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Posts posted by TheOlsenTwins

  1. If something like a lounge mode (buildings not killable until X players present) would be implemented, this would help AOW servers IMO...

    interesting idea, but what's the point of playing with few players in the first place^^

    The point is to fill up the server. So either force a restart after X players are there. (AOW)

    Or allow building attacks 1 minute after X players are logged in. (or also force restart)

  2. Well IMO one reason that the marathon server is often favoured is because it facilitates filling up the server. if you wait 10 minutes on a aow server to get the required players, the game is inbalanced afterwards. (or ends too quickly)

    And boring maps are often selected, as they can be played better with fewer players. 2 vs 2 on non base defence maps is usually not very fun to play.

    If something like a lounge mode (buildings not killable until X players present) would be implemented, this would help AOW servers IMO...

  3. Hi,

    Often, the NOD bots are far more useless than the GDI bots. Mainly due to the fact that they can't profit of Stealth tanks. So, when they have lots of credits they actually get worse, as they prefer to buy stanks instead of useful vehicles. So, maybe the Stanks could be removed from the buying possibilites of the bots. This would help balance the bots a lot and is (possibly) an easy fix.



  4. Hi,

    Very often, when no mods are playing on EKT and TmX, AFK players are a big problem.

    As on the one hand, the other team is also allowed to vote if you want to kick a person from your team. Often, due to trollvoters, you can't kick AFKs without many votes.

    On the other hand, votes often don't get called, as it takes a lot of time to do, and if you are behind already you cannot spare the time.

    As i understand it, there already exists an option to kick the AFKs, which is deactivated to be able to seed the servers. Why not activate this option automatically, when no mod is present?

    This would make many games much more balanced and less tiresome...

    Thanks, TheOlsenTwins

  5. Hi,

    Not sure if anyone else noticed it, but when using a 16:10 resolution (such as 1920x1200) the Interface before the match start is bugged. If i set my resolution to a 16:9 one such as 1920x1080 the interface it is back to normal.

    I believe it is like that since the feature has been included. (Beta 3, i think)

    Not really bad, but if it is fixable without too much trouble, it would be great....


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