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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Ric


    Bangladesh in the house!
  2. It's something that has been mentioned so we'll definitely look into it. One suggested fix is to reduce your settings down from Ultra if you've got them up that high and see if that helps.
  3. 1. Is this on all maps or one in particular? 2. Did the invisible gun still function? Were you able to shoot? Did it re-appear if you cycled through again?
  4. Thanks we are aware of this bug but for now, enjoy your free weapons!
  5. That is strange but I'm glad you've got it sorted and thanks for sharing your solution, hopefully it'll help others
  6. There's a suggested fix in this thread that has helped someone else: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=72024
  7. If you're using a 32 bit OS then this may help: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=72023
  8. Yikes, that cannot be comfortable! Were you doing anything in particular to cause this? Perhaps switching between first and third person whilst reloading?
  9. Okay thanks we'll check it out
  10. Do you have a controller plugged in? It may be worth unplugging it and seeing if that helps.
  11. Thanks for posting this, that wouldn't have been intentional. Had you at any stage bought the airstrike beacon either in that game or a previous one?
  12. I think it's the result of one of Kanes tiberium experiments...
  13. Thanks for reporting the issue. I've just tried it in skirmish and found that pressing G when the grenade isn't the selected weapon it doesn't throw it. If you then change to the grenade it automatically throws it, like it's been queued up. Have you noticed a similar thing?
  14. It could be a DirectX issue, make sure you have the latest version of DirectX installed. It's also worth making sure your graphics drivers are up to date too.
  15. If you haven't already, make sure your graphics drivers are up to date. Secondly if you find the logs folder in the Renegade X installation, check the Launch.log for any errors. (Mines located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\UDKGame\Logs)
  16. Your best bet is to reduce the graphics settings as much as you can to try and improve the fps.
  17. Do you know what your graphics card is? Unfortunately it sounds like it may not be powerful enough to run the game however there's a small chance it could be an outdated driver that needs updating.
  18. I've been in since more or less the beginning. I was working for some other CnC mods at the time and was invited to join and have been doing bits for the project ever since. My inspiration came from being a huge Renegade fan and in fact Renegade modding was the reason I got into 3D design in the first place. I started working with Apocalypse Rising and have worked for numerous CnC mods over the years. It's been a pleasure to be a part of the team and to have watched it grow and all of the progress made over the years.
  19. I'm sure other members of the team would contribute if we were to put it on Steam but I'd gladly pay all of it if need be. We've worked so hard for so long $100 is a small fee to get it into the hands of more people. I think we all want to relive the old school Renegade days and we need busy servers to do that although I think we'll have that before we put it on Steam.
  20. Not a question but just wanted to let you know I really enjoy your videos Jam, great job!
  21. The problem with your question here is that it's a very broad subject as there are so many different modifiers that can be used in different ways. The best advice I could give you is to watch LOTS of video tutorial from the net. You can find them at Cgtuts, 3dtotal, cgtalk, youtube and lots of other places. Watch them through and then try and copy what they've done on either the same object or something similar. Ric
  22. I imagine that this far into the production cycle they probably have the majority of the units in and ready to go. I'm not sure they'd have much left to mess up. I suppose it all depends on when they plan to release but if they are to be let go by March 2010 and they're already looking at a beta (if there isn't already one) then I imagine a lot of the visual work has been done. Ric
  23. Did that include copying the disc to your hard drive and trying to install from there? Rc
  24. Hard times for all, my thoughts go out to those that have/will lose their jobs at EA and anywhere really. It does leave you wondering how long Apoc along with his various projects including C&C TV and CommandCon will be going if C&C 4 is to be the last C&C game. Not much profit to be had in keeping a community alive for a dead series and to be fair it's near impossible to give measurable statistics for community work. You can't prove that you've helped sell x number of games and without a business justification you get the boot. Hopefully I'm wrong though and the C&C community continues to get the support it deserves from EA. Ric
  25. Hopefully the power supply should sort it. I had a similar problem but it would stay on just wouldn't even get to post. Turned out the PSU wasn't powerful enough and as soon as I tried my higher power one it worked perfectly.
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