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  1. Very very yes! Looks great, I cannot wait to try these jump jets. They look incredible.
  2. I like this. Vote to turn auto-balance on or off seems like the best solution.
  3. Hm, so I would agree with a few of the points made here. I was on the Field match from yesterday mentioned above and no, getting locked in your base is not fun. And if no other moves are being made, it's not particularly fun locking a team in their base either. I tend to defend, repair, capture silos and sneak for my enjoyment in the game so I can usually find fun even in these kind of matches, but I know plenty of people are ready to throw in the towel the moment we lose the HoN/Bar or Weps/Air. When people leave the match and we have a team discrepancy of 2 or more players, I do think there should be some kind of auto-balance kicking in, I feel that is realistic and doable. On the other side though, say teams are balanced at 25 v 25 and one team is just slaughtering the other. Well, that's part of the game, this is after all a war of attrition game-type, so better organization, better teamwork, better tactics and even dumb-luck will all snowball the match in favor of the side able to do these things best. Sometimes, though, it's pretty damn obvious when people are stacking teams, and that sucks, but I honestly don't know how a solution to that would work. Human overseeing the balance of a match does not seem realistic, I think it's really the AFK and unfamiliar players that can weigh an apparently balanced match down. I appreciate the AFK booting system being re-implimented. Today I was playing a Walls match and kept getting sniped the moment I walked out of a door. Some people are ridiculously good at sniping. Base camping with snipers and tanks is an issue that can really drain the fun out of a match. As to a solution; well I'm not sure about this myself, but consider having a 3 second invincibility after buying something from the console? I'm not sure about this, but it would potentially stop people from rage quitting after buying a 1000 credit unit and getting blown away the moment the door opens. Again, I don't know how I feel about that, but I thought I'd throw it out there. Maybe you could select which building you spawn into. As to Ryz's other point about the difficulty finding balanced matches driving new people away.. I see that, and it rings true. But this game really shines when you get a great match going and teams are organized on each side, people communicating and working together. I haven't found a game that brings as much satisfaction from being apart of a beautiful and balanced match, and I only wish new players can find matches like those more frequently.
  4. Enigmas

    Sunday PUGs

  5. I haven't played in so long, some post on Reddit about old Ren got me searching. Man scout planes, radar scans? Cruise missiles?? Pillboxes???
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