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Everything posted by CommanderWasp1x

  1. The core missing element is the C&C graphics style but the Maps are as close to original as possible considering its a UDK (using the Unreal Tournament Engine 3/4) , the RenX maps support 64players, the original support 12players, the RenX small maps better suit 24players Max. You feeling out of place is more likely due to the graphical style, the Original uses the Renegade Engine, the New one uses the Unreal Engine 4, the Renegade Engine supports DirectX8-9 and didn't support mass detail (loads of trees etc) and a max resolution of 1600x1200, UE4 supports DirectX9-10-11-12 and a max resolutions to 2500x1280. RenX needs larger maps for mmo lovers needs of 64-200player maps, but to do that they need to make non original maps. There are games that better suit your needs or desires but for that you need Bluehell Productions and there standalone "Renegade Engine", Tiberian Sun Reborn or coming soon Red Alert 2 Apocalypse Rising. We can always add each other to Steam friends to talk more about it if you like. And I might upload a "wasptube1 Plays Renegade Reimagined" video to my YouTube channel sometime, my channel name is "wasptube1"
  2. The problem with 64-200players is the maps that are currently in the game are too small and the max vehicles are too low, the small maps are better suited to 24-32 players and 10-12 vehicles, if they added Medium maps they'd be suited to 32-64players and upto 25vehicles per team and for large maps 128-200players and between 50-75vehicles per team. Rival games like Planetside2 have 3000players on a server, 3continents with 1000players on each and an unlimited number of vehicles based on resources spread between 3 Factions and the Maps are HUGE, BUT they have an in game profit system, selling digital goods for real money. Where as RenX is 100% free, so they make no profit, so we can give ideas, But 128-200players servers are expensive and the game and small maps can't support it at the moment. :-\ :-)
  3. Oh, ok, I wonder why they all came as an official update then?! Oh well, thanks for replying anyway :-\ :-)
  4. Thank you and no I've not tried Reborn :-)
  5. I wasn't going to add anything else but the Mammoth tank is meant to be fat and slow, its just its CANNONS that need a bit more power/damage. As for Nod tanks and MA, they are fine as they are, the Flame Tank always did the most damage and again is fine as it is. GDI "can" beat Nod, example on Walls I used a tranport Chinnock to carry GDI grunts with Ion beacons and we raped the Nod base. The only problem is uneven teams and the underpowered Mammoth Cannons, lol
  6. Just cause you and I have no trouble on 40-64player servers doesn't mean that other people don't, players have said of vehicle lag so the devs want to fix it, if the cap was at 32players that should fix the problem as much as possible also the current maps were never actually designed to handle more than 24 players so capping at 32 players is worth a try and we are in open beta, so when the devs have tried 32 players and gotten the game as stable as possible they can then add bigger maps and cap the bigger maps upto 32-64 player.. Again Sorry TheGroundsKeeper if this seems spammy, I don't mean for it to.. :-)
  7. Ok I'm not trying to be a pain but.. Fixing Vehicle Lag, its not so much the vehicles that are the problem, its more that there are too many players on the servers or the gamers connections to the servers are not so good, I joined servers so far that are max 24 players and have had no problems with vehicle lag, its probably worth trying a Cap at 32 players, its worth a try and if its smooth then you can look to slowly re increasing max players and vehicles. Theres also the possibility that the players mentioning the problem might have older PC's. :-) I'm sorry TheGroundsKeeper if you still think this is Spammy. :-\
  8. I kind of agree the game does need an Auto balance option. Nod is not Over Powered, although Nod is the more powerful faction it always was. GDI's Mammoth is Under Powered though, the Mammoths main cannons are meant to be a bit more powerful than they already are, then making the mammoth a good help to help balance the battlefield abit. I've already posted a thread with other ideas to extend and balance the game. :-)
  9. Its a good idea and would be worth implementing in the future or if Totem Arts take RenX away from UDK to a Standalone build with their own engine, with own coop and mmo large scale Rts/Fps campaign and the current game mode. Anyway back to here and now, Yes it would be a good idea but we'll need to wait and see what happens :-)
