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Posts posted by KrypTheBear

  1. 5 hours ago, CONTRA49 said:


    If you can't kill or counter some snipers then you're a terrible player. There's always options available, always tactics you can use, always rushes you can put together. Being shit at the game is no excuse not trying.

    Kek. Try countersniping in a round of 3 dedicated enemy snipers that make you just wish you never plugged that keyboard of yours in (e.g. Minji, Jeff or Dienoob/WhatEverTheHellYourCurrentNameIs). </offtopic>

    I agree. The surrender option shouldn't be available immediately after a building is lost. A team should be given the option to still conduct infiltration (perhaps an infiltration is going on just the second a building was destroyed?) until like two to three minutes afterwards, just to give solo-op players a chance to turn the tables. If they don't succeed during the time, a team should then be able surrender by vote. 

  2. @Schmitzenbergh, that was exactly the same thing that I wrote. I know that English is the main language to this forum, and it was rather obvious that this guy here has not enough English experience to comprehend anything you just wrote, so I'd reconsider the usefulness of that post just now. No hate. 

    @Diamant001 , was sind deine Specs? Vielleicht ist dein Rechner zu schwach? Versuch mal das Spiel neu aufzusetzen (komplett deinstallieren und reinstallieren)

    For the non-german speakers: "What are your specs? Is your PC unable to run the game? Try reinstalling the game"

  3. Hi,

    Was genau meinst du? Bekommst du irgendwelche Fehlermeldungen? Beschreib dein Problem bitte etwas spezifischer.




    PS: Dieses Forum ist hauptsächlich englischsprachig und es können nicht viele Deutsch. Ich kann zwar als Mediator hier fungieren, aber versuch es mit Englisch. 

  4. On 13.9.2016 at 2:38 AM, CampinJeff said:

    I think...at this point the best way to further balance these 1-shot kill units is to increase headshot damage for all non-sniper/pic weapons. This wont affect the one-shot guns as they already kill you and instead decrease their survivability, particularly in close quarters against other inf. 

    I'm really looking forward to all the hate Shotgunners will get. 

    "Wow this is bullshit, I paid 1k for this unit and it gets f*cked by a free unit"

  5. Sounds a lot like Planetside to me, hacking terminals for your team and all that.

    What would be a nice patch for spies is if the green name was shown like with a real teammate. The way to identify them would be to look at the scoreboard. Or they just "steal" a name from that team (like team fortress spies)

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