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  1. Just checking Mr Ryz
  2. We are going to try sort that out this coming PUG Ryz, as said we will drag all the new players aside before the PUG starts and mention to them the rules and how the PUG works, and see if they respond at all. People need to refrain from spamming the password for the server on teamspeak as well.
  3. Teams are being looked at for next week, myself, Freak, Yosh, B0ng or which ever admins are playing will be checking for new players in the PUG and dragging them aside to make sure they are listening to Teamspeak and able to reply be it vocally on teamspeak or via chat, we all know who the regulars are in the PUG so most weeks there are only 4-5 new people, if they can't respond either way they will not be given the password this way we can filter out the people who really want to play in the PUG as at the end of the day its meant for organised play not going solo. Password will also not been spammed on teamspeak channel anymore and instead sent individually on teamspeak amongst the regulars and new players once we have established whether or not they can at the very least communicate and listen. So please once the password has been handed to you next week no spamming or sharing it out Sounds harsh but being able to even sort teams comes down to people listening on teamspeak and if we can't even sort teams what hope is there in a PUG.
  4. 0434UEQ4fkM
  5. [uPDATED] 06/08/2016
  6. How about maybe only giving a view every minute or so that would also only last a short time? instead of permanently whilst you hold comm center?
  7. Good to hear it's now working for you, the server list should be alot more populated later this evening/early tomorrow once a few bits are fixed.
  8. I like the idea of team donating gives you some extra VP for helping out the team as a whole. Would need to have something there to stop this being abused though as still a few ways you could milk this.
  9. I think Jeff or another user has this problem that it got stuck on a loading screen, due to some previous install and the config files getting mixed up. Uninstalling and then making sure that the Renegade X folder is completely gone from Program files and if not manually delete the folder after uninstalling. Then do a complete fresh stand alone install and should all work for you
  10. Just joined your server with no issue's and fully working with new patch Good luck with your LAN.
  11. What happens when you try to join? Also not sure if all servers have updated to 5.22 as of yet, I assume MPF and CT have already?
  12. Glad it's working for you, and if you can see your own server on the Launcher then other players will be able to see it no problem especially with today's patch just being released should have fixed a few launcher and server issues. If you need anyone to try join and test it just send me over a PM on the forum and I can try for you.
  13. Also you have any Windows or other type of firewall's running?
  14. I know if you want to join your own server to test it you will need to join via IP address ingame and use your "Local" IP, for others to join obviously you will need them to use your "External" IP. When I need to make a server I logon to my router and just find the option to DMZ my PC which will open all ports for a short time never had any issues at all, also as Freak said you could search for your router model online and then find a guide on how to port forward port 7777: http://portforward.com/
  15. If you happen to come across any bugs or glitches in the 5.23 patch please report them here and will be added to the below list and to our own internal bug list to be fixed then updated on this thread. Posts will then be removed below to keep this clean and current, Thanks for helping. If you can please add a video/picture of the bug in question, as we save these to help resolve the issue. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [FIX PENDING] Map Descriptions Some of the map descriptions need updating due to having new tech structures added, such as Field and Whiteout for example. [FIX PENDING] Vehicle Sprint Sprinting and then leaving the vehicle causes the vehicle to remain in sprint mode once re-entered [FIX PENDING] Enemy Harvester Even when holding the Communications Centre, the enemy harvester needs to be Q-spotted to make it appear on the overview map. [FIX PENDING] Vehicle not showing on overview map Artillery didn't show up on the mini-map More details: Wasn't bound to me, took it from a bot, used it for about 2 minutes and returned to base to repair it, couldn't check if it showed on the large map because another bot took it. [FIX PENDING] Can't type at end game Can't always type M at the end of a game, because the map shows up. [FIX PENDING] Stealth Tank: Staying Invisible when empty When bots and players in Stealth Tanks are vote kicked or have switched teams, stealth tank will then be empty and remain stealthed (Skirmish & Multiplayer), reset upon death. [FIX PENDING] Loading Screen Tips Loading screen states Control + D to donate, but does not work. [FIX PENDING] Team Balance At the start of a games, when the countdown gets around 1 (sometimes goes into negative numbers) a large amount of players are switched to each team. In a lot of cases their are usually several more players on one team than the other. [FIX PENDING] Remote C4 Upon death remote C4's remain in place. [FIX PENDING] Veterancy points upon re-joining Look into the state of veterancy points accumulated when re-joining a server. [FIX PENDING] Vehicle Damage Minor visual bug: If your tank is damaged (and looks damaged), and you let it auto heal all the way back to 100% when you are Heroic, it keeps looking damaged. Only if damage gets healed by a repair gun will it look healed again. I was outside of the (stealth) tank. maybe that makes a difference. [FIX PENDING] Veterancy Points Look into the state of veterancy points accumulated when re-joining a server. [FIX PENDING] Ammo Mendoza doesn't get extra ammo when ranked up (may also affect other classes) Ammo boxes don't work for certain characters (Mendoza, Mobius etc) [FIX PENDING] Vehicle Firing UI/Animation Vehicle no-fire bug still (kinda) exists Recon bike for example showed 0 rockets with a depleted ammo bar, but still worked without any kind of sound whatsoever. [FIX PENDING] Snow: Minelimit Minelimit on Snow used to be 12, it is 24 now which is obviously too high. [FIX PENDING] Fort: Airdrop Played as GDI and bought a Hover MRLS a few seconds before a nuke blew up WF, however the airdrop delivered me a Chinook on a non-flying map. [FIX PENDING] Veterancy Points Headshot kills don't seem to be working towards VP total. [FIX PENDING] Rocket Soldier Rocket Soldier Rockets sometimes don't deal damage on headshots and or to vehicles. [FIX PENDING] Arctic Stronghold: Crashing Random crashes during map change. [FIX PENDING] Fort: UI Icons No 'fort', 'tech' and 'medical' icon. [FIX PENDING] Flametank/Medium Tank Can shoot through various building walls in order to hurt players and the MCT inside. [FIX PENDING] Purchase Terminal The refill option should not be labelled as a "Menu" as per the bottom of the refill tab, but instead be unmarked or be labelled as a "Free" option. [FIX PENDING] Flags After the map has loaded, when first looking at a flag in game (usually silo) they go crazy and jump about for a few seconds. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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