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Closed Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Pharcyde

  1. It was Awesome! Had a lot of fun and the last match was so close, even whit AGT down. Server did great yesterday, no need for a other server hosted by someone else then EKT or TmX. Really looking forward for the next one!
  2. EKT and Matrix have been having technical difficulties with their servers for most of the day (I'm sure you're well aware being a veteran senior mod at TmX). The server list is and was working properly. Launcher is bugged since beta one. The only thing is that no one ever take a look at it.
  3. Hi, Yes a well known bug but i think it's possible to fix it ore to reset the launcher? The start launcher won't show peaple in the server. For all i know it's whit the EKT Marathon servers and Thematrixren.net AOW. Greetz, Phar
  4. Maby a reference to the download page? Ore renegade-x.com?
  5. Whit pro-players i dont care what map's i play. It was awesome and there was good teamplay!
  6. Thnx for this. I think you choose some good peaple!
  7. I love the switch system! Everybody can play whit good ping's anytime. And as we know now, peaple only join full ore busier servers. Good job!
  8. When the strip/wf is dead, you and your team did a bad job. No more verhicals then..
  9. 100% this. This is true, getting one credits each 2 seconds isn't what the game has been made for. I dont need credits when we are losing.
  10. Thnx for the list! Looks good, cant wait to test!
  11. Jup, problem solved. Thnx Olsentwins for sending him to our website.
  12. The Yosh is alive!
  13. Hmm i checked it and it's a section for members/mod's only. I think it is because MrSunshine made the mutator last week and wanted it to discus whit us first. Still feel free to make a topic about it and discus the pro's and con's! I could found this discus topics about overminning: http://www.thematrixren.net/index.php?/ ... sible-ofc/ viewtopic.php?f=13&t=73839
  14. Sorry to hear that some peaple dont like the mutator. We made it because of the thousands of games that get destroyed by peaple that dont know how to mine proper ore just dont care. The mutator will only give a message to the own team, so GDI wont see a message if NOD is overmining. This would be unfair! Since the last past days i saw several new players who noticed the EVA message and stopped mining. After the message they asked what they did rong and got the information they needed by experienced players. I believe whit this message we can help new players and learn new players how to play this game. It will help the community grow and no one needs to shoud to anyone about overminning. We added the mutator on our server since this week and changed things for the past few days. Still we would like to have feedback on our website (www.thematrixren.net) where we discus this kind of things.
  15. Lol, I found two old boxes of C&C Renegade. 1 box is missing cd1. After being addicted I needed a new one.
  16. Hello all, I want to thank you for the new version of C & C Renegade, I've played a lot back in the day. There are some great memories, and still some friends i met bij Renegade. I hope that some old clanmates come back and also try the game. Greetz Pharcyde
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