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Everything posted by Evono

  1. I crash now to 70% at end of game and like 20% at mapchange.... My system i5 4660 Nvidia760 Windforce 2gb 8gb ddr3 1600 ram win8 64bit
  2. Devs can you just blend all beta 1 server out in the server list? so all people ONLY see beta 2 server up ? atm its messed up for all patched people... wasnt able to play 1 game since beta 2 release with more as 3 people... this way nearly all would download Beta 2....
  3. Try this viewtopic.php?f=13&t=72191 dont think there will come a mac version for a while ( till release ) if ever will
  4. as much as i heard Complex and under will be in the first Content Update . not in the first Patch.
  5. Which server was this on ? ( just had this some seconds with 1 guy on No ammo rotation 1 )
  6. Evono


    Wow... What server was that on? No Ammo rotation 1 ... like 11 times this day... still at the 11 time ( after like 8 hours spread on the day the hacker came ) was he banned by NA sniper .... Still not my first time seeing this sort of cheater .... are everytime with Sydney... saw only 1 time a Raveshaw hacker and btw the video is Link only dont want to spread Bad PR for Renx too much...^^
  7. Evono


    Men when does the patch come ? hippo and the other fuckers hack today A SHIT TON mostly on No ammo out of like 10 games 7 was with ROF HACKING JERKS today. ( Sydney raveshaw ) Really we need the patch ....
  8. Evono


    Hell ... dont want to see this shit anymore.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kyMZGs ... e=youtu.be
  9. Evono


    Wait kills me ^^
  10. Evono


    I guess the same with the upload !
  11. Evono


    postet March 13 is the last information > Still iam watining too on it Source viewtopic.php?f=13&t=72979
  12. good to hear ! for a temporary system its still solid ;-)
  13. This sounds Absoulutely nice ! ye i had Global lists because they can get Abused by mad admins.... still the MC way looks very good and ye IPS banns are Like no banns.... it takes me 3 seconds with a small script at my router ( click on pc ) to change the ip.... and if ever all 50k + ips are banned from my provider i can still change my ip 256 times with different lands and 70 different providers with my vpn.....
  14. Why can we only LOCK 45 seconds with "L" ? why isnt it a toggle like L=Vehicle locked L=Vehicle unlocked Without time... i hate that Stealing and such.... i dont see reason why it must be Timed.
  15. Random name guy ( edited name out ) and Mcfat did just cheat 5 minutes ago on Noammo eu Rotation 1 and they advertised the same time the clan page Thekoss2.org..... still i have a video of it if someone wants proof... they had both a sidney with like 6 shots ( lIke a shotgun ) per second and did own AIR and a lot of units with this for fun..... Did change title + text a bit because it looks like some random name changing child because of comments
  16. Ban on IP yey... BULLSHIT. If someone cheats on lets say and restarts the router ,. someone else can get the ip from the Provider and what is it then ? someone who didnt cheat cant play till Router restart + alot of VPN ips ( Like cyberghost , and different many Game vpns for better ping will fast be banned and all will suffer from it who is using service X + the service itself) Just get some Machine hash id into the game. let it Generate a ID with the HW configuration and ban this. still alot better as useless ip bans .... ip bans are the same like name bans or just a normal ban 1 click and its unbanned... Or why dont enable VAC ? VAC is great a anti cheat it Monitors cheater sometime looks ( like 1-3 weeks ) looks if other people use the same cheat analyse all of them and then ZAP all of them are gone at once. thats because that way no one can test cheats vs anti cheat Programs... and you use already steam ID for ladder.
  17. How about attack and defend ? 1 Team got a base the Other needs to kill it in time The attacking team got 1 Panel for purchasing stuff Tanks will get delivered by Helicopter or just spawn Each Building destroyed makes the income higher Start income 0,2 Turrets ( lets say nod automatic ones ) Buff Income from gdi then if destroyed by 0,2 each a Building Buffs the Income ( ref , pp , obelisk , ..... ) by lets say 1,5 or 2 Nod can Capture Defensive Buildings in front of the base like Undestructible Towers , or defenses ( Only captureable by Nod , Neutralize able by Gdi ) and such it isnt though out just came directly now by writing in my Mind
  18. Evono

    64 bit?

    Yes Normally that means 32bit With full Settings Full hd and 64 players + the biggest map i found + big wars my Renx is using 1.6gb ram so Its enough
  19. Kane is Watching ya !
  20. Evono

    patch ?

    Recipe for disaster. This game will be dead before July. You dont know shit about Renegade The Original was alot more Bugged , Got rushed because of Ea Company got closed down by ea and it still Survived since then ( 8+ years ) with more than 3000+ players per day ( Evene alot of AAA titles can say that 1 Month after Release Hence Steam stats ! ) Renegade X is Free Developed 7 years 7 LONG years of hard work without even a Small free they are not allowed to take even 1 Cent not even for the website server lol and its one of The stablest OPEN BETAS ( Right behind the CLOSED beta )ive seen lol Even Many AAA titles got more bugs and even More Critical bugs as Renegade X ( Not starting up , Ban waves of millions of People ( Cod steam ) , Not functioning parts , and a shitload more if you want i can list games that where more Bugged on Release . )
  21. Hmm dont know what you mean , they feel like the Old Soldiers with Spread possible people just target better ? ( Head damage )
  22. Evono

    New content?

    Front page of Website.... Official answer .
  23. This map is VERY nod sided on the Infranty ways... Already the placement of HON and bar , barr is directly to the Back entry , while the hon is abit far PP Gdi is EASY reachable as sbh ( even with that small lolgun placed there just run through... ) While the nod pp isnt easy reachable
  24. Can Only attach 2 screen sorry for double post
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