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QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Oct 24 2009, 05:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not really... I've killed plenty of MRLS with an Arty and vice versa. The MRLS may pack quite a punch, but it has longer reloads and can't hit close targets.[/b]

Agreed, in the few matches I've played since the patch I noticed the MRLS and the Arty being pretty much equal in dps. It just comes down to who can aim the best.. If the guy in the MRLS sucks, he wont lock on many missles and probably miss a lot, if the player in the arty sucks.. Well.. He'll just bluntly miss. It's actually based on skill now more then it was before.

Art in ren was op compared to mrls, its still better then mrls due to the dmg,splash,mobilty and it has longer range. Rotating turret was needed for it. Only advantage with mrls are homing missles and hit n run.

but lt>>>med>arty>anything


MRLS can shoot everything in NOD's base on hourglass

It cant hit you ONLY if your right in front of it

MRLS pwns art as Art dont got homing arching missile, the MRLS can shoot ur art over hill on hourglass as it goes down or on other maps, but with art u may miss it or something :S meh


The Nod Mobile Artillery (artty) is weaker then the Mobile Rocket Launcher System (MRLS).

As the MRLS can shoot in a arch, it can kill alot of stuff easyer then shooting straight with an artty.

On Hourglass the MRLS can shoot OVER the hiss and Hit tanks on the other side.

But with art, he has to go over to shoot enemy veh's on the other side.

It seemd that the MRLS bulets are really powerfull too like the arttys


Good firepower

Good Range


Ok Firepower

Good Range


Great Firepower

Good Range

Good homing Missile

High Arch

Artty is same

As you can see the MRLS is 2x better then the Artty :)


arty doesnt need homing its a much faster projectile where if ur aims good it shudnt matter, and missiles can still miss, give me arty over mrls anytime. anyway its fine as it is ecept 1 timed c4 doesnt kill artillary D:

QUOTE (punko24 @ Nov 2 2009, 06:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
MRLS can shoot everything in NOD's base on hourglass

It cant hit you ONLY if your right in front of it

MRLS pwns art as Art dont got homing arching missile, the MRLS can shoot ur art over hill on hourglass as it goes down or on other maps, but with art u may miss it or something :S meh[/b]

Perhaps giving the MLRS more maneuverability and speed over the rotatable turret would be better suitable, while giving the arty a FASTER turret. This is probably the better alternative. Anyone?.
  • Former Developers
QUOTE (thrash300 @ Nov 3 2009, 02:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Perhaps giving the MLRS more maneuverability and speed over the rotatable turret would be better suitable, while giving the arty a FASTER turret. This is probably the better alternative. Anyone?.[/b]


I think people seem to forget the mrl/artillery are not suppose to be balanced point to point.

GDI vehicles are well balanced when you consider firepower/health/cost,

Nod lacks the balance for benefits, stealth or cheap for weaker units aka light tank

you cannot compare the sides. Nod are stealthy so in a frontal attack Gdi > Nod

sneaky tricks used aka back attacks with Stanks, sbh and pot shot/run tactics ala light tank etc Nod > Gdi

The two main units on nod side which do highest damage is the artillery and flame tank, 1 is long range 1 is short range, but they both suffer with the same issue they have to make there way through gdi frontal attack which as we know GDI have the edge.

the only thing which really effects which side who wins is of course the maps. Some maps are obviously better for certain sides. (i lean towards GDI on this majority of the time) but they can be countered if nod are guess what Sneaky.

in a vehicle fight to give nod the edge we need a bit more open like maps, multiple vehicle paths from base leading into a big open area so nod can do back attacks etc and GDI can still do frontal attacks. (there was one perfect map i know of which had this, but dam i cant remember the name :( (one where both bases can be attacked from two sides, one was through a underground tunnel and the other side was in a big open area

hard to explain but imagine a circle put gdi at top and nod at bottom of it, the arches are the two entrances one side goes undersground, the other side is outside biggish area, but then a lien cuts horizontal in the middle of the map where the tunnel can lead out to the open area and vice versa

i do recall gdi having them gun towers on it also

QUOTE (NoxBlade @ Nov 3 2009, 10:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think people seem to forget the mrl/artillery are not suppose to be balanced point to point.

GDI vehicles are well balanced when you consider firepower/health/cost,
Nod lacks the balance for benefits, stealth or cheap for weaker units aka light tank[/b]

The artillery is way better vs tanks and infantry then the MRLS, but I always thought the MRLS could damage buildings harder. The only reason why the arty was better at harming buildings was the fact that you could do loads of damage vs the repair crew by shooting near the MCT. Another reason why the arty is better then most other nod vehicles is it's blast radius, you can hit the tank repaircrew with it by shooting at the rear of a vehicle, should both vehicles be repaired fast enough, the arty will eventually win.

Every vehicle has it's advantages and disadvantages this way. Nod can get cheaper firepower, but do to the availability of money that is only a minor advantage, Nod's real advantage is the fact that GDI can easily rely on tanks, but Nod has lots of cheap anti-vehicle units available (if only those SBH's realised that at some point). Simply a group of 4 SBH banded together and a happy trigger finger can clear a field of GDI, count on it.

In terms of 'vehicle vs vehicle', 'vehicle vs infantry' etc, yes, GDI will probably win on almost all fronts. But if you have teamwork on both teams, then there is no telling how any map will end.

Yours sincerely,
QUOTE (Mighty BOB! @ Nov 3 2009, 04:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We're not nixing the moving turret on the MLRS.[/b]

K I got that, how about making the Artys turret a bit, maybe 8% faster. And a making the vehicle in general little bit more agile and maneuverability to compensate for the MLRS's rotatable turret.
  • 2 weeks later...

One of the big pluses to using an MRLS in renegade was that you could shoot around corners and arch the missiles. MRLS was always superior to an Artillery if the land wasn't flat (ex: hourglass hill) Big volley damages of MRLS was nice too for popping out and unloading and then hiding. I think the Artillery really shined in Renegade due to the map design. The maps were all small, pathways were small and small base entrances and seeing as the MRLS was more oriented toward ranged combat, it was inferior. Yeah, the Artillery has more range, but it's so inaccurate, you can barely hit anything but buildings at long ranges.

The Artillery did have more DPS that an MRLS though, and constant fire instead of having to reload for a few seconds.The MRLS missiles were a little too slow in Renegade. Made them very easy to evade if there was even the smallest obstacle nearby. Another problem with it was the homing mechanics in the game. Everything went toward the center of the model. Sitting behind an object or a slight raise in terrain elevation made it nearly impossible to hit Nod Light tanks on field since they were so short. One thing that really made a difference in the Artillery was it's mobility. It could turn 360 in less than a second, making it's slow moving turret a minor inconvenience.

Artillery body was long and solid too, making it easy to hide behind and repair. Mix that with it's agility, it was easy to block incoming vehicles and projectiles targeting the repairers. The MRLS has to point forward leaving little cover for a repairer. Not only that, but the MRLS isn't solid, long, or able to spin around at a whim. You can shoot between the missile pack and the "truck" to hit behind it. Artillery also had it's turret on it's very rear, allowing it to expose very little of itself when shooting around a corner. The MRLS could sort of do this to, but with the odd bugs in Renegade, missiles would often loop and hit the ground rather than going straight to the target if the MRLS was too close to a wall.

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