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Everything posted by Neutron

  1. I get your points, balance is important. Maybe it could work for a potential future Co-op gamemode, where players take role of the Campaign characters (From both GDI and Nod) and have to teamwork, survive against waves of hordes of AI' or accomplish Campaign style mission objectives? I just personally really wish that the old C&C Renegade singleplayer experience would be recreated in Renegade X. (And I think a cloaked Sakura with Laser gun as a Nod commando would be totally badass :P)
  2. I understand, but Red alert APB did it, and it was really well made, thought it could work with Renegade X. Maybe it's just my nostalgia bias...
  3. I don't know about you, but I find it weird to have a whole squad of Havoc clones running around with their 1 HK snipers, same goes for every other "Campaign" character like Ravechaw, Mendoza, you get the point. My suggestion are; 1. Replace "Dead eye" just with GDI sniper model that will have Dead eye's sniper rifle, you get the Idea, should be done with other "Campaign" characters. 2. Reintroduce the Campaign as Commando units, which are limited to only 1 Commando/Campaign character per team. Commandos are simply extra-ordinary in combat capabilities, but they are very expensive to purchase and there is a limit on them 1 per team. They carry 2 primary weapons aside of 1 secondary weapon, they are armed with multiple Remote C4 (To represent that they are commandos that are good at infiltrating buildings). Just gonna share the "Commando" unit idea: Havoc - Armed with the Default Assault rifle, but with Thermal ironsight or scope and deals twice more damage than the regular assault rifle. Armed with a Rocket Launcher aswell. you get the idea, there could be multiple Commando types for each faction. Sakura for example could have the Cloak ability.
  4. Maybe give the Commander the option to drop/pay some VP points to charge the Obelisk/AGT when the power plant is destroyed? There could even be an auto-pay option where it would automatically pay X amount of VP points per minute to charge up Obelisk/AGT when the power plant is destroyed.
  5. What the title says. The class and vehicle choice seem to be very limited and gets boring pretty quickly. Will we see new content such as New character class, new vehicles, perhaps new tools and upgrades (Like Nod getting immunity to tiberium for example?) And we will see bigger maps? Some maps seems to be way too small to be fair. Would love to see those bigger maps with RTS game mode where one players takes the role of the commander, where each team has only construction yard and the commander needs to setup a base. Perhaps we even can get Naval combat and Naval bases like in Red alert 3?
  6. I hoped for something new, but I guess thats good too, maybe thats just small step into later on planning a new C&C title (I hope it to be Red Alert 4)
  7. Since Ren X doesent follow the classic Ren game, would be awesome if instead of being limited to purchasing 6 characters with their specific equipment set, give us the options to purchase weapons, secondary, items and armor types separately from each other? That would give the players the possibility to create their own loadouts...
  8. Did you guys heard in the last months that EA is planning for a new C&C game? What do you think the setting this new C&C game will have? Is it going to be a Red Alert game or it is going to be based on the Tiberium Universe? When they will announce it?
  9. Can the Nod Rocket trooper be equiped with the Russian RPG-7 instead? Would be more fitting for the Nod faction... Might make it's projectile not lock on targets and travel slower, but deal more damage.
  10. First off, I'd want to start off with the really annoying bugs/glitches that the game exhibit: 1. The AI bots seem to have this "Godmode cheat" where at random times they would instanteously regenerate all of their health+armor back for no reason at all in the middle of the fight. 2. The game sometimes just randomly closes off for no reason. 3. The vehicle physics sucks. And now moving on to the stuff that I think are just play unnecessary for the game and just overshadows what the Renegade classic was known for. 1. Why do we need recoil mechanics in this game? It's just completely useless feature. 2. Same goes for aiming downsights, It's unneeded and It's downright annoying that we are forced to use it for better aiming and accuracy. 3. I'm dissapointed with the fact that most of the lower tier guns just feel like airsoft/laser tag peashooters. Make them deal more damage and make them feel actualy more punchy. The Nod's stealth black hand laser gun was my favorite weapon because It's accurate and It's very punchy, here it feels like mediocre burstfire laser tag gun. 4. Why do we need that sprint feature? It's completely unnecessary, It's annoying that some just constantly sprint and make them a very hard target to hit. Either just remove it to respect the classic renegade formula gameplay, or just slow down the walk + sprint speed, so they wont be unnecessary fast. My point here is that Renegade X is trying too hard to copy battlefield, which is not the direction the game should go on in my opinion if you want to remake it. It should respect the classic roots and feel of the old classic Renegade game, where the movement feel is much more grounded, where It's all about knowning how to use the abilites and streights of character class you play instead of that recoil controling or aiming downsights garbage.
