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Tried a bit or searching to see if there was any information about the Ren-X vehicles but found none :(

So here is some basic information about most of the Ren-X Vehicles. (Correct me if anythings wrong)

GDI Vehicles




Cost: 350

Armour: 300

Primary Weapon: Machine Gun

Short Key: 1

Seats: 2

Humm-Vees are excellent for fast transport across dangerous terrain.

The mounted machine gun is effective against infantry targets,

but the light armor is not good for tank engagements.



Cost: 500

Armour: 600

Primary Weapon: Machine Gun

Short Key: 2

Seats: 4

Maneuverable and well-armored, the GDI APC transports infantry across the battlefield quickly.

The mounted machine gun is effective against infantry, but is poor against tanks.

Mobile Rocket Launcher System


Cost: 450

Armour: 400

Primary Weapon: 227mm Rockets x6

Short Key: 3

Seats: 2

The MRLS is effective at destroying vehicles and structures at long ranges.

These vehicles are poor in close combat.

The MRLS's Rockets have a Target locking ability.

Medium Tank


Cost: 800

Armour: 800

Primary Weapon: 120mm Cannon

Short Key: 4

Seats: 2

The Medium Tank comes equipped with a heavy-caliber barrel and moderate armor.

It is less maneuverable than the Nod Light Tank, but has more firepower.

Mammoth Tank


Cost: 1500

Armour: 1200

Primary Weapon: 120mm Dual Cannons

Secondary Weapon: Mammoth Tusk Missiles

Short Key: 5

Seats: 2

The heaviest vehicle on the battlefield next to the Harvester,

the Mammoth tank has two heavy-caliber barrels, and missiles.

The lack of maneuverability is compensated by heavy armor.

NOD Vehicles


NOD Buggy


Cost: 300

Armour: 300

Primary Weapon: Machine Gun

Short Key: 1

Seats: 2

The Nod Buggy is one of NOD's fastest units,

equipped with a machine gun it can do minimal damage to vehicles,

but excels in dealing with enemy infantry.



Cost: 500

Armour: 600

Primary Weapon: Machine Gun

Short Key: 2

Seats: 4

Maneuverable and well-armored, the NOD APC transports infantry across the battlefield quickly.

The mounted machine gun is effective against infantry, but is poor against tanks.

Mobile Artillery


Cost: 450

Armour: 400

Primary Weapon: 155mm Cannon

Short Key: 3

Seats: 2

The Mobile Artillery can destroy enemies from afar

or to destroy enemy structures outside the range of the bases defenses.

Its weakness is in close combat because its armor isn't very strong, protect it well.

Flame Tank


Cost: 800

Armour: 800

Primary Weapon: Dual Flamethrowers

Short Key: 4

Seats: 2

The Nod Flame Tank can easily destroy enemy vehicles, infantry and structures.

Its main weakness its range, as it is very easy to destroy on open plains.

Light Tank


Cost: 600

Armour: 600

Primary Weapon: 75mm Cannon

Short Key: 5

Seats: 2

The Light Tank is a fast unit with light armor

but its firepower makes up for what it lacks in armor.

Stealth Tank


Cost: 900

Armour: 400

Primary Weapon: Dragon TOW Rockets x2

Short Key: 6

Seats: 1

The Stealth Tank is equipped with Missile Launchers

and a Lazuraus Shield which masks the tanks appearance.

However tire tracks and engine noise can still be seen also watch for wavy lines,

these are all signs a stealth unit is near. They are best used in surprise attacks.


Nice job. Well done.

But two things I wanna point out (nit picking):

1. It's The Brotherhood of Nod, not NOD. Nod is a name, not an acronym like GDI is; the letters don't stand for anything.

2. The light tank doesn't have strong firepower either. You described it as being weakly armored but having strong fire power. It has both weaker armor and weaker firepower, but it's makes up for that in its speed and maneuverability.



You should add something more:

You have Armour and then the amount of health the tank has. Perhaps you should change it to:

Armour: light/heavy

health: blabla

You could also state the damage a vehicle does with a full hit:

Light tank: 30

Medium tank: 40

Mammoth tank: 40 (twice the rate though)

MRLS: etc

The light tank is NOT a light vehicle, it is the best vehicle to be described as 'medium'. But because of that it serves a little role in the game. It could be used as an artillery killer, but any additional defence (medium tank) will completely crush it due to more damage and more firepower. Also, all GDI vehicles except the MRLS can either beat it or are fast enough to get to the base before they are destroyed.

Yours sincerely,


  • 5 weeks later...

Id disagree about the light tank being defeated so easily:With a skilled driver it can even take out mammys ,though thats a longshot,but regardless its more than a match for medium tanks in my oppinion because of the mobility of the vehicle.

  • 1 month later...

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