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Posts posted by DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr

  1. 1 hour ago, LavaDr4gon said:

    Actually, I saw the development of the Recon Bike from beginning to end and there is a story with it.

    When the Recon Bike model was made the original plan was for it to be a purchasable vehicle.  I wasn't the person to make the final decision but I was involved with the discussion.

    What happened was there was another issue being brought up.  There was a discussion  regarding early game vs. late game balance.  A majority agreed that Nod had an early game while GDI had a late game with their mammoth tanks, especially when they hit elite or heroic.  Nod doesn't have any vehicles that can counter mammoth effectively as they had low armor and low firepower to stand up against a mammoth tank.

    So an idea was brought up with giving Nod a heavy tank to stand up against the mammoth.  Remember, the Recon bike was recently made so giving Nod two new vehicles was viewed as a bad call.  Not only would it help Nod's late game but it would help the early game as well.  Therefore, we would essentially nerf GDI on both ends.  Then to counteract the nerfs we would need to make another vehicle for GDI and cause a chain reaction of confusion with adding stuff to balance each other out.  Then the Recon Bike is released as a crate vehicle.

    Other arguments were made regarding how effective the bike will be.  It would have been an early game unit.  Combine it with buggies and you can dominate the field while the artys move in.  Not only that but orcas will become worthless with Nod having a cheaper option to counter them.  Also having more options doesn't mean its better.  The game has vehicle limits and having more choices can cause more harm.

    In summary, the Recon Bike was planned to be purchasable.  It became a crate vehicle as a consequence of another balance issue being brought up.  Then more thought went into balance before finalizing the decision.  


    That's better, a proper refutation, finally. Ok fair enough. Still, did you play test in a 32v32 environment? Also, a "chain" of reactions? Naw, I'd say only one thing would come up: like you say, early game dominance. There is one easy and simple way to counter that - TOW missile Humvees, just like what was done in OG Renegade.

    Think about it, at $550 with homing rockets the TOW Humvee can take out those bikes cheaper than the medium tank could. With the TOW Humvee GDI has a fast early game equivalent to the bike.

    As for vehicle limits that's a non issue. A bike instead of a buggy is the same as an APC instead of a buggy, kind of.

    As for late game, consider a proper functioning SSM Launcher with two rockets like this one: ssm_promo.jpg

    This unit is more lore accurate than a heavy tank, which is Red Alert. The SSM Launcher is the second unit that was in C&C1 that Westwood could not implement fully in Renegade due to time constraints. On bigger maps, in theory this thing could punch holes into mammoths from a greater distance than the artillery could, completely out ranging the mammy, and it could decimate repair teams camping behind the mammoth with the sheer splash damage of it's napalm missiles, forcing GDI to send out some TOW Humvees or flank it thru tunnels with rocket troops to try to pