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Everything posted by RadicalEdward2

  1. Yeah I actually had to make a manifest to fix Photoshop CS6 because of the same issue. So far, I've had this issue with Tiberian Sun, Red Alert 2, and Yuri's Revenge. Strangely, the original Renegade went the opposite way and the text became to large to read. I'll take your advice and see what happens.
  2. I managed to get UDK to work but, now all of the toolbars are absurdly tiny. I tried checking the Epic Games UDK forums but, all of the posts relating to my issue involve older versions (2010-2011) of the software and no longer apply with the current version. So far, I've fixed the menu size issue with a few other programs but, they all had their own specific ways of going about fixing the issue. I'm working with an Alienware 17 laptop with 17 inch display and the OS is Windows 10. The default screen resolution is 3840 x 2160. I'm using the 32-bit version that was suggested in some of the editor video tutorials. If anyone has any experience with this issue, let me know.
  3. I managed to get to the splash screen and then it crashed. The last thing it appeared to be loading was some kind of FoliageBrush
  4. Thanks! I'll check it out!
  5. You probably have the statistics, but I remember having played it several times. Did you play it before or after the last patch?
  6. The credit flow is pretty slow but I think the issue that makes it harder is the fact that basic infantry rifles are too weak. All of the other units have a higher survival chance than the basic infantry unit even on a map like Valley. I know I can take out an enemy soldier with the AR on maps like Valley but, even with accurate shots via controlled bursts, grenadiers or shotgunners still have a greater chance at surviving and I think how underpowered the standard infantry is plays a part in why a map like Valley isn't very appealing to players since right off the bat, players would immediately wait around until they have enough to get the first affordable expensive unit.
  7. I honestly liked Valley because it was more Infantry oriented. The only problem was no one would vote for it because they either seemed too dependent on vehicles or confused it with Field (so they avoided it). I kind of wish there was more infantry based maps or maybe even maps with lower tech trees like early missions in a C&C game where you can only build mediums, jeeps, and maybe APCs or Lights, Buggies, and APCs.
  8. I'm extremely new to stuff like Dev Kits but, I do have the motivation to learn. I recently downloaded the Dev Kit and extracted the files but, I'm not entirely sure how to install it (let alone open any of the programs). Which file should I be looking for to install it and what exactly I have to do once I find it? Again, I'm sorry. I'm very new to this but, I'm willing to learn.
  9. I've noticed that on maps with Power Plants and higher tier defenses, the towers tend to become useless once the Plants were destroyed and thought of a way to possibly give them some sort of value once the power went offline. Back in Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge, Tesla Coils could be reactivated if they were charged by two to three Tesla Troopers. The Coil would remain active so long as the two to three Tesla Troopers charged up the tower with their electricity. Maybe something like this could be incorporated into the Obelisks or the AGTs. If Power Plants are destroyed, maybe the towers could be reactivated only if they're MCTs were charged by three engineers. To keep the balance, there could be a difference depending on which units act as the tower's MCT backup power. For example: Offline AGTs/Obelisks of Light: 3+ Engineers = Online 2 Engineers = Offline 2+ Hotwires/Technicians = Online 1 Hotwire/Technician = Offline 1 Hotwire/Technician + 1 Engineer = Online Now for my reason why this would still be consider balanced: While a faction would be able to keep their tower online, it would be at the cost of how many players will be available to actually aid on the battlefield. Basically, a trade-off of offense for defense. I chose three Engineers instead of two is because providing a backup power source for something as powerful as an AGT or an Obelisk shouldn't be a simple task; it should be something that requires some sacrifice of available resources. If one or two Engineers could restore power to an offline Obelisk/AGT, then the remaining teammates could still make an offensive without taking a noticeable blow to their reinforcements. However, if it took three Engineers to simultaneously re-power a tower defense, it would definitely take a toll on the number of troops actually available to fight back the enemy faction. Additionally, it would help as a fail-safe for when Hands of Nod or Barracks are destroyed; leaving no special units to re-mine structures. On the other hand, it also shouldn't be as simple as assigning one lone Hotwire/Technician to restore power to the MCT. It should take at least one Hotwire/Technician and at least one Engineer. From what I've seen in-game, one Hotwire/Technician repair gun provides as much power as two Engineers. With that being the case, a duo of one Hotwire/Technician and one Engineer should be enough to temporarily restore a tower's power. For an extra counter-measure, maybe there could even be a 3-5 second delay period before the towers go Offline in the event that the MCT isn't receiving its minimum charge (ie one of the two Hotties/Techies or one of the three Engies leave or die). This mechanic would definitely add a new challenge or strategy for maps like Under, Mesa, and Eyes. I mean, it's an idea I thought I'd throw out there since the secondary armor for buildings wasn't originally in the game either.
