off u by someone else who pays more money so good luck with that smile.gif

Reborn is diffrent than renegade altho its xwis so it can be used in each its not in renegade so wt?

To most ppl doesnt matter what nick you have

bad dog at the top loads of ppl?

Dukegaming kinda in the middle loads of ppl?

FM at the bottom loads of ppl?

Does it matter?

  • Totem Arts Staff

It makes a difference because usually people join the first available server they see.

I used to run a server, and when we had a good nickname we were always full. But when we didn't have a good nickname, people rarely joined.

Originally posted by [NE

Fobby[GEN]]If you want to go one step higher in the Renegade 2007 Community, either post the best server deals you can find, or donate. Even if it's as little as $5, we will accept it, and you will receive your rewards!

k i will list some nise deals on servers

69$/mo--- http://iweb8.com/dedicated/server-deal/?gc...CFR2eIwodDW75Ew

59$/mo--- http://www.fullcontrol.net/?page=truvirtua...amp;site=google

Lowest Server Price:49.95/mo--- http://www.nocster.net/closeout.shtml?GTSE...icated%20server Check it out "NOCSTER? CLOSEOUT MANAGED DEDICATED SERVERS. Free Setup

Please Reply if i am accepted i want to be given access to join any Renegade 2007 Dev Team ingame gatherings and the ticket for joining Locked Pro server times biggrin.gif ty

Please if u want e-mail me when the Release date is biggrin.gif i LOVE This Game by the looks SWEET

Edit: PS:I will hope to host a server for thes renegade 2007 too for more support biggrin.gif

Thx CnC/Renegade Fan - ACKane


oh...if we join the club do we Beta Test the game or play the game?

Before i donate awnser the Yes Or No Questions unless it is not a yes or no question:

Do i get to join the Dev Team...Yes/No -If Yes What Are The Benafits?

How Mutch Will The Game Cost...If It Is Free I Will Post It Over The Internet for population.

Do I Get To Moderate On The Server As Full or Half Moderator?

Do I Get to join the server when it is locked?

Will there be a IRC Server?

Will The Game Be ONLY here To Download?

Will i/us get first dibbs on the game?

i might talk to renguard to support this game for Anti-Cheat?

Thank You for your corporation,ACKane


  • Totem Arts Staff
Originally posted by ACKane

oh...if we join the club do we Beta Test the game or play the game?

Before i donate awnser the Yes Or No Questions unless it is not a yes or no question:

Do i get to join the Dev Team...Yes/No -If Yes What Are The Benafits?

How Mutch Will The Game Cost...If It Is Free I Will Post It Over The Internet for population.

Do I Get To Moderate On The Server As Full or Half Moderator?

Do I Get to join the server when it is locked?

Will there be a IRC Server?

Will The Game Be ONLY here To Download?

Will i/us get first dibbs on the game?

i might talk to renguard to support this game for Anti-Cheat?

Thank You for your corporation,ACKane


First of all it is a mod, not a game. Secondly all donations have to be a minimum of over $5 American, simply because Paypal takes money for every donation. So we have to get at least 5 dollars from the donation.

1. Dev team are for developers, not for donaters.

2. It is a mod, all mods are free. Duh.

3. We don't know yet.

4. It'll be very rarely locked, and yes, you'll be able to join.

5. Yes

6. It's not out yet, but you'll be able to download it.

7. Everyone will get the mod when it's done.

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