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nod solider

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  1. orca? or just a C&C original design?
  2. so cool mammoth tank reference or SSM?
  3. pewdipie Hannah minx smosh all those great youtubers *smirk*
  4. post more pics these are cool and interesting
  5. just what please do tell :3c
  6. Im so happy so many people love my ren X inspired cosplay :3
  7. there weren't any to kill
  8. me as a nod solider please tell me what ya think and any questions please ask http://postimg.org/image/hpyn490t5/
  9. anyone?
  10. as topic says how do I D:
  11. nod solider


    is there a way I can play the newly added music tracks outside of the game?
  12. thankyou now I can view all the models properly without poor lighting thanks i'll upload screens of renegade X inspired WH:40K
  13. there is a player called ... that is a total nut job and just trolls other players
  14. yes but in the pt has poor lighting if I could find any players that want to model for me no pun intended on lakeside because that map has the best lighting that would be great so I can take all the screen shots I need?
  15. that's not what im asking you misunderstood and I did not explain enough ;_;
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