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Everything posted by S31Apoc

  1. I need some input from people i dont know.. Im working to better blend in IRC chat a a few modules.. I also need to find someone that can make me a good header that fits C&C, but thats not important at the moment.. I really just want some advice on what to change & or move around.. http://www.s31clan.com
  2. in aa3 you can mute the ones you dont want to hear.. it also has a speaker beside there name in the score menu you can click to change volume to low, hi & mute for each player..
  3. 1) Your name or alias (Tony Sutton S31Apoc) 2) Your email address (apoc@s31clan.com) 3) Your server name and IP if applicable (Section 31 Krack House So far you guys are doing great...
  4. commanders are nice, but we first need VOIP & Team Commands.. VOIP would work really well in renex IMO
  5. Not sure if i should with the mod working.. However ive had a couple people tell me i should.. If so can i get a few details on doing it, the install instructions are a little lacking to me.. If i shouldnt install it no worries then..
  6. S31Apoc

    Server Files?

    Gl getting details on server help
  7. im very happy so far.. im uploading files to my server & going to try & figure that out, so we can play around & work things out..
  8. would love to know how to mod a server with ftp start up cmd line..
  9. That would promote the mod so well. I would love it myself
  10. i would like a copy.. i will make sure its used ill check out the exodus group when i got off work..
  11. http://www.s31clan.com will be running a server also.. cant wait guys your awsome
  12. i like the building damage hud. Its modern & a great feature... If had been in the old game we would be like sweet..
  13. im jacked..
  14. one of the guys we played ren with back in the day posted a link & thats the start for us..
  15. S31Apoc


    most of the the people here can install most anything anyhow.. However a self extracting installer will make the mod MUCH more user friendly to main stream public.. IMO of course..
  16. voted of course
  17. S31Apoc


    We use to have bot problems with our forum when we were really active.. There are mods that you can get to keep bots from registering & posting.. We use teh human question & more complex capa.. When i check the spam logs we get a couple hundred attempts to register a week & thats crazy.. I do agree registering is no big deal however..
  18. S31Apoc


    wow some people bitch about anything.. " I got to register OMG you sux"
  19. total 100% awsome
  20. I have discoverd I suck & UT3.. years of slowpace battlefield games & i am way slow for UT3.. Its all good i bought it for the mod
  21. got mine in the mail today.. 10.99 & less than a week to get UT3.. Im jacked, i built my comp just a few months ago 2.8quad, 4 gigs of 1066, Nvid280. It plays ultra smooth with everything on hi settings.. Just waiting on the mod now & ill be a happy mofo...
  22. i just bought UT3 for 10.99 with free shipping off ebay.. Prob the same guy lol.. anyway im ready or at least i will be when it gets here..
  23. renegade was one of the first games that we played with a real competative feel.. So its always been special.. C&C mode is great, its not capturing control points LOL..
  24. S31Apoc


    We use to play C&CR as the Spuds clan back in the day.. Im very much looking forward to this mod when its ready.. I would like to offer a mirror for you to host the mod.. Of course i will give you all the space & transfer you need, secure ftps & whatever... Just send me an e-mail to apoc@s31clan.com & WOW guys great project..
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