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Everything posted by Narcisist

  1. So...Love the game and things are looking very sexy and fantastic. Shown all my friends and most of them have downloaded this masterpiece...Now the real question. I see you have 'command and conquer' mode. Are there any plans for a Tiberian Sun mode? Structures, Infantry and Vehicles. Tech buildings? I have come back to this game and seen things like the EMP cannon. Is this going to happen?
  2. Thanks Lone0001! Champion!
  3. I have become aware that pressing L defines lock for vehicle ownership...however, even in multiplayer, a bot can grab my vehicle (whatever type including orca/apache) in one second of exiting, despite having locked that vehicle to myself. I have yet to see if players can exploit this also.
  4. Hey, this Beta 4 is looking really good but there are a few issues I must bring to your attention. 1. Bots are taking my vehicle the moment I pop out. This didn't happen before in beta 3 and it can happen in both multiplayer and skirmish. This makes it impossible for me to repair a damaged vehicle without being car-jacked. 2. Awesome! The bots can fly aircraft now...but when I give them a follow order, they tend to block my vision if I travel in a vehicle. If I tell them to leave, they wont. The enemy bots also tend to be exceedingly lethal when piloting orcas or apaches and the second I attack them, they'll nail me before they have even fully turned to face me. 3. I can't seem to get any of the new maps in skirmish. I don't know if this is intended or not. Hopefully this helps. I see some awesome changes here. Keep up the good work!
  5. hahaha! Bike races and sky boats. Yeah, bikes or no bikes this game rules...but it would rule harder with bikes.
  6. Oh, nearly forgot Rypel, when It asks me to patch is at the very beginning after booting up renegade x in the main menu. It tells me my version 2 is out of date and needs version 3. It gives me an option to download. That is the link that isn't working. It just boots me out of the game with the message "built with udk is not responding and must shut down". All good however, I can run the multiplayer launcher and play, but the single player options are limited to patch 2 only. The message to update to 3 still always pops up.
  7. Thanks for your replies. As for this patch issue, I discovered that if I don't run the game directly and instead run the multiplayer server, I can download the patch there and connect. Awesome new levels by the way, especially 'mountain X'. Beautiful terrain. So yeah, that's got it working. Still can't download black dawn however. By the way, Thanks Rypel for the heads up. that's some great news. Can't wait to see the final product. this game is already my favourite multi of all time. Hands down.
  8. Hey, I have installed Renegade X open beta 3a twice and when I run the game it tells me my version is out of date. When I attempt to patch in-game, I get the message, "UDK has stopped working". I don't know how to resolve this issue. Also, I want to try out Black Dawn, but I can't seem to find any way to download it through any mirror as they either don't work or crash. How do I get a hold of this awesome title?
  9. Yes MajorLunaC, I think it was Tiberian Sun reborn. Never played but was always interested. Gonna download it now come to think of it. As for AFM Who wouldn't like to broaden their metal horizon? GO AFM!
  10. You could make re-armament specific to aircraft only. It was done in the original C&C, red alert and pretty much every other C&C, so it would't be something people would have trouble adapting to. As for vehicles getting finite ammo, makes sense for realism, but you wouldn't have to implement it here. No C&C has limited ammo tanks.
  11. Ending the streak of kills from a persecutor and getting a cash reward. That ain't half bad at all. I think becoming a persecutor, you should also get cash bonuses for every kill you make. Maybe 10% or something.
  12. Not a bad idea at all. There could be other benefits also, such as the acquirement of unique weapons systems, similar to what the tiberium silo does in the way of tib based weaponry. As for purchasing airstrikes, that can really be done back at base, unless it was a differing type of airstrike. that would be cool. Generals had all kinds of airstrikes.
  13. HAHA! I reckon he should dance if you give him a $5 note, just like in killing floor. An all seriousness though, He's definitely one of Kane's inner circle.
  14. Some of the stealth detection ideas you have here aren't bad, but they could prove overpowered against Nod in the sense that on top of tracer rounds and tactical flares, you have tanks and apcs rolling around and when they hunt for stealth tanks, they tend to spray the area with infinite rounds. being a stealth tank driver could be a very hazardous job if this were the case.
  15. hehe. Good point. The way I see it, the smoke should be minimalistic, but effective against long range view. Maybe high ranking snipers like Sakura and Havok should get thermal goggles with their compliment of weapons? It would fit, and you could see through smoke and trees.