  11. I've noticed this bug when playing with Ravechaw, It's main weapon - the Railgun I suppose, cant shoot. I click primary fire in my mouse, nothing happens, no any projectile coming from the rifle's barrel, and it doesent eat ammo away either.
  12. ock, Metal, Industrial and Electronic Rock.
  13. So funny how you fail to see it as irony, quit trolling. As I said, I dont need to do anything for you. I do not have to answer every of your questiong, you're not my school teacher, neither I'm your pupil. Get out. Stop with the denial, he IS being an arrogant, I'm not talking about others, I'm talking specificaly about him. If he is not arrogant, he wouldn't come with "xD dat looser gives up arguing lololol, answer all my questions noob lolz" he is acting like he is above me or something, while infact he is not. He we'rent providing any reasons as to why we should not fix the SBH ironsights. Yes, I admit being wrong with my suggestions, since you provided actualy counter-arguments, thats why I just asked for fixing the SBH ironsights, and this is where you went wrong. All what I see is "Nah nah. I dont want the SBH iron sights to be fixed. just dont use them." arguments, while I counter-argument those, they keep coming with the same thing all over again. I read it as "We're just too lazy to fix those, so stop teh complaining". It's an invalid argument as to why the SBH ironsights should not be fixed, come up with a proper and fair argument as to why the SBH ironsights should NOT be fixed, then I will aknowledge of me being wrong, if the argument makes a sense ofcourse, and not another of those stupid excuses which counts as being lazy. Also, I did not start any tantrum, thats what you and your friends started when they started to contempting instead of coming with fair and proper arguments. That basicaly tells that the SBH ironsights have no use in the game, all what I ask is for fixing them, so they can be used properly just like the rest of the ironsights on other guns, It's not rocket science that you all are thinking it is. We werent talking about the other iron sights. We're talking specificaly about the SBH ironsights. Also, I aknowledged that BF SW is not the best solution, so thats why I all what I just ask for is to fix the SBH ironsights, thats all. It's not rocket science. I do see issues with my suggestions, I aknowledge them, when you actualy gave them critism, now all what you do is contempt. Oh hello! Nice to see someone mentioning me. Welcome to the party.
  14. Yea? Make me a video how "Good" you hit with them. Because even on static targets I have difficulties to hit them, because you know weapons have recoil aswell, so you have to abjust your aiming due to recoil, which is hard due to bad ironsights. And I've never seen anyone being good with those ironsights. I've called you stubborn because infact you fail to see the issues with the SBH ironsights, and just came here for the sake of arguing. The developers should focus on balancing and fixing the issues in the game, iron sights are not a differenct case. It's either now, or never. It's a reason why the game is still beta, to you know, to fix the issues, the ironsights is one of them. What, I'm some sort of slave or something, I'm FORCED to respond to every question you have to write? who you think you're are? You dont have to be complete [Censored] about that. I dont have to reply to every of your question just for the sake of satysfying you so you can enjoy arguing. If I dont answer some of your questions, that means I aknowledge of being wrong, and you know, I dont have to write "Yes, I'm so so so wrong xDD" to almost every question you write like a parrot. Whats wrong with giving up on arguing? What, cant find any other ways to boost your ego or something? Atleast I'm not stubborn and I aknowledge on being wrong, unlike you. Boy, you're really arrogant.
