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CONTESTS: Best Screenshot, Best Wallpaper, and Best Video!

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  • Totem Arts Staff

That's right!

Are you creative, hilarious, or just plain lucky? Well, Renegade X is holding a three category contest that everyone is eligible of winning. Have you got what it takes to win Best Screenshot, Best Wallpaper, and Best Video?


The team will then choose the best submission from each category. Each winner will receive a free Command & Conquer 4 beta key!, supplied by our friends at EA. Your submission will also be posted on Renegade X's official ModDB page here: http://www.moddb.com/mods/renegade-x

We may add more prizes in the coming weeks, so be sure to check back here before the contest is over.

So what are you waiting for? Be creative! Get ingame, take some screenshots, videos, and make a wallpaper - and may the best contestants win!


You only have 3 beta keys, correct? So if we were to make a 'cast' and shoot a video that wins, only one person would get the key?

Also, I already am in the C&C4 beta, so if I, by some chance, win something, then I'll just pass it on to the next person (is that allowed?)


If you dont want to limit yourself to just your characters viewing angle when taking screenshots and recording the movie there is a mod i wrote for UT3 which lets you view the game from any angle. The plan is to fully integrate that mod into RenX. This is not done yet but i added a testversion to this post that already supports about 80% of the features of the UT3 version.

You first need to record a match in the form of a demo file for this method to work. You can get more information about demos here: http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3394

Install and getting started instructions for RypelCam:


1.1 : Put the RenX_DemoEnhancements.u into the MyGames/UnrealTournament 3/Renegade/Published/CookedPC folder.


1.2 : Now open the UTGame.ini in MyGames/UnrealTournament 3/Renegade/Config and replace the line DecalManagerClassPath=UTGame.UTDecalManager with DecalManagerClassPath=RenX_DemoEnhancements.RCamDecalmanager

make sure you done this correct or else it wont work...

when you watch demo's after the above step you should see some green text on your screen..if you dont see that green text the above step aint done right..

if you see the green text rypelcam is working correctly...now push f10 to bring down console and type( togglemoviemode ) to remove the hud things and keep the xhair....you can also remove the entire hud if you push the ( h ) key..if you are in cam mode...you can go cam mode with right mousebutton or the ( k ) key.... (it is recommended for you to be in first person view of you character before you go into cam mode)

in cam mode push the pause-key on your keyboad or arrow-down key and notice how you can still fly arround and take screenshots

you can control the speed of the cam with keys 1-9 or with Numpad1/Numpad2 keys

you can also fast forward to where you want in the demo with

this command seekto 10 30 9 ______ 10 is min 30 is sec 9 is the speed you fast forward with...

you can slowdown/speedup the demo with leftarrow/rightarrow

(just watching your player when not in cam mode displays pretty unsmooth movements of your character. This is something we will be working on.)

This might also help to give you an idea about how to use its video recording features:

Of course you dont need to use RypelCam to win but it can help to get more impressive shots.

GL to all participants.

QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Nov 29 2009, 11:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm surprised there hasn't been a screenshot entry yet, I'm sure everyone has plenty :rolleyes: [/b]

Only Ingame ss's allowed, as in, first/third pers only, or does 'spectate' mode ss count too?
And wow, pretty nice wallpapers there :o
  • Totem Arts Staff
QUOTE (bug @ Nov 30 2009, 03:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Only Ingame ss's allowed, as in, first/third pers only, or does 'spectate' mode ss count too?[/b]

can you spectat in this mod ... i know of RypelCam but thats not spectating is it lol
QUOTE (kenz3001 @ Nov 30 2009, 03:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
how do you spectat lol is it a command or somthing ? i know you can spectat at the begining of a game but can you in the middle of the game ?[/b]

The server needs to have spectator enabled for you to use. If you are not using the direct connect then you can join the game as a spectator.
QUOTE (Xyrom @ Nov 28 2009, 04:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok here's my entry for a Wallpaper!!!

why isn't my wallpaper showing????

EDIT: ok i put it back up i think someone may have reported it as abuse even though i got permission to use the images on moddb...
QUOTE (kenz3001 @ Dec 11 2009, 07:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
bloody hell i thought there would be more people in this comp ... only a few days left[/b]

Maybe people wait for the last day ^^
That's what I would've done if I joined (maybe I'll drop some random ss).
I just don't need that prize

EDIT: *****important***** *****THIS IS NO LONGER MY WALLPAPER FOR THE CONTEST******* if you like it, well ... crap b/c i'm nullifying this wallpaper.

