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Everything posted by Carlos_Mendoza

  1. sleep infidel, sleep
  2. @dabigma I found "Bindings=(Name="Turn180",Command="Button bTurn180")" in UDKInput.ini in C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\UDKGame\Config but I dont know if its possible to bind it in game
  3. field best map
  4. how can we test it?
  5. yeah, after every update all settings set to default @Jzinskyyour solution is here
  6. launcher still prevents display from turn off
  7. spam cruise missiles, shot down enemy missiles with rail organise inf rush with buff, stop and start harvy. I think thats all basically
  8. bug exists on all CPUs, intel i5 430M, intel i7 6700hq, amd ryzen 2700x and its not my fault because i am half retarded, dont offend me
  9. what do you think to buff direct body shots from tanks against all infantry? I feel damage is too low when I directly hit infantry. now soldier needs 2 shots from heroic medium tank. in classic renegade 1 shot from med in chest=he is dead
  10. launcher prevents display from turn off
  11. @Too Sexy For My Lovei have ~75 FPS on ryzen 7 2700x in skirmish mode 16vs16 bots, on full server with 64 players depend on map ~50-65 FPS +stuttering, unstable frame rate, freezes etc. gtx 1070ti usage ~40% on ultra so on the most powerfull (in single core performance) CPU-Intel Core i9-9900KF for 551$ you receive ~92 FPS max and of course also stuttering, unstable frame rate, freezes etc. https://www.cpu-monkey.com/en/cpu_benchmark-cinebench_r15_single_core-7 im not sure but it seems like game engine uses only 2 threads of CPU, the game is choking in 2014 this game worked pretty well even on intel i5 430M with very very poor single core performance but after every single update FPS went down and down and down now its completely unplayable on that CPU
  12. hehe, epic troll
  13. everything in this game is pretty cool: sound, graphics, dynamism, teamwork, veterancy/score/credits system, balance, music etc. HOWEVER the main problem is game physics. the game tries to imitate realism by nice graphics+sound but physics is shit. Im stuck on literally everything in ridiculous way, no matter if im big heavy tank or infantry. what a moron made physics here? real C&C Renegade from 2001 (!!) has much more playable physics than this imitation. did you ever see collisions of tanks in renegade X? seriously WHAT THE FUCK?!
  14. What can I change in UDKSystemSettings.ini? I want permanently 60FPS, Is this possible? Why game uses only ~150MB video memory and not maximum CPU and GPU?
  15. @Truxa I have 8GB RAM IMHO it's not the problem in my computer or windows because 100% GPU usage only when I set up ultra settings @Tactix all settings like "static decals" and other are OFF and everything are lowest and 8-16FPS only when number of players<~12 I have ~30FPS and more when I am alone on the server
  16. intel core i5 430M, mobility radeon 5650 when I play CPU and GPU usage ~60% never 100% so it is not the fault of the computer
  17. I have the same ultra low FPS (~10) on high resolution, graphics settings and on VGA, lowest settings when number of players>32. Both at shirmish and multiplayer. When the number of players is for example 2 everything is ok How to fix it?
  18. How to enable DirectX 11? "C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe" --dx11 causes crashing the game
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