  15. You're just being stubborn about this. Because I've never managed to land any good hits with those ironsights. ANd if you say that the SBH rifle is hitscan and you can get closer to your enemy and deal against him without ironsight... Then why not remove them completely? They're absolutly useless! I cant hit sh*t with those ironsights, the view from those ironsight is so much narrow that It's Impossible to see anything through them. As I said, either fix those ironsights, or remove them. And stop acting stubborn without seeing and understanding what I complain about just for the sake of arguing, cause It's very annoying. Stop acting like you can do good hits with those useless ironsights, cause I'm pretty sure you cant hit sh*t with them. Suuuure. I should go ahead and bump dead threads, which I'm pretty sure It's against the forum rules. Like I said before, stop acting subborn for the sake of arguing, It's very annoying.
  16. Use engineers? Common sense? This is not really much of an game changer. In the renegade campaign, they all appeared only once. Why would you see 2 of them at the same place? What, we're they're being cloned or something? Either my solution or change their models to make it more sense. Problem is, you didn't even bothered too look at the positive sides of my Ideas, and you didnt even bothered to look at the issues your game have, which btw, my ideas we're a solution to fix those issues.
  17. Ofcourse! I managed to make so much accurate hits with that ironsights, I did so much accurate hits on the olympus, and I've won 1'st worl medal!!!111!! I'm sorry I cant take what you said seriously, it sounds like bias. Now for the rest posts: I dont understand the meta of all of you getting triggered and over-react like I want to turn Renegade X into battlefrontm while infact It's not true, all I just want to make with those Ideas is make the game more appealing and more fun, just some additions that doesent change the gameplay. Really? You're just over-reacting. Applying that logic, you could say this to any idea that exist in this forum section. I mean f*ck what the community says, lets not listen to them. They can do just fine by doing their own game xdxd. Seriously you dont make any sense. Either that or fix the SBH iron sights, you're responsible for the game development, why you dont go fix those stupid SBH ironsights if you dont like my solution then? Finaly Finaly... Someone who actualy bothered to read and understand my suggestions, instead of just not bothering to look at the positive sides of the Idea and just keep saying "Gu pleying sterwors bettlefront then xdxd". Like come on, how would you able to carry infinite ammo on your pocket? Thats why I suggested the cooldown/over-heat system, either that or make SBH have limited ammo then. Why no one of you ever bothered to use common sense? All I just see is the typical and illogical "Go playing battlefront then xdxd"
  18. Neutron

    Earth 2047

    Same -.-
  19. Those Ideas inspired from Star wars Battlefront 2. Note, I'm not trying to make Renegade X into a Star Wars battlefront game, I just think those features could really go well with Renegade X. So lets start... First off, lets talk about the 3rd person mode. For me, the currect 3rd person mode wasn't really appealing right now. Why not make it like Star wars battlefront 2? I'm pretty sure it will fit really well for the Renegade X theme, and I'm sure it will make 3rd person mode more appealing. Like in this video... Same when aiming when holding Right mouse bottom. Instead of just making you look through Iron sight, which doesent work well with some of the weapons (Cough, SBH laser rifle Cough), maybe you could just make your camera zoom like how it was In Star wars battlefront 2? I'm pretty sure it will make aiming much easier and more appealing. And now for the SBH laser rifle and the Laser minigun, could you replace the ammunition system with Over-heat and cool down system as reload? Like you make a few shots, then click reload and makes your weapon cooldown, just like In star wars battlefront 2. Would be also very funny if there is an sort of animation like "Af af! too hot! af!" when you overheat your weapon too much as an reload animation. And finaly, purchaseable characters like Havoc, Hot-wire, Mobius, Mendosa and other heroes and villains could have their own Hero/Villain purchase menu and there can be only one hero/villain type character on the map, so no 2 havocs or 4+ Hot-wires camping in bases to repair vehicles.
  20. Dodge and strafe ofcourse...
  21. I'm not trying to turn it into CoD. On the contrary, I suggest Ideas to make it look LESS than CoD. About the weapon variety, I think it would be more interesting to play if there is more variety. What does that even mean?
  22. Idk, I'm talking about The regular soldier will able to choose varitey of automatic weapons, SMG's, assault Rifles, Carbines, ets. Shotgunner could choose different shotguns, such as Automatic shotgun (Like the jack hammer for example), double barrel shotgun... Not saying snipers should not able to spot enemies or crates, just saying that the removal of crosshair from sniper will help to reduce those noscoping close-quarters snipers. And btw, snipers should not have alot of armor like the other high tier classes, It should have only 100 armor.
