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  1. Just got one earlier this hour after catching a tail end of a match. After initial voting for the next map, the BSoD happened instantly with hanging sound. This is what WhoCrashed has to say about it: On Wed 3/26/2014 4:04:10 AM GMT your computer crashed crash dump file: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\Mini032514-01.dmp This was probably caused by the following module: ntoskrnl.exe (nt+0x2E890) Bugcheck code: 0x50 (0xFFFFFADE959A2D70, 0x1, 0xFFFFFADF8F6B9132, 0x0) Error: PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA file path: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntoskrnl.exe product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System company: Microsoft Corporation description: NT Kernel & System Bug check description: This indicates that invalid system memory has been referenced. This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem. The crash took place in the Windows kernel. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver which cannot be identified at this time. The BSoD screen itself also referenced nv4_mini.sys. I'm running XP Professional 64-bit Edition (yes, yes, I know, EOL and all that). The only programs of note at the time of running were mIRC, Renegade X, Winamp, and Steam. After the BSoD I updated my nVidia drivers to 335.28. I think they were at 335.23 before, the previous stable release at least.
  2. I did as well. E:\Games\Renegade X.
  3. I've got them installed, though. Pretty sure I've got all the versions already installed at that, since some other programs I use (as well as games) require them to run. The OB2 uninstaller didn't give me a log to look at, so I don't know if it uninstalled the framework when I had to uninstall and reinstall it.
  4. It doesn't, or at least shouldn't. It might prompt for that (I can't recall, and I don't have the installer available at the moment unfortunately) but I didn't restart after install and had no problems. Prompting for restart is a simple flag feature of Inno Setup, nothing more. I don't think it can even force a restart like you describe (shutting down other programs etc), though I could be wrong. But it certainly didn't for me. Where did you get this installer exactly? I'm starting to worry there may be a rogue version of the installer out there that's causing all these problems. I've been grabbing my installers via the HTTP download link on Renegade X's own site, from Renegade X's mirror. It is strange why the installer would do that on my machine, but it does; it makes me wish I had thought to make a screenshot comparison of the installation in progress and then what happens once it's completed. In both cases where I installed Renegade X OB2, I didn't wait to see if the installer would make Windows XP64 shut down all the way without my consent, or if it was just telling Windows to close programs down in preparation. I've never actually encountered this kind of behavior before from any other installation program, though.
  5. I saved the log, and going by that I think it was the OB1 uninstaller.
  6. Confirming that it is also happening under Windows XP64 (Service Pack 2). The uninstaller cleaned out my entire Start Menu folder for Administrator. (Documents and Settings\Administrator\Start Menu\). I'm about to see whether or not it has seriously affected my system by restarting; it didn't touch anything in the All Users version of the start menu (thankfully), but this whole thing makes me concerned as to what Renegade X is doing with the registry when installing and uninstalling, as that part is glossed over by the installation log. Considering I have had a rash of BSoDs happen after installing and playing Renegade X's Open Beta 1 (and I only had, like, one BSoD throughout all of last year) ... I've got reason to worry. While I'm at it, why exactly does Renegade X's installer require a restart? I can't recall many other games that do this, and in fact (at least on XP64) the installer is pushy about it, shutting down programs even as it's asking if you want to restart now or later.
  7. Trev-MUN


    Nah, I was responding to Letty saying that "the enemy have no recourse beyond not getting hurt" when it comes to airstrikes. But if they snipe the spotter before the airstrike can be called in (i.e. while spotting with the laser), I'd consider that a recourse.
  8. Whoo! Downloading now. If anyone's already suggested this or it's something already in the works, I apologize, but might I suggest making it so that the launcher acts also as a patcher, checking for new updates, notifying the user if there is one, and downloading and installing them?
  9. Trev-MUN


    You mean aside from sniping the spotter? By the way, this thread is really funny to read when listening to Airstrike from Tiberian Dawn.
  10. this changes everything
  11. I've also noticed the Orcas and Apaches getting wibbly wobbly from time to time. It was really distracting. They're not the only vehicles I've noticed this on, however. Any of the ground vehicles with (what I assume) are jiggle bones will do this too. The GDI MRLS and Mammoth Tank's antennae, primarily, will do this bizarre "on-off switch" dance when rolling off of the production line before finally settling down.
  12. What? That works in the Orca?! I noticed you could do it in Humvees and Buggies, but I thought that was because they were stick-shift vehicles or something ...
  13. Oh man! I forgot about Battlezone! The Activision remakes! That's another really good example of a combined RTS/FPS game. Maybe even better than Natural Selection, since it's more like a traditional RTS; wide open battlefields, plenty of space to build and gather resources. Only thing is, multiplayer didn't do things Renegade-style, at least when the playing a "Strategic game." Players weren't separated into teams to act as infantry or pilots for vehicles, but rather each player was the Commander of their own side, so all units they built were AI controlled. BZ1 did have a more straight up deathmatch mode where everyone was infantry and piloted tanks and what not, but that stripped out the whole RTS element.
  14. Trev-MUN


    What about a crowdfunding operation managed by someone not in Totem Arts? The money would be going to Frank anyway ...
  15. Trev-MUN


    How much was he asking for? Maybe it could be crowdfunded!
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