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Everything posted by Hackerham

  1. At 29.04.2018 PUG I placed a nuke at this place and the exact moment i did it, everything crashed. I hope that's the bug we are searching for I placed it as a gunner spy.
  2. My personal opinion: we could do a rematch with different set of players, if we had time. Ideally, strongest team should win. With current organization of teams its not possible - CHEMS missed Tony and LAPPEN had uneligible player, I doubt we can organize proper match again in this tournament time.
  3. I too hate snipers when im not hitting the lucky strike with my ramjet. But they are managable and prone to ambushes. And yeah, balance of good snipers is right thing.
  4. Any updates on this?
  5. There's a piece of terrain inside GDI PP on Under: http://take.ms/Ebrla
  6. If you look in observer mode into a shiny surface on refinery's second floor, you'll see that environment map is a cube with only a circle of sky inside each side. I'll try to obtain screenshot, but I guess its easier to check in the editor
  7. Wow, I saved Nod in the beginning of Arctic Stronghold. I camped as a tech between PP and Obelisk, and gunners/rockets attacked PP from big distance. They failed to make damage to it
  8. I still don't know who was that hottie ahead of me demining PP. We didnt care about time, we just placed timed C4 and then remotes and then OMG we were found and we blew remotes and it was last second.
  9. > Grassy Knoll > When the ion countdown was ongoing, 2 stealth tanks destroyed the WF. I saw those stanks and tried to kill them as an engi before they started attacking WF, instead of waiting their attack inside the base. Epic fail. > GoldRush > At that point GDI gunner rushed and destroyed HoN, meanwhile an SBH nuke'd GDI PP and a single artillery brought GDI ref health down to 30. At the same time I was in flametank attacking their AGT for 2 minutes Almost got their ref with tech just after that. Keiser tried to kill our Air with hottie, first time Tony saved it, second time I saw him, but he stole someone flamer > Walls Jp (I dont remember full nick) shoot me in the head with rocketlauncher 4 times. UPD. I will be late a bit for 18 Jun PUG
  10. And that's new secret way to GDI base: http://imgur.com/a/4Kfge
  11. Dear Ren-X Team. Your re-make is brilliant. My devs are playing it regularly. When I will start my own C&C MMO remake in browser with hundreds of bases on the big map, I'll contact you Keep up the good work. === Ivan Popelyshev, author of bombermine.com
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