  23. No, not zig-zagging. I'm talking about randomly Jumping, moving sideways (A and D key movements) while shooting at the enemy, It may not be really noticeable in skirimish with bots, but in multiplayer It's been pulled hell alot of time, It's impossilbe to compete against those players, speciality if you dont have credits to buy stronger classes. I dont see anything fun in that, It's the reason why I dont play multiplayer. Expect that the enemy is not stupid to stand in front of your Iron-sights and actualy just run away? because you know, the "Time to kill" in this game is very long (Not that I have anything against that, since this is what Renegade was supposed to be). And by the way: Heh, funny enough is that most weapons dont have iron-sights. Even if some do, like the SBH laser rifle, their iron sights are so terrible, they cover 90% of the target, making it impossile to even make a proper aim on them, making their Iron sights completely useless. Ok, thanks for letting me know that... But what it has to do with this discussion? I've never seen any game with the W3D engine that was capable of handling bullet spread and the other factors. I was played C&C Red Alert (That game made by Blue Hell productions), had some sort of buller spread, but it was so unnoticeable that you still can hip-fire easly and jump and dodge like crazy very unrealisticaly. Then why you decline my suggestions which will help this to promote even more? Not saying that Ren X should follow the Battlefield route, I just suggested those so the game will feel less Call of Duty'ish or feel less Unreal Tournament'ish. Last time I played with high difficulty bots, they we're, It's very hard to make good hits on them. ... Anyway, If you dont like my first suggestions, how about those then: - Not able to shoot when jumping. - when hip-firing on the move, accuracy spread should be greatly increased. Hip-firing will be limited to close quarters only, no more medium range or long range hip-firing. - How about you nerf the hip-fire of sniper rifle greatly? The hip-fire accuracy of sniper will be very wide that will cover almost all of the screen. And remove the crosshairs completely from sniper rifles, why they need them? Snipers supposed to be long range, not hip-firing. Like come on, crosshairs on sniper rifles? It doesent make any sense! I hope those changes will be welcome.
  24. I disagree with this. The reason why the old Renegade was so arcadeish (Pin-point accuracy) was because of engine limitations, the game was intended to be more about tactics and strategy, the pure "Run & Gun" was for arena shooters like Unreal tournament, Quake, Doom and etc... Renegade is tactical and strategy shooter, not arena shooter. Hence the reasoning why Renegade would be better of if the combat was more like Battlefield 3 style. You know, running from cover to cover, learning to aim at weaker spots such as head, flanking the enemy, Renegade X kinda lacks that, because the movement and combat style is felling more like playing an unreal tournament game and not a game where tactics required. Hence no one relies on those tactics, eveyone just go "CHANGRE!!!! SPRAY & PRAY TO GET KILLS!" and no any tactics whatsoever, wins whoever has a stronger character and not who have skill. When remastering a game, we want to Improve it, not just make a copy of it with just better graphics, and not change the gameplay just because nostalgia, because many people played the old version of the game "That way" due to engine limitations. That is a reason why I dont play with higher difficulties bots in skirimish mode, because they became too much "Dodgy" and it becames annoying later. Btw, you said "Use ironsights" to deal with spam & prayers... It's not possible, you will not able to aim fast enough to catch the enemy on your sighs, cause the enemy is way too dodgy.
  25. I want to discuss my Ideas on improving the game, which could make the game a much better experience. Lets start: - make sniper classes characters able to shoot only when scoped. That mean no more annoying "MLG Noscoping", which is what literaly made those classes overpowered. - Shooting with your gun slows down your movement, or if you shoot while moving, the accuracy drops very badly. That means no more "Spray & Pray" which makes the gameplay unenjoyable. - Maybe make a chooseable variety of weapons for the starting classes? Example the Regular soldiers would be able to get equiped with more type of weapons, example one is better at range and accuracy, other is more faster rate of fire which is good for close range and etc.
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