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Everything posted by Kuzco

  1. A little late to the party but I'll throw my two cents in... Infantry can easily make it into bases with AGT's and Obi's - it seemed way harder in the old Ren to be able to sneak into a base undetected. I'm assuming it's EMP's that infantry use to remove a bunch of mines at the same time? I was playing for the first time in ages the other day and noticed every now and then all the mines would disappear. Is this as a result of a crate? I think it's super annoying. Bonus vehicles being given to teams by the commander. What ever happened to once the airstrip and WF were dead there were no more vehicles unless landing one from a crate.
  2. That fixed it! Thanks so much for your help everyone, much appreciated
  3. Uninstalled and then tried re-installing twice, both times I got the following error (right at the end after installing everything): Error: Unable to start Renegade-X launcher: Another instance is already running! Thanks for your help thus far
  4. 0.65 Haven't updated in ages (as I haven't been playing). Would say over a year ago.
  5. I'm trying to update my game and when promoted in the launcher, I select download. Once it finishes downloading, I click the 'close' button when promoted and it then closes the launcher and comes up with an error: Patch failed Failed to update the launcher (code 2) Please close any applications related to Renegade-X and try again. I don't have anything open so not sure what this means. I'm trying to play online but when I select a server it starts downloading heaps of random files. I've waited for over half an hour while it downloads random files such as VH_maps etc but it seems to be never ending. I'm assuming this is related to the outdated version. Thanks
  6. Awesome, sounds good. Just hoping my new computer is delivered before then! If so I'm in for sure
  7. Any PUG's coming up? Sounds like some great fun
  8. Awesome, thanks Agent!
  9. Thanks for your quick reply Agent. It might be a long shot but I know it's possible to run Windows on a Mac - would it be possible to do this and then play Renegade X? If not then I'll be buying a new PC to play this haha. Where can I find the minimum system requirements?
  10. Been trying to get Renegade X to run for some time now with no success. Managed to get the latest version installed thanks to Agent, but can't seen the get the game running. Whenever I try joining a game I'll get a black screen for a bit and then it crashed saying 'Build with UDK has stopped working'. Attached the log files to assist with working out what the problem is. My system information is the following: Windows Vista Home Premium Dell Inspiron I1720 Intel Core 2 Duo CPU T5450 @ 1.66 Ghz 1022 MB RAM 32 bit operating system My PC is around 8-10 years old so is running a little slow but still manages to run Renegade so hoping to get this working too. Any help is much appreciated. Launch.log
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