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  1. You, sir, have good taste in games. Also, even as a diehard ren fan of 5 years, would it really hurt to let people change the boink? We all can keep it, but others can turn it off. I'd rather have someone play without the boink than to compltely lose interest in RenX altogether and go back to COD over something like this.
  2. This is a joke, right? No PC game has ever had the need for auto aim. Much less this one.
  3. The bunny hopping and 100% accuracy at hip fire (again, since letting go of fire for .1 seconds negates all spread) of RenegadeX makes it so that any fight at any distance will come down to aiming and dodging skill. Plus the high TTK allows players to use their health as a resource for attacking and running rather than simply dying at first sight of an enemy. The tactical considerations to be made in RenX come not from the aiming down sights, but from purchasing the proper loadouts for each situation. On-topic: I think the carbine is fine gameplay-wise, but the sights and the sound are both awful.
  4. This is unsettling. I did notice that headshots (especially from vehicles) weren't as effective as they used to be.
  5. I would like more distinguishing features for the sole purpose of being able to tell classes apart. I know they all looked the same in tiberium dawn, but they don't have to be.
  6. I liked CnC3. Then again it was the first CnC game I ever played, and I haven't yet had the time to finish Tiberian Sun, so maybe when I finish TibSun I'll change my mind. But overall I feel where you are coming from. As a diehard Nod fanboy, I feel as if the first two games did the whole nod thing a whole lot better. The avatar was very un-nod, since it was a super powerful vehicle capable of going toe-to-toe with even mammoth tanks. The whole point of nod is that there is nothing in your arsenal that can win a direct fight with a mammoth tank, or a medium tank for that matter. So while GDI is slowly marching up with their powerful army, you're left to come up with a unique solution. Nod's entire philosophy is to use high-risk, high-reward special weapons. Flame tanks/infantry, stealth tanks, and especially attack bikes could all do some major damage, but if the enemy defended properly or you messed up your micro, you'll just lose an expensive investment. This led to gameplay where Nod would win if they managed to continuously wreck things and make crazy plays, just like a terrorist organization, while GDI would win if they managed to keep control of the situation, pinpoint nod's weakness, and make one giant push to destroy them, just like a world peace and anti-terrorist organization. CnC3 didn't have that. Both teams had pretty much the same units, and nod could win in straight-up fights because of units like the avatar. It was a fun game, but it didn't really feel like the same CnC from 1 & 2/
  7. What arty autoaim? Is this a feature? Because if so, I would honestly enjoy something that helped me learn how to use the new arty shot.
  8. Man, I'd feel sorry for those folks if it was old Ren considering they wouldn't even see the Stealths coming until it was like 4 feet in front of them. I didn't even know they left dust trails. Devs ought to get on that.
  9. YAY STEAM. If you can put it in, it'd be an even bigger publicity boost.
  10. Yeah, although I never did like the format of Gamefaqs guides. They're great for singleplayer walkthroughs, but for a multiplayer game, you need pictures and video.
  11. Ooh, very nice catch.
  12. So we've been playing Renegade for a while, is there any place where we can publish guides? Perhaps a "strategy" forum that would only post good guides?
  13. Agreed, especially with the chat thing. Chat should be always visible and maybe have a highlight behind it so it's easier to see.
  14. This rotating line of tips is what I wanted to adjust, except that instead of having blatantly obvious tips, we'd have ones that newcomers to Renegade wouldn't know.
  15. Well said. Some newcomers are posting about the same things. Most players are doing a good job adapting, but there is a small group who doesn't seem to understand that a shooter can be unlike COD or Battlefield.
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