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Everything posted by RyanTurner

  1. Thanks Kenz, was curious, wanted to check the making of the Black Dawn's campaign.
  2. Hey, Developers Curious to ask, did Black Dawn ever get his own SDK on Public Level or those tools only used internally for the developers? Assuming that Renegade X's SDK ain't the same of the Black Dawn. Thanks for reading!
  3. @Snow I've updated the post with the video you've shared, thanks for sharing it
  4. Hello to everyone, this post today will be aimed for the new players into Renegade X. Assuming that you've played a little and watch one or two videos on the Renegade's Official Youtube channel or someone's else gameplays or even tips. And that you played a little of the game (and so far that, hopefully you've enjoyed). It's understandable that Renegade X can be a "little" overwhelming for new people, it's a different game from your typical shooter/tactical-shooter/third-person-shooter or even from the old C&C: Renegade, lack of a tutorial doesn't help, but the community in the forums, discord and even in-game, always willing to help. What I've come here to ask, would be, from your side or perspective, if you could have visualised tutorial or guide (segments of pictures labelled and detail or even a video for that case). To instruct you on something in the game, what would It be? Personal Recommendations: Command & Conquer Mode: Basic Tutorial by Renegade X [Youtube] - Even being outdated, the basics still there. C&C Renegade X New Player Guide [YouTube] - A recent Guide from our friend @Kaunas and thank you @Snow for sharing this on the comments! Renegade's X - Official Discord [Discord] - Play with someone, text, share, take any doubts, report naughty people too, anything there always people to help you. Renegade's X - Wikipedia Page [Wiki] - Little details could be clarified here, new people, take a look at that comm- (Wait a second, ignore that last one, the wiki right now it's missing information! - Commander wise, while doing this post). And another big arse place for help, it's here, the forums! Thanks for everyone who has read this post, I will await for your answers. My regards, Ryan "Annoying C-" Turner (or Tuna, for those, who like think that "Turner" sounds like "Tuna", damn English-men!) Updated 24-06-2020 -Added a new video mention by @Snow, recent Guide by @Kaunas "C&C Renegade X New Player Guide".
  5. Good thing, until autumn arrives, we still get some sneak previews or teases. We can start by facebook's cover picture: Renegade X - Official's Facebook [Cover Picture]
  6. Why are you fighting agiasnt B0NG, you should be on he's side i jsut read the 6 pages from this 90% of it it's stupid discussion, some people care about a server IT CAN RUN WITHOUT HAVING PROBLEMS i'm not speaking about 2 Commnuties at all can't have a server up without getting DDOS 24/7, You can see B0NG does care about server and the community of CT and Renegade-X's, people you need to think, you if you can't have a server running how are you gonna get people to play on it? Good conditions = more players. I hope for the people who wrote 90% of this crap with useless stuff did "woke up" for the life B0NG keep with a good work! -Ryan
  7. I see APC's Army (7 Apc's) Destroying Tanks (Medium Tanks, Mamoth tanks n' light tanks so fast) maybe need a nerf?
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