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Everything posted by StalinsThighs

  1. Honestly, this delay has made the hype even better for me. I was already excited at the prospect of a more polished, tighter Renegade X experience in a TS setting, but with this, it honestly sounds like you guys are pushing for what a CnC FPS "should" be. Not a tiny tug of war with an RTS skin over the top, but more of a blend of conquest FPS modes and RTS base building and mobility. It's really interesting, and I'm sure everyone here will be able to wait until 2021 for this. Best of luck!
  2. Honestly I really like the art direction, it feels much more grounded than how the classic TS was(despite my love for it's style). The new mechs especially look fantastic, they feel more Star Wars-y than even the originals(the Wolverine is giving me major AT-RT vibes). Really excited for this, and thanks for this breakdown of the process of getting this project running, and some of what we can expect when it finally drops.
  3. KANE LIVES! This is so fucking COOL!
  4. I can't tell what's real and what's not, some of this stuff honestly seems plausible. I've heard about City, and City Flying makes sense as a logical extension of that. The Epic Mobius seems like a likely addition. The ConYard sounds realistic. God this is confusing.
  5. I'm honestly kind of hoping they go the Starcraft Remaster route. I haven't played it myself, but I've heard it uses all the old voicelines and the original FMVs(possibly cleaned up a bit?). The graphics of the old games were part of their charm and appeal. I still go back and play the games that will still run on my computer, and I don't have any problem with how they look. So a bit of updating, some cleaner graphics, I'll be happy. Although I won't say no to a 3D remaster, of course, as long as the games aren't super graphics-intensive.
  6. A verified EA dev by the name of Jim Vessella has been going around to various sites(so far I know he's been to Reddit, the OpenRA forums, and the C&C Discord) asking for feedback for a potential Command & Conquer remaster for the 25th Anniversary. This is the main Reddit thread here, take a look. Of course nothing is set in stone yet, but it seems promising. Also, the dev confirmed no microtransactions in the hypothetical remasters.
  7. Hello all! This question has been banging around in my head for awhile, and you guys seem like you can help me. You know the radio chatter sound effect from Renegade, that you hear inside the Communications Center, and I believe a few other places? Is that a stock sound effect, or was that made in-house for the game? Cuz I believe I've heard it in one other place outside of Renegade/RenX, but I can't be sure, so I'm curious.
  8. Ahh, got it. In that case maybe cutting out the Locust's name and just having Gunner say it's a rocket launcher, if you can do that.
  9. It looks excellent, it's a good re-imagining of the original tutorial's layout. However, I do have two sort of nitpicky things to point out. One, the automatic rifle is an AR-70, not AR-17. And for the rocket launcher portion, I'd suggest using the actual R-12, the launcher Gunner uses in multiplayer. Other than that, it's looking great.
  10. Hello all! I haven't posted here much, and not for awhile, but this is important, so please hear me out. Net Neutrality is under attack in the United States. The definition of Net Neutrality is "the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites." This simply means that all data is equal, regardless of the source. If you wanted to watch a movie on Netflix, and then watched the same movie over on Amazon.com, or even a streaming site, the data flows at the same speed from all three of those sources, and cannot legally be slowed down or blocked. But this principal is being struck down here in the US. Our FCC voted to remove it, and by August of this year, if nothing is done about it, Net Neutrality will be a thing of the past. Internet Service Providers such as Comcast will have free reign of your connection, and will be able to throttle or block it for any reason, and then charge you to have it returned to it's normal state. This is bad for both consumers, and for websites like RenX's. I don't know where Totem Arts is based, what your finances are like, or what ISPs will end up charging to restore normal connection speeds, but it will at the very least have an effect, if not make the website and the servers of the game unusable. Please, support Net Neutrality, whether or not you live in the US, because this likely will affect everyone in some way. If you are in the US, call your representative, call the FCC, join a march, or anything you can think of. If outside, every little bit of support helps. This could severely hurt the Command & Conquer community, and damage the internet if we don't do something. The FCC and their ISP backers are fighting tooth and nail to get this through, but there's still hope.
  11. Hey man, I'm not trying to be an ass, I just don't want there to be drama between the two groups. I'd absolutely love 3D printed TS vehicles. Having a Titan or a Wolverine to put on my desk would be awesome.
  12. Do you even have permission from the Reborn team to use their models? Because there was a bit of a fight on the W3DHub forums about an ex-dev who was threatening to take all the assets here if the Reborn team didn't start working on the RenX engine. Probably should ask before you do anything.
  13. Ah. Well, in that case it's really nice. I'd still recommend you add in some clutter objects, but it's still fun.
  14. I played around on this map earlier with some bots, and I have to say it's an absolute blast. It's very fast-paced, the ammo/armor/health drops are evenly placed, and overall it's really good. However, I want to raise some concerns and suggestions. Some of these you may already have on your to-do list, but I want to mention them just in case. Firstly, it's not all that close to the original tutorial map. The base layout is extremely similar, but the map itself isn't. The original was walled-in with cliffs, and had a few hills here and there inside. It had a road that went around the base, I think the Refinery, AGT and War Factory were inside the path, and the Barracks and PP were outside it. I'd also mention the lack of an obstacle course, but it would likely be a bit of an obstacle to gameplay. And I'd say add some rocks, trees, possibly parked vehicles, Hesco blocks, crates, sandbag walls, and other objects to use for cover and make the base feel less empty. Gameplay-wise it's awesome, though possibly either remove the Engie from the spawn roster, or figure out a way to give him a better sidearm. Hope this is helpful.
  15. Ahh. Well, I look forward to seeing what else the mappers can come up with.
  16. I was actually thinking for the mappers, but your idea sounds really cool too.
  17. I've noticed that most of the maps now have the Silo on them. I think the Silo is great, but it seems a little over done. I've seen a few maps now that have their own tech buildings (Crash Site is a good example), but are there any plans for more "official" ones? I read a post awhile ago, I think it was right after Beta 2, where someone suggested using the missing buildings, such as the Comm. Center, as tech buildings. I think that would be awesome, and allow a bit more variety. Plus with different tech buildings, you could have a more appropriate tech building for a specific map type. For example, a more spread-out map would benefit from having a radar that can see both sides' forces(comm. center), a map with a longer or more dangerous harvester route would do better with the silo, etc.. Just my two cents.
  18. Thanks. It can definitely be annoying. Thankfully it doesn't make the game unplayable, but it's still an annoyance. As for the boxes, it's actually in the singleplayer mode that I've noticed it, and it happens everywhere, even in places it shouldn't. Such as the middle courtyard on Walls or the tunnels on Volcano.
  19. Hello, I've been having an odd sound problem since I patched about two days ago. Most of the sounds work fine, but there are a couple that won't work no matter how much I fiddle with the sound sliders. These are weapon sounds(infantry and vehicle, not sure about beacons), and menu button sounds(main menu and all in-game ones). Also to note, though this isn't sound-related, is that all the mystery boxes give out TS vehicles. I don't know if I did something wrong while manually patching(I can't use the launcher to patch due to my internet), or if it's just a simple glitch.
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