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I have an idea, a suggestion, of a new game mode, of course it's too soon to make such a thing right now, but maybe in the future... if you like it... I don't know...

C&C Commander Mode

In every game, there is a "commander", I mean, a player who can give orders to the other players of its team. These orders could be given in form of private messages. This commander can be chosen before the game by voting or ramdomly. The commander in every game has to create strategies and suggest them (every player can follow them just if he wants, they still have free will). The commander could have some extra information about its team partners, like the amount of money they have and their position on a mini-map.

The idea in this mode is to secure that in every game there is good teamplay and to make sure that everyone is crucial to accomplish victory. Sometimes happens in a game that you buy a vehicle and go to your opponent's base to attack, of course with one or even two players driving a vehicle to the enemy base it's very difficult to make a real effective attack, but with a commander these attacks could me more numerous, more well organized, more well thought.

It happens, at least to me, in Renegade or Renegade X, that in a game most of the things I do are useless to the team, very few times I do something really useful. Maybe that's because I'm a noob. Well this game mode such things wouldn't happen, even noobs would do useful things. Think about it, every single noob would be useful and important to achieve victory.


I have been reading other thread called "Lack of leadership" and some people talks about possible problems with Commander Mode, well, I've replied to some of them and I'm giving a possible solution.

QUOTE (Vipeax)
It is 1 of those new features that only add (over)hyping of certain players. Simply because someone is new in a server he doesn't have a damn thing to say because this so called "commander" is an over-hyped player that has (some) fanboys because he is a mod and they ***-lick him.[/b]

The commander can be chosen reandomly, with no voting.

QUOTE (GummiBear)
"in a public game maybe 1% that would actually listen to the commander every 10 game,"[/b]

I don't think so, if they already know the advantages of a good teamplay, or if they are noobs, I think they'll listen to the commander.

If they don't want to listen to the commander, they're still free to go and play the normal C&C Mode.

QUOTE (other people)
Rewarding who follow the orders.[/b]

I think giving rewards to the players that follow the orders isn't good, that it's against free will and again, if they don't want to follow orders then they can go to play normal C&C Mode.

QUOTE (Cofeeburrito)
/.../However, that is nothing that could not already be accomplished with basic communication skills and a little mutual respect. If you want to rush the base, just ask who wants to join you. If nobody wants to help rush, a commander telling them to won't really change that.[/b]

Basic communication skills and mutual respect are not enough to have good teamplay, a commander would make this a lot easier. If I want to rush the base it's really difficult to get other people follow me. The commander has more information about the money they have and a minimap maybe, so it's better to follow its orders.

But maybe somebody has a better idea to something on its own, well, he still can do it. But these people will be just few.
QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Nov 22 2009, 09:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You're more than welcome to code this for us[/b]

You know what? I'D LOVE TO DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I don't know anything about programming :(

But the good part of this, is that you are the founder of this great mod, and you liked the idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That makes me very happy and full of hope that one day this feature could be in Renegade X!!!!!!

Man you made this mod and you liked my idea!!! It's such an honor and a pleasure what you just wrote. I absolutely love your mod, it's just in beta stage and it's so freakin' good. I'd love to contribute in any way possible!!!!!!! And giving ideas I think it's a good way to help.

If there's anything I could do to contribute to Renegade X that doesn't involve programming, I'd do it for sure!!!!!!!!! Keep up the good work!!!!!!!
  • Totem Arts Staff

I'm glad you're enthusiastic about this all, and don't take this the wrong way, but I didn't say I liked the idea. The idea of a commander-based C&C mode is a very old one, discussed originally in 2003 after the release of Renegade on the Renegade, Reborn, and RenAlert forums. It has its flaws. So it's got quite a history. What I meant by my previous post is that this team can't exactly fulfill every idea thrown at us. We've got 3 coders, and we still need to:

a) Fix numerous things in the mod

B) Add core Renegade elements

c) Port the mod over to the UDK

d) Add more core elements

e) Add new planned features & game modes

So we've got a lot on our plate before we can be making extra game modes for people. Keep in mind that the fanbase of this mod is not that large, and most people will be playing the main C&C mode before even considering other modes. So for ideas like this and others, we'd need a much bigger team and community, and right now we don't really have that.

QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Nov 22 2009, 11:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm glad you're enthusiastic about this all, and don't take this the wrong way, but I didn't say I liked the idea. The idea of a commander-based C&C mode is a very old one, discussed originally in 2003 after the release of Renegade on the Renegade, Reborn, and RenAlert forums. It has its flaws. So it's got quite a history.[/b]

I didn't know that facts. Interesting.

BTW I understand this mod it's still a "baby", and the team has to do lots of things before even thinking about making new game modes. But I think it's still good to make suggestions for the future of the mod, it's helpful. For what I see, the mod is doing pretty well!!! Thanks for your answer and keep up the good work!!!

PS: Because I'd like to contribute to the mod I was thinking about learning something, maybe some programming, if I have time to do it... so what can you recommend to get started? Of course by learning programming doesn't mean that I'm already in the team, but it can be useful for a good amount of things, maybe for making another mod, I don't know...
QUOTE (TiberFCSL @ Nov 23 2009, 05:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I didn't know that facts. Interesting.

BTW I understand this mod it's still a "baby", and the team has to do lots of things before even thinking about making new game modes. But I think it's still good to make suggestions for the future of the mod, it's helpful. For what I see, the mod is doing pretty well!!! Thanks for your answer and keep up the good work!!!

PS: Because I'd like to contribute to the mod I was thinking about learning something, maybe some programming, if I have time to do it... so what can you recommend to get started? Of course by learning programming doesn't mean that I'm already in the team, but it can be useful for a good amount of things, maybe for making another mod, I don't know...[/b]

There are several tutorials on the site, I think in 'game design'. You could check them out. And there have been several people WITH experience that applied, so chances are microscopic of anyone without experience to get into the mod.

As for you idea, I think there is a thread similiar already going. A way to reward people without going against free will would be having an additional moneycache for the team. This cache get's money from the refinery, the harvester, and a portion of them money players get from damage and destruction will go to it (but no money is substracted from the amount they would normally get).
The commander can use this money for various things: buy tanks for the team to organise a rush, or to award people. These awards should be small, if you tell someone he has to go to the left side of the map to attack or scout out, then he might get 20 credits or so. More difficult orders could get you up to 100 credits, with a limit of like 400 within several minutes to prevent someone getting all the money quickly.

This way, people are free to chose, they can follow the orders of the commander and earn a little money, or they can do what they want without penalty, although ofcourse a commander will quickly start to ignore giving you orders if you never listen to them, and you will be quickly known as a terrible teamplayer.

yours sincerely,
QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Nov 22 2009, 11:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm glad you're enthusiastic about this all, and don't take this the wrong way, but I didn't say I liked the idea. The idea of a commander-based C&C mode is a very old one, discussed originally in 2003 after the release of Renegade on the Renegade, Reborn, and RenAlert forums. It has its flaws. So it's got quite a history. What I meant by my previous post is that this team can't exactly fulfill every idea thrown at us. We've got 3 coders, and we still need to:

a) Fix numerous things in the mod
B) Add core Renegade elements
c) Port the mod over to the UDK
d) Add more core elements
e) Add new planned features & game modes

So we've got a lot on our plate before we can be making extra game modes for people. Keep in mind that the fanbase of this mod is not that large, and most people will be playing the main C&C mode before even considering other modes. So for ideas like this and others, we'd need a much bigger team and community, and right now we don't really have that.[/b]


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