  10. Was Valley removed to be tweaked or something? It never comes up in the playlists anymore.
  11. I know barriers were recently added to prevent NOD from shooting over the ridge to attack the GDI barracks but, I just noticed that the Orcas can now shoot over the ridge from front shore path to hit the side of the NOD Refinery (the side closest to the sniper cliff path).
  12. So I was bored one day and decided to make maps from different Command & Conquer games using the Red Alert 1 map editor. I love map editing and would love to experiment with the Renegade X SDK but, I haven't gotten around to downloading it yet. I decided to make maps for Red Alert 1 as a hobby and wanted to showcase this first one I made to see what anyone thinks of it (if there's anyone still playing the original Red Alert). This first map I made was my take on 'Under' based on both the original version and the Renegade X version. I have a bunch of notes in the readme file. I would have just attached all the files here but, the message board doesn't support .MPR files. Here's a link to download the map from my dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/f1cr0ic9tp24 ... 3ZCYa?dl=0 Let me know what you guys think. I might post more maps but, I don't have an actual schedule since it's not really something I plan on investing all of my time to outside of my free time. I'm also totally aware that the RA1 community is little to nonexistent but, I wanted to do this because I enjoyed working on it.
  13. I think Tiberium War and Kane's Wrath were the last decent C&C games because they did pay a lot of homage to Tiberium Dawn and Tiberian Sun and Joe Kucan had involvement with writing the story. As for the music though, everything after Yuri's Revenge and Firestorm didn't exactly have memorable tracks. In terms of Renegade X's soundtrack, the only track I feel was sort of memorable or worth listening to was Just Do It Up because it seemed like the only track that didn't stray too far from its original sound. Outside of that, the soundtrack sounded like it deviated too much from the classic's industrial style.
  14. So I've been playing a lot of the old Command & Conquer​ games lately and I've been thinking: I really love the older retro musical scores for the games. Like the soundtracks for the original Red Alert and Tiberian Dawn for example. Those soundtracks were industrial and synth heavy. To Be Feared - Tiberian Dawn OST Mechanical Man - Tiberian Dawn OST Bigfoot - Red Alert 1 OST Crush - Red Alert 1 OST With each newer game, they added some new flavors but it eventually grew too saturated with guitar riffs and orchestral (and Renegade X is definitely no exception). I noticed a lot of fans of the games hated on how cheesy the soundtracks were but, I feel it could have had a bit more flare if they tried getting a few artists involved like Amplifier, M..N., Lazerhawk, or even Tupper Ware Remix Party​. Like the music doesn't have to be over the top early 90s mix but, just retro sounding enough that it could be as bad ass as the music in games like Hotline Miami or Far Cry Blood Dragon. 195 - OGRE Converter - Lost Years The Friendly Faith Plate - Portal 2 OST Paris - M..N. - Hotline Miami OST Hotline - Jasper Bryne - Hotline Miami OST We've Got Hostiles - Joel Nielson - Black Mesa OST Bullets - Archive - Cyberpunk 2077 OST VHS Glitch - Evil Technology I hope I'm not the only one that feels this way when it comes to the music in C&C games. Heck, some slightly more industrial additions to the Renegade X soundtrack would be nice too. It's not a must but, it would be nice. Whenever I play Renegade X, I usually mute the in-game music and swap it out with something like the Tiberian Dawn OST or something from RetroNewWave on YouTube. Assuming the majority of members here played the original Command & Conquer games or have similar tastes in music, what are your thoughts?
  15. I agree with this ,Tiberium is a good way to stop some standing spot, @truxa ,I like lakeside and Whiteout as flying ..mb making the forest an infantry only no flying at all there would be nice Yes please! Or atleast put Tiberius on the cliff right behind the GDI barracks on Lakeside. They map quickly went from being my favorite to my second least desired map in the past week. Every time I've played, NOD would rush the back area with Apaches and drop off engineers on the cliff just above the barracks to camp and repair Apaches to suppress the barracks and destroy all of the other vital buildings. Since it's virtually impossible to get a clear shot of engineers on the cliff, the exploit has become completely game breaking because all of the GDI players are stuck repairing the barracks and repelling endless Apaches with regenerating health. The only things I could think of that could fix this issue would be to place enough Tiberium chunks on top of the cliff that it kills NOD engineers and obstructs the view of Apaches or raise the price of Apaches and Orcas to that of their Tiberian Dawn prices ($1000)
  16. With the most recent update, I feel as if the rocket soldier was nerfed too much. I understand the decrease in damage to infantry because that was present in most of the older C&C games but I feel like they should deal a bit more damage to vehicles than the grenadier considering how the rocket soldier is a priced unit. In terms of the lock on range, I feel like it's too short of a distance (especially on maps like Whiteout). I've tried base defense from to point of the respective base wall and the crosshairs can't get a lock on the aircraft bombarding the base's Hand of Nod or the base's War Factory. If a rocket soldier can't perform its main purpose of anti-air support, then it defeats the purpose of the unit. To balance out the damage rate on vehicles, maybe rockets can only lock onto air units but not ground units. It would seem fitting that the rockets need a lock on for fast moving aircraft but not on slow moving land vehicles. In the case of the RTS C&C games(Tiberian Dawn, Tiberian Sun, Red Alert 1), the rocket should inflict more damage to aircraft than it would to ground units.
  17. I can back that up. That bug is still present.
  18. So I tried messing around with Skirmish settings and tried to decrease the number of team bots (to decrease the offline lag). Regardless of what number I set it to, the game still launches with the maximum number of bots per team. I'm pretty sure I didn't set it incorrectly because I set the bot count to 4 per team and the was still the maximum number of bots. If someone could look into this I would appreciate it.
  19. I wouldn't say the feature is entirely useless. It gives the driver a chance to repair their vehicle while someone covers them. It's atleast better than trying to do so while worrying about a hijacker. Plus, there's plenty of games that still use the feature and still hold pretty well. Battlefront 1&2, Halo 1,2,3, Borderlands. Borderlands and Battlefront would be the best examples considering Battlefront used a similar class system and Borderlands used the exact same driver/gunner system as Renegade. I just hope the feature comes back eventually. Some might say it was a useless feature but, I never had a bad experience with it.
  20. So I recently went back to playing the original Renegade before rediscovering that Renegade X was still active. When I went online, I discovered that most players actually forgot about the vehicle co-pilot/gunner feature and then I noticed how there was a lock vehicle bind key. Having many fond experiences with the vehicle gunner feature back in the early 2000s, I feel that reintroducing this feature as a vehicle binding option similar to the Lock key in a future update or in the 1.0 update could add (or reintroduce) some new elements to multiplayer. Seeing as how some players are better at aiming than driving, there should be an option to give the 1st immediate passenger (co-pilot) access to vehicle's weapons so the driver can focus on...well...driving. Having played Renegade X for about a month now, I've already lost count of how many times I've seen players try to fire at buildings and other vehicles only to crash into a wall or tree (all while having another passenger inside of their vehicle). For players that still can't see the practicality of this missing feature, have you ever tried driving an artillery or hummer seconds away from exploding back to base for repairs and find yourself unable to shoot the enemies pursuing you? That's where the co-pilot feature came in (hence why so many vehicles have one extra passenger seat). Maybe it can be bound to 'P' so teammates can be granted access to the guns while the vehicle is locked. And 'P' can be pressed a second time to reinstate weapon controls to the driver. Anywho, I'm surprised so many people forgot how great this feature was (considering it was part of the Training/Boot Camp mission). I really hope bringing this feature back is taken into consideration. Also, to deal with annoying bots, maybe there can be an exception added where players can kick bots out of the vehicles driver seat the moment they enter the vehicle (would definitely fix all of the purchased or repaired vehicle theft).
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