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I just finished the campaign.


-I actually had great fun completing the game. Good action, good difficulty balancing and good map design.

-Awesome 3d models.

-Good story, dialogues and even humor

-Awesome bullet trail effect, that's what make screenshots look so great and made me download the game. Too bad it just feel visual only, they don't seems to hurt really :) .

Cons (and tips for developers for the next version):

-Add a shortcut to the desktop/game menu/start menu to start the game, and renaming UDK.exe to something else can be good too.

-List the available resolutions on the video adapter, don't offer a preset list.

-Sutbitles?? SUTBITLES??? Hahaha really?

-DON'T tell the player how to run while you are locking his movements!! I had to quit and check key mappings to realize I just couldn't move in this scene.

-Allow a way to go to the menu/settings screen in-game. Unreal allow it I'm sure.

-Check for alt-tab vertex reloading corruption. Unreal does this amazingly, how did you mess this up?

-What the hell is that intro video aspect ratio? Look like 3:1. On a normal 16:9 monitor it don't even take half the screen!

-Voice acting of that intro look like it's been done by drunk kids in one shot. The rest is a lot better.

-The ION cannon model look like a Flashlight*.

In short, less artist, more (or better) coders.

Riiiight. I'd advise people not to google that. Poor choice in words there bro.

Sorry if you weren't aware of what is it, it was my ending joke :) . Should have mentioned NSFW.

I just finished the campaign.


-I actually had great fun completing the game. Good action, good difficulty balancing and good map design.

-Awesome 3d models.

-Good story, dialogues and even humor

-Awesome bullet trail effect, that's what make screenshots look so great and made me download the game. Too bad it just feel visual only, they don't seems to hurt really :) .

Cons (and tips for developers for the next version):

-Add a shortcut to the desktop/game menu/start menu to start the game, and renaming UDK.exe to something else can be good too.

-List the available resolutions on the video adapter, don't offer a preset list.

-Sutbitles?? SUTBITLES??? Hahaha really?

-DON'T tell the player how to run while you are locking his movements!! I had to quit and check key mappings to realize I just couldn't move in this scene.

-Allow a way to go to the menu/settings screen in-game. Unreal allow it I'm sure.

-Check for alt-tab vertex reloading corruption. Unreal does this amazingly, how did you mess this up?

-What the hell is that intro video aspect ratio? Look like 3:1. On a normal 16:9 monitor it don't even take half the screen!

-Voice acting of that intro look like it's been done by drunk kids in one shot. The rest is a lot better.

-The ION cannon model look like a Flashlight*.

In short, less artist, more (or better) coders.

Thanks for sharing your honest review here. I like your insights.

I just finished the campaign.


-I actually had great fun completing the game. Good action, good difficulty balancing and good map design.

-Awesome 3d models.

-Good story, dialogues and even humor

-Awesome bullet trail effect, that's what make screenshots look so great and made me download the game. Too bad it just feel visual only, they don't seems to hurt really :) .

Cons (and tips for developers for the next version):

-Add a shortcut to the desktop/game menu/start menu to start the game, and renaming UDK.exe to something else can be good too.

-List the available resolutions on the video adapter, don't offer a preset list.

-Sutbitles?? SUTBITLES??? Hahaha really?

-DON'T tell the player how to run while you are locking his movements!! I had to quit and check key mappings to realize I just couldn't move in this scene.

-Allow a way to go to the menu/settings screen in-game. Unreal allow it I'm sure.

-Check for alt-tab vertex reloading corruption. Unreal does this amazingly, how did you mess this up?

-What the hell is that intro video aspect ratio? Look like 3:1. On a normal 16:9 monitor it don't even take half the screen!

-Voice acting of that intro look like it's been done by drunk kids in one shot. The rest is a lot better.

-The ION cannon model look like a Flashlight*.

In short, less artist, more (or better) coders.

When you mean with flashlight, a cool awesome oldschool part of art ;)

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