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Kriemhild Gretchen

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  1. Agreed. Feedback/suggestions forum pls.
  2. Hey, to be fair, the worst thing I posted was just a guy being spanked (Which was rightfully removed so I'm not angry about that.) If a picture of a cute anime girl with two middle fingers pisses someone off, I think they seriously need to go watch some moeshit or something.
  3. I can't speak for the technical feasibility of this as I'm not a Playstation developer, but you really should have been able to skip those movies by hitting the start button. It isn't entitled to want to skip something you've seen a few dozen times already. It's irritating to be forced to sit through it. We know it's made with UDK, we know it's made by Totem Arts. Disable skipping for the first time, fine, that's fair, but after that, you should be able to hit ESC and skip through it.
  4. Since when did companies add a legitimate way to bypass their logo's and thus the game's brand? I don't see this as an issue at all, I mean, c'mon... Whenever you start up a game, you always somehow get to wait or click away the company logo. Some games make it 3-4 logo's in a row and each need to be clicked away, or force the players to wait through it for atleast 10 seconds or more. It's just acknowledgement of the game's brand, the people who made it and with what tools! Even the game's name is important. This is just a silly issue imo. You guys are just lucky enough to be able to rename a movie folder so you can "bypass" it. But in no way is this supposed to be "oké" Try it with other games and you end up with a non-functional game. Deus Ex: Human Revolution was developed for consoles and later ported to PC. However, it's an excellent port. One of the things exemplifying this is the part where I can click five times in less than two seconds to skip past the five logos. Forcing someone to stare at logos every time they open a game is a dickhead move. The first time, it's cool. But past that, they already know who made the game.
  5. I think what he was trying to express in that poorly-written jumble of words is that he'd like to be able to retexture the game. Which I'm pretty sure isn't allowed, if only because people could exploit to disable SBH's cloak.
  6. Torrent's blocked on my wifi, sadly Dude, just switch or forward the port. Not hard.
  7. Dude, no one's going to quit over a cosmetic glitch that can be fixed just by moving your mouse wheel up once then down once... Except you, maybe. The devs have a lot of bugs that are actually important that they're focusing on.
  8. I typically just use General.
  9. I'll take a screencap (if I remember) the next time it happens.
  10. Yeah, pretty much. Hence why I never bothered reporting it. Figure I shitpost on this forum enough already.
  11. Renaming the movies folder to Movies_ or outright deleting it worked for me. I don't know why it'd make it crash, though. I think that's a seperate issue. Can you post the log?
  12. I think what he's talking about is a glitch I've observed sometimes. When you fire, it'll look like it's coming from far to your left rather than from your gun. I've never bothered screencapping or reporting it because it's fixed just by switching your weapon, like most other cosmetic glitches. I'll screen cap it next time, though.
  13. That Kriemhild Gretchen faggot needs to learn to drive. He keeps asking for money for rushes than constantly fucks up when driving in.
  14. Tried inputting your username in the leaderboard's search?
  15. In order to be ranked you will need to have Steam active while playing Renegade X.
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