  10. NO! We do not want this to turn into CoD or BF4. Sorry dude I'm sticking to No :-)
  11. I don't think I've tried Reborn, I only remember and had the actual Westwood Original and the 1st Decade versions. I'm sure if they added the idea it won't change the game play style and as its only an idea to add them, they can still do it so that we have repair pads but engineers can still do all the repairs. Civilian faction bots or players probably won't be considered cause of the possible difficulty to implement it, but would give an increased challege. We need bigger maps plain and simple, lol. And the recon vehicles would be a great addition. Also buyable, drivable and usable harvesters would encourage player to help increase credits. :-)
  12. Again thanks for a reply :-), Engineers can still repair buildings and people but not vehicles, as vehicles can be repaired on the Vehicle Repair pad, here's a link to show what the Repair pads look like - http://media.moddb.com/images/downloads ... sMODDB.jpg - they would help to balance the game and help to make it fair. Here is a link showing the Nod Recon Bike - http://www.renegadeforums.com/index.php ... &id=10123& - it had very low armor but was quick, so doing a base rush never happened at the time, also the Devs could make a GDI Recon Quad or something to rival the Nod Bike, lol :-). I left my old Renegade unmodded (vanilla) and I had that stuff added from Updates/DLCs. :-)
  13. Thanks for a reply. They are only Ideas and if the devs want to add any its up to them. :-)
  14. With the small maps that we already have, 12-24 players are ideal, if Medium maps were added then 24-40 players and if Large maps were added with loads of space 40-64 players. The max vehicles are 10, on servers of 35-64 players increasing the max vehicles to 15-20 would be interesting and ideal,
  15. Hi Devs and Grunts These are only ideas that were included in some of the original DLC's for the Original Renegade. In the Original Renegade some of the Final DLC's included New content and Gameplay changes. Some of these are, "Civilian Vehicles A Nod Scout Bike with anti air rockets Faction specific Repair pads Neutral Civilian Bot faction with guns Larger maps Small villages/town for the Civilian bots Engineers no longer able to repair vehicles And buyable and drivable and usable Tiberium Harvesters" All the above is and was for multiplayer. Ok lets start Civilians, Civilian Vehicles, towns and Large maps.. Civilians were added with guns as an extra difficulty to increase the challenge during a Multiplayer match, civilian vehicles were added at the same time 3 I remember are the Pickup, Car and Van, to close the gap was obviously a small town or village, hence the Large maps for originally 24-32players (now it would be 32-64players), Large maps were added to spread things out and give more use to the transport vehicles. Engineers and Repair pads. Repair pads were add so that if your vehicle needs repairing you'd return to base and do so, also they turned off Engineers repairing vehicles because on the battlefield they could repair vehicles non stop effectively making the vehicle twice as strong, so repair pads were added to make the game fairer. The Nod Scout Bike, that says it all really. Fast, durable, has missiles.. Drivable Harvester. The first harvester was always an NPC but they gave the player the option to buy and use and to help increase credits more efficiently, it could also be repaired on the Repair pad, the Player controlled harvester would automatically harvest Tiberium when on the Tiberium field then the player would return to the refinery. That's about it.. The Civilian Faction bots could be changed to become a 3rd playable faction and have their own Garage (war factory) and House (barracks), the default Power station and Refinery, just an extended idea. Thanks for reading :-)
  16. Ok thanks for replying again :-)
  17. In the original Renegade Singleplayer, base buildings had a network of underground tunnels and rooms and even the base terminal, eg: the Nod Obelisk you had to go down inside to get to the main terminal near the power core. Although it didn't have this feature in the original multiplayer, would it be something you might add in the future or would it have problems with the RTS areas of the game?
  18. Ok thank you for replying :-)
  19. Hi GDI and Nod Grunts, I just registered and wanted to ask, will Totem Arts be adding Single and Coop player Campaign? I'm not sure if this topic should be in this section but still. I also still have the Original version of Renegade. Happy hunting Grunts ;-)
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