I just got done making my wallpaper. It is 2048x1152, so if you need it smaller, you can shoop it. it says, Ninjas can't catch you if you go stealth. lol


EDIT: Now that i know the contest will last longer, i will be making a better wallpaper.



QUOTE (cubera @ Dec 13 2009, 05:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just got done making my wallpaper. It is 2048x1152, so if you need it smaller, you can shoop it. it says, Ninjas can't catch you if you go stealth. lol


this is such a cool concept

If I get time or inspired, may I steal the idea? I'd vector the Stank, make it a lil bigger etc. I won't submit it tho

BTW I have a cool ass idea for a short comedy video but I can't really do it myself...

Man I really want that beta..


EDIT #2: *****IMPORTANT******* ******THIS IS NO LONGER MY SCREENSHOT FOR THE CONTEST********* you probably didn't like it anyways so i took a better one

QUOTE (Gasolin3 @ Dec 13 2009, 01:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
this is such a cool concept

If I get time or inspired, may I steal the idea? I'd vector the Stank, make it a lil bigger etc. I won't submit it tho[/b]

yes you may steal it ;) .

Here is my screenshot entry. I hope you like it. I title it...

The buggy dealership.


EDIT: i made a quick video of my frolicking in the caves :) This video is not a submission. http://www.xfire.com/video/1b4ab3/


  • Former Developers

I really dont understand why there are so many SS and all of the videos are of bugs and glitches that are being submitted. I'm also very suprised that there arnt more wallpaper submissions. This is strange. :blink:

QUOTE (Havoc89 @ Dec 13 2009, 10:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I really dont understand why there are so many SS and all of the videos are of bugs and glitches that are being submitted. I'm also very suprised that there arnt more wallpaper submissions. This is strange. :blink:[/b]

I would try to make a wallpaper if I wouldn't have exams atm
QUOTE (Havoc89 @ Dec 13 2009, 11:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I really dont understand why there are so many SS and all of the videos are of bugs and glitches that are being submitted. I'm also very suprised that there arnt more wallpaper submissions. This is strange. :blink:[/b]

Well my original SS entry wasn't a glitch but after fobby made that post I thought it wasn't any good..

So you're saying you don't want those funny glitch submissions?


(my ingame name is rawrr543 and peter jack is not my real name :/ )

My submission for the video category



Video notes

125mb, 3min 55s, 720p, x264 video and ogg vorbis audio.

Please download for best quality.

Playback tested with CCCP and VLC.

Not sure how long the video will be available on vimeo, also this was my first time editing a video like this

so i guess it could be better.

And of course thanks to Rypel for the awesome RypelRenegadeXExperimentalCam

and the Renegade X Team, keep up the good work!

  • Totem Arts Staff

To encourage more submissions, the Renegade X team is extending the deadline of this contest. The deadline for all submissions will be changed from December 16 2009 to December 25th 2009. So get those screenshots, videos, and wallpapers in by Christmas, and the contest winners will be announced by December 30th, 2009. The prize is still a Command & Conquer 4 beta key for the winner of each category.

We're seeing a lot of screenshot submissions showing off game glitches. As a hint to those who haven't submitted yet, we probably will not be choosing glitchy content as the winners. The winning selections will be promoted on ModDB.com.

If you'd like to retract a submission and put a new one instead, you're more than welcome to. Just remember that each person can only submit to a category once.

QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Dec 15 2009, 06:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
To encourage more submissions, the Renegade X team is extending the deadline of this contest. The deadline for all submissions will be changed from December 16 2009 to December 25th 2009. So get those screenshots, videos, and wallpapers in by Christmas, and the contest winners will be announced by December 30th, 2009. The prize is still a Command & Conquer 4 beta key for the winner of each category.

We're seeing a lot of screenshot submissions showing off game glitches. As a hint to those who haven't submitted yet, we probably will not be choosing glitchy content as the winners. The winning selections will be promoted on ModDB.com.

If you'd like to retract a submission and put a new one instead, you're more than welcome to. Just remember that each person can only submit to a category once.[/b]

Well now that i have time, can you deleate my previous posts. i plan on making a video and wallpaper. Thanks for extending the deadline, also, try to get the lion to show your contest on his den.
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