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  1. I haven't been able to play Renegade X for weeks now, I don't know if anyone else is having this problem? I try to join the main server that everyone plays on, it's on about 38/40 players and it starts joining and then it suddenly does back to the title? I'm guessing maybe a lot of people have this problem too? Is there a fix? Ah well
  2. I guess you would need the dev kits which would cost a lot of money? Consoles are now allowing free-to-play games, but yeah, I assume money would have to be spent somewhere.
  3. http://www.strategyinformer.com/news/26 ... -26th-2014 We've put up some coverage for you guys, although we would like to do some more! It would be great if you could get in touch with us
  4. OMG! This looks amazing. I can't wait to play it, I'll make sure I get a new PC by then There's nothing better than teaming up with 8 people to flame tank rush the GDI base! Looking forward to that, thanks for your hard work guys.
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