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Everything posted by Daedhart

  1. You could complain all day about how Field is an annoying map that always ends with whichever side ended up controlling the field bunching up at the entrance of the opposite base, too (and some people have). Despite that, Im still glad they included it; I can say the same thing about any new maps.
  2. Alright, you lured me back with your awesome. Downloading now. Excellent job guys, yall are my heros.
  3. w00t, hopefully this brings back a lot of players.
  4. If youre trolling the OP, limit to 1 troll post per thread. If not...well thats just sad.
  5. Im thinking the patch will bring a lot of players back, it will include a lot of things normal people had issue with.
  6. Almost, if not entirely, bug fixing/balancing.
  7. Because Iran was the obvious troller. I didnt see Methanoid's post as quite deserving of your ire as his. EDIT: Got names mixed up.
  8. I think its a bit unrealistic to expect every bug to be addressed. I havent been in a 40 server yet that had the vehicle lag, so I can understand why this wasnt top priority. And since that lag pretty much broke the game in its entirety, I dont think its unreasonable to set the cap there. Also keep in mind that servers can set their cap beyond 40, they just wont be in the default server list.
  9. Awesome idea. 2 questions: 1. Will there be an indication that a record is in progress, either to the entire server or to a person who tries to initiate the recording? Not specifying if a record has been initiated will help against abusing the function and benefit servers that want to disable the function (since the cheaters wouldnt be able to know if a server has the function enabled, acting as a deterrent). 2. Perhaps put in a function that automatically deletes records older than such-and-such (so there wouldnt be any older than, say, a month)?
  10. I havent heard much from the previous modders from Renegade (except you). They may not even know RenX exists.
  11. you just made it pretty damn obvious that youve either never played renegade x, let alone used the PIC, or your are a massive troll and need to GTFO i can tell by the rate of fire alone that the player with the personal ion cannon is obviously hacking, probably combining a rate of fire hack with an aimbot I think you meant to quote Iran's post.
  12. The original had nothing but an extremely brief and general text describing the purpose of each building (not even mentioning what building death meant). Advanced tactics are trial and error, as they should be. I personally think the tutorial video Fobby made is pretty good, but theyve already promised to expand on that.
  13. Petroglyph was an awesome company, but it wasnt all the Westwood peeps (for EG, "Kane" wasnt among them). And I havent heard any news about any of their stuff for quite some time. BTW, I will agree (but wont be quite so direct) in saying the caps thing is kind of annoying.
  14. This is actually two cheats, and hopefully at least one of them will be resolved with the first game patch later this week.
  15. I would recommend getting your feet wet before starting your competitive Renegade career going against H20, youre life will thank you.
  16. true enough... but would it hurt to even just so much as ask EA for limited copyrights to the c&c franchise? maybe showcase a bit of what's been done and see if they would do at least a little, at no cost, to support it? EA is the company that refuses to release the code for Earth and Beyond to this day, a Westwood MMO that they shut down two years after its launch and has been down for more than 10 years... I am quite surprised Totem Arts got their permission to begin with.
  17. Wow... What server was that on?
  18. and is this patch a forced patch on server + players tho ? Most likely wont be able to join servers that have the newer patch applied without applying the patch to your own client.
  19. 2nd The company that originally gave the rights was EALA, a company to my mind doesnt exist anymore. BTW, there have been a lot of threads about this...search function is not that hard to use.
  20. lmao, this is golden. Should have the Benny Hill song in the background.
  21. Threads like this are wonderful...I need popcorn.
  22. Reborn somehow managed bringing in a Mammoth MKII, so Im sure its possible to make it work...just incredibly difficult. As for underground units, they essentially use a system similar to stealth tanks.
  23. Renaming the folder at one point caused my game to crash when it tried to run the loading screen with havoc running. Its a hit or miss solution.
  24. The boink is right up there with the cake and helix fossil.
  25. Casual players? All the casual players have been scared off already.
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