  16. I am a massive fan of the original C&C and Renegade X has just about hit the nail on the head! Well done. One thing I was left quizzing about in the original renegade is the infinite supply or ordinance on the orca and apache gunship. C&C renegade has a helipad structure and I thought it would be cool if the choppers could Re-Arm and repair health when stationed on a helipad. Of course, in order to re-arm, they would have to have a finite amount of rockets. Something fair, like 80 or so. When they run low, they can return to base and sit on their helipad for about 10 or so seconds. It would add that good old C&C feel to the game. A helipad is a destroyable structure, therefore if it is destroyed, the aircraft will not be able to re-supply rocket ammo. The chaingun should stay unlimited ammo. All good, just defend it and it won't be a problem, right? Any thoughts?
  17. Veterancy definitely factors into C&C. That's for sure. As for a team of havocs and Sakuras, they'd definitely vet up and become even more problematic than before, but if you were to allow lower tier ranking units to vet up faster than higher ones, you'd solve that issue.
  18. Completely agreed. Change of class is not fun. Becoming a class that you cannot get through ordinary channels however...brilliant. Commandaunt's idea of mutants is a good one. Fits nicely into the game.
  19. Not a bad idea at all, but being an early tiberian dawn based game, It would be better suited to a future timeline. As an upgrade to elite units though...HELL YEAH! I back it.
  20. Had some ideas about tactical secondary options for units. Renegade X has just about everything, and that's why it's so awesome...But what about dropping smoke? The GDI APC could also have a smoke discharger as a tactical secondary fire mode. Covering entry or exit from battle, covering friendly units, it could deploy as a long range grenade barrage and blanket an area with smoke, allowing units some mild visual cover from ranged targets. The smoke discharger could have a long recharge time, so using the option should not be taken lightly. It would also do a few things. *Assist in the apc strategy in general, protecting units exiting the vehicle or helping in escape under fire. *The smoke when deployed could possibly be used as a double edged sword, either to decoy or alert the enemy to the presence of an APC in their base.
  21. One thing I loved about renegade X was how clever some of the secondary fire options were on some of the units/base defences. These abilities have inspired me to lay out some ideas and see what the community thinks regarding to adding tactical options specific to artillery units. Nod Artillery NLOS mode - In the original command and conquer (and more notably Tiberian Sun) the Nod artillery tank had the ability to dig in and barrage targets from behind ridges and base defences. I believe this could possibly work in Renegade X multiplayer too. An artillery tank could deploy outriggers, a process taking several seconds in which the vehicle would be immobilised. It would then enter a radar based 'Non Line Of Sight' mode where the operator can only see a larger centralised version of the radar with a limited range and radius. From this view, the operator can only see the enemy units in it's line of sight and those that friendly units have in their line of sight (artillery spotters). When in the open (not under a cave or other obstruction), the artillery can engage these targets via mouse click. It would fire at a high gradient and bomb away at will. The artillery would be highly vunerable to line of sight attacks by enemy forces, but be able to assist in many roles and dig in. The range of the artillery when 'deployed' in NLOS mode would be shortened to avoid unfair advantage, but it would be a new spin on the tactical deployment of the Nod Artillery. GDI MLRS Cluster Missile - I loved the rocket defence tower in the winter mission, and thought that the heavy missile was BRILLIANT! The GDI MLRS would be perfectly suited to such a weapon for tactical use, especially to counter the previous idea. It would have a lengthy cooldown rate, just like the rocket tower, so you'd want to use it wisely, but nothing satisfies a player more than something that goes BOOM big time. Like I said before, these are just some ideas I'm throwing around. Love the game, can't wait for the full version!!!!!
  22. Hey guys. First and foremost, I would love to thank each and every one of your awesome team for making a brilliant and epic version of a game we all love. Renegade X is in my opinion very well laid out and plays real sweet. Your game is well balanced so far so this topic may sway some. I have a few ideas to just put out there and see what you and other players think... Recon bikes - I know it's a touchy topic, but Nod just aren't fully equipped without some awesome attack bikes in their war chest. Sure, they're fast, but they don't necessarily have to be a pesky nuke spam unit. They could have weight restrictions that affect their speed, or some other inhibitor of that nature. For example, if you purchase a bike with a heavy loadout (like a nuke beacon or airstrike), your speed could slow 25%. Also, the price could be moderately higher than a buggy. There are some advantages for skilled users dodging heavy tanks and orcas, and infantry would give them a hard time but they could be well balanced. The attack would be traditional. 2 heat seeking dragon tow missiles similar to the stealth tank, but powered down a touch. Lock target, fire, forget. Also, being a fast light vehicle, the bike could get a little air time when it hits a hill at full speed...The nod bike, just a thought.
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