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Posts posted by TheOlsenTwins

  1. I am also not clear which country firewall is blocking the server listing, can't be germany as they have a huge community, but you may be able to direct connect to servers by entering the IP shown in the launcher information, unless the server itself is also blocked, in which case I believe a steam version connecting to a server would also fail to connect as well.

    I believe he meant the firewall of China...

  2. Hi,

    Very often 1 server is full and another one is filling very slowly. As long as not enough player are there (about 12) gameplay is mostly just boring and i often leave after max. 1 game again. I'm sure that i'm not alone on this. We discussed lounge game modes ingame before, but i came up with a different idea now, which may be easier to implement than other solutions:

    Add another column to the launcher which is named "Players waiting". Also add a button for every server with less than 16 people named "wait to join". If you click "wait to join", the total number of waiting people for that server is increased by 1. If it reaches a certain number, say 12, everyone can join. (Either immediately, or after a notification of the launcher =blink like Skype or something)

    This way, you can browse the web or do something else and you don't have to AFK on servers waiting for it to fill up.



  3. You get temp modded now and again on my server, why dont you apply for mod we have been advertising for ages but no one seems interested lol.

    Thx, but i just don't have the time for it...

    Trying to finish my studies is hard while playing only :)

  4. Well that may be the case, but most people don't have problems now, and it's no use writing passive aggressive posts with not enough detail about the actual problem in here.

    If your game says it is version 4.0009, you have the latest version, it is just displayed differently than in the launcher.

    So, what other problem do you have exactly?

  5. An idea to prevent from credit stacking is to reduce the income for a player when he is over a specified limit.

    For example if he is over 7500 he only gets half the income.

    It could be implemented that the rest goes to the team, or to a team colleague with the lowest credit count.

    (Or also that the rest is just lost, just throwing out ideas to discuss..)

  6. Well just add the possibility for a team to call a vote (visible only for the team) to ban one of the team from mining and remove all of his mines for the duration of the match. (Of course this option should only be available with at least 5 players to avoid griefing)

  7. Any news on this? (not the idea of Tarvin, but the original one)

    I think it would be also sufficient to just use (some of ) the normal maps and set the harvesters and buildings to indestructible. As long as it is clear in the launcher and for every newcomer, that the map will be ended (and a vote for the new one will be started) when x amount of players are on the server.

    Maybe this can be made visible by another playmode (~"Waiting for Players")

    I believe that this would really help the playercount, as more often than not i dont care to join servers with 10 players or less because it is just really annoying and boring. Often when 1 server is full and another is half empty i just play a different game, because waiting on players now is just a waste of time, mostly.

    I think this is also a problem when people play it the first time and only see the game with 6 players the'll never play again.

  8. What Notebook do you have exactly Handepsilon?

    Ever considered an eGpu?

    @Topic: What i would love to see is a consistent position of the own team on the UI. (if easily doable)

    Example: Always show your own team on the left inside the Tab-Menu and also outside of it. (which is done in many games).

    This would improve the usability very much. Even I (although i have played quite a bit) sometimes look at the wrong side of the tab menu at first which costs unnecessary time. (which can be critical when checking for building damage...)

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