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  1. Please fix this in the next patch.
  2. Is that the original Eva next to the RenX-Eva? Wow, well, I didn't have any problems understanding what she says, but it's still a lot unclearer than the original one No those are both the original Renegade Evas. The gdi one and the Nod one. The one in renegade x is 10 times harder to understand.
  3. Its not just the volume either. The voice itself is horrible as well. You can flat out turn off all the sounds but the voice and its still hard to understand. Listen to how clear and understandable this is. ocCk0lec_Ms
  4. Sorry but they all sound awful. Listen the the original renegade sound and you'll realize how awful the recordings are.
  5. Yeah. I really hope they just switch to the regular eva voices. Ideally use the nod one for nod and the GDI one for GDI.
  6. The EVA voice is the achilles heel of this overall excellent game. The voice recording is just plain bad. I hate to sound rude but it is the truth. Its hard to understand, where as the voice in renegade was crystal clear, and had clear enunciation and voice acting. I would just use the stock eva voice. Voice acting is not as easy people believe. The regular renegade EVA voice from a sound design perspective was essentially perfect. It served all the intended purposes. Please add an option to use the renegade eva voice, even if it means replacing the individual unit ready messages with just the generic unit ready.
  7. The EVA voice is unfortunately the only sore point I have with this overall very well executed game. Its hard to understand, overly distorted, and just sounds cheap as well. Perhaps give an option in the sound menu to use the old EVA voices. I could care less if it just said unit ready when a vehicle is finished rather than say the specific unit. I'd rather have the much clearer voice thats very easy to understand. This is not just a volume issue either. Its the recording quality and distortion effects, and the voice actor's annunciation of the words. Also, the game really should display the EVA messages in the chat area like it did in regular renegade.
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