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Everything posted by Crab

  1. As a SBH with a nuclear strike beacon, I got the crate and was transformed into a Nod Officer without the beacon. To add to this, during a different game I had received a new uniform while my original character had an airstrike, and it was not removed.
  2. Well, I tried shooting it again and didn't notice anything, until I ran into infantry path behind the base later in the game. The bottom forest pathway was flooded, completely knocking out access to the other side of the map. I guess the targets/wells are used in some way to control the water level in that area? I shot one of the wells at the top pathway in the forest and nothing seemed to happen.
  3. I tried shooting it, but nothing happened. I would have thought this could be a manual trigger for the earthquakes on the map.
  4. I don't see what's so bad about this. We have airstrikes that will absolutely decimate a group of tanks, which only costs as much as one tank. If someone's going to spend 300-350 credits to take out one tank with remote C4, or 650-700 credits to use mines and probably get themselves killed in the process, it's more than a fair trade. Not to mention those C4 taking away from the extremely valuable mine limit that could be always be better used inside your own base. Friendly fire being disabled always gets 'abused' and nobody pays much attention. Ever seen your own team calling in airstrikes on top of the tanks that were wrecking shit inside the enemy base? This stops engineers from planting easy C4 on them.
  5. No, it was definitely a spy crate. I was on GDI and was transformed into Mendoza.
  6. Any comments from the map makers on this? It's very mysterious.
  7. I think the marksman may be fine as he is. He offers some way to counter aircraft with basic infantry, as well as to give you a fighting chance against snipers looking for easy targets. The only possible boost he could use is an ever faster projectile bullet.
  8. I was killed by the Obelisk when I was transformed into a Nod character. I was under the impression that it was an intended feature and not a bug, but its good to know now.
  9. To add to the weapons list, PIC = personal ion cannon.
  10. I was doing some sniping on Nod when I noticed this in the distance What is this, some sort of easter egg?
  11. I did forget to mention that if its an intended feature don't change it, it was fun.
  12. We coordinated a buggy rush at the beginning of the round, I ended up driving straight into the WF before getting blown up a few seconds later.
  13. I agree that something needs to be changed with that invulnerability period. I have seen so many people complain about the beacon being bugged in chat after attempting to repair it after the 10 second countdown had started. Perhaps similar to what was suggested earlier in this thread, I would still like to see that invulnerability period where the beacon cannot be defused (to prevent a nuke from disappearing in mid air), but have that activate after the timer reaches 0. It would turn out something like this: Beacon is planted Timer countdown to zero Ten seconds of invulnerability for the beacon Ion cannon/nuke comes in and detonates I do like that the issue is fixed with disappearing ion cannons/nukes, but more needs to be done in order to avoid frustration from those that aren't familiar with this 10 second period.
  14. I've also had this happen, I had to wait about 20 seconds until it respawned me without any weapons, and that floating arms glitch also happened. I switched characters a few times until it let me use my weapons again.
  15. When I am loading up an APC or transport heli full of teammates I can't see their names. It makes it pretty troublesome to see if it's full or who exactly is inside the vehicle. I can recall seeing the driver's name when I'm a passenger, though.
  16. It seems whenever there's a vehicle that explodes within my sight there's a chance my game will freeze, the sound loops, and I eventually get disconnected and sent back to the main menu. I can see a reference posed occupant of the destroyed vehicle on the frame my game gets frozen on, if that might be of any help. I've played the last three days with this only happening once, but now in the past hour I have had it happen four times on two different servers.
  17. Crab


    The time it takes to kill players/vehicles is higher in this game because it encourages fighting as a team and taking well aimed shots. If it only took one second for a character to kill someone it may lead to a lot of people doing things alone. Having a bit of backup helps with taking down an enemy very quickly.
  18. Another suggestion related to the chat, I'd like the quiet bloop sound (or any other sound) that plays after a message is sent. Even with a longer chat time I think I would miss a few messages when I'm in an intense battle. An option to disable/enable this would be very welcomed too, for those that don't want it.
  19. I managed to throw a timed C4 onto a MRLS before getting shot by a sniper. A couple engineers saw me throw the C4 onto the vehicle and tried to defuse it, but the driver just kept driving back and forth until it exploded. Those two engineers must have felt pretty frustrated.
  20. Some of these posts just reek of elitism. "I played Renegade for X years, this game is too complex for you, go back to COD" How do you expect this community to grow if there's a bunch of people being assholes to them? They may not understand the game, and it may be a completely new experience for them. I think it's kind of funny to instantly call out anyone who doesn't like the game as a COD fan, like its a boogeyman trying to change your game. At least try to explain how the game is balanced and why their suggestions don't fit in the style of the game. The developers obviously care very much about the game feeling like Renegade, I don't see them making such drastic changes to bend towards a more modern shooter experience, so there's no need to jump down their throats.
  21. Whenever brute force isn't working because of the mass of engineers inside, your team needs to organize something to temporarily stop the building from being repaired. This should have been very simple to do considering you had quite the upper hand on them. All it would take is an APC rushing in with a couple guys to kill/distract them for a few seconds, and it would be toast. Same with planting an ion cannon beacon at the spot of bombardment, there's no way it would get defused with all the explosions going on around it. I'm actually glad to hear that a team with only one building remaining is able to hold out for so long against a well equipped team.
  22. I'd like to have everyone share humourous things they've seen newcomers do in these precious first few days of the open beta. I don't mean this to be a thread where we shame or complain about people new to Renegade X, just to have a good laugh. So far I've seen: Two GDI soldiers shooting at a nuke beacon, then toss their C4 on it. An entire base of GDI trying to enter the transport helicopter that I stole, while on the ground, sitting in the gunner seats and mowing down 10+ clueless people before a teammate jumped in. Engineers trying to damage enemy tanks with the repair gun. Someone that threw C4 on a purchase terminal. Engineers standing in the middle of tiberium fields while repairing the harvester. Soldiers, shotgunners, and marksmen running towards me and shooting at my medium tank. An engineer get out of his stealth tank to repair it about 10m away from me after I shot it with a couple rockets (I kept it as a trophy for almost the entire round).
  23. Was this on Islands a few hours ago? I was one of the three SBH that put up nukes at the same time on the barracks. We didn't even organize that, I just saw two other guys in the base and we knew all to place them close together.
  24. In Fields, I bought an MRLS and it somehow rammed into some guy's brand new mammoth tank (that he hadn't had a chance to get in yet) and blew it up. Our harvester also seemed to be the victim of this too, as I would hear the announcement of our harvester being destroyed, then hearing it again a few seconds later. The server was also exceptionally laggy, to the point where vehicles were pretty much immobile, so that was probably the cause of it. Just realized there's a bug reporting forum now, that's convenient.
  25. Getting the released version of the game on Steam would be great for more exposure. I've seen many of my friends on steam playing free games which I later got into playing myself after asking them how they liked it. That all depends on when the devs will be ready to release the finished product.
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