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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Electrifyer809

  1. It looks really cool honestly, I love to see maps which bring a new strategy to the game rather than just hold the field.
  2. Every map would need to be changed and remodeled to suit the Service Depot. I'm pretty sure we already have a model of it, but the Devs really need to focus on the bugs and exploits within some maps more than trying to add a new structure. I think it'd be cool to have it in some newer maps, but for the current ones right now we're good. And yes, people would surely camp on the SD, as well as troll and park their vehicle so that none of their teammates could use it.
  3. Not everybody wants to buy a tech/hottie just to place 6 mines. It's pointless.
  4. I never had a real problem with the system, it's just that not every player knows how to work it correctly. That's why we're all about tutorials right now.
  5. Ty, I'll try my best. I can feel the pro player impression just pulsing from you.
  6. I agree with Truxa, the glitches shouldn't be showcased in a way that encourages others to exploit them. Both infantry and vehicles back there are illegal, as can result in a kick/ban depending on who catches you. Let a developer know via PM.
  7. Don't try this online, as it's an unfair way to ambush somebody in the tunnels by coming out of the wall all of the sudden. The Humvee is definitely a no, you'll most likely get booted on the spot.
  8. I believe they're available on YouTube. You can transfer them using a YouTube to .mp3 website.
  9. The current standings are as follows: EKT - Elite Kamikaze Team - Run the popular marathon server and is very well known. TmX - The Matrix Community - Run the popular AOW server and is also very well known. The two of these are the biggest clans/communities that you see to this day. There are a few newer ones trying to get started. JTeK - Currently running an AOW server, this is a smaller clan that I expect and hope to see gain more people as Renegade X gains popularity. NrO - New Renegade Order - Also a new clan, started by the experienced clan administrator known as Hadeshots, is a professional looking site also promoting Rust and Clash of Clans. WaRx - We are Renegade X - The newest clan, also sporting the professional appearence, specializes in skilled players that know what they're doing. EKT - http://www.elitekamikazeteam.com/ TmX - http://www.thematrixren.net/ JTeK - (Sorry, I don't know the website if there is one, can somebody let me know?) NrO - http://www.fireon-community.com/ WaRx - http://WaRx.boards.net/ These are the clans I've seen. I'm currently a member of TmX, and I hope I gave as much of an un-biased description of them as best I could. If anybody has any questions, concerns, or edits, please let me know!
  10. Um... I was under the impression that this was a sequel to the original, so it follows most of the same concepts. Why should mines be really obvious now? The game has gotten super easy as it is with air-drops and still having the ability to get some purchasable characters even when the needed structure is destroyed.
  11. He's making points, but the attitude isn't helping him. Samurai and Havocs are SNIPERS. They're made for LONG RANGE, if you rush them with an officer, you get fifty shots off in the time they get one. If they miss, that's another round of bullets before another chance comes up. Officers are close range rushers. And dude, change your attitude a little. You can just as easily get points across without acting as if people are stupid for thinking something different. This is a game being developed by people with their own lives donating their time for free.
  12. Hate to say it, but most of you here sound like you came here to complain rather than help. Just because someone has a 1000 character, that has no influence on who they are and how they play. 1000 characters aren't guaranteed to be good, officers are made to rush and kill quickly, and that's how they are now. Mines are made to block places from being accessed, usually by surprise. Why place the if nobody will attempt to get through them because they're obviously there? And no, Nod does NOT need a Mammoth equivalent. GDI is there to have the power. Nod has stealth. The problem is that we have too many people either camping the tunnels with SBHs or trying to go solo. One nuke guarded by one inaccurate weapon has less than 10% of a chance to even make it to the 20 second mark. Renegade is about TEAMWORK and COMMUNICATION. It's why servers urge you to join TeamSpeak. If you want to be a solo player wig a million kills but no real help to the team, then CoD is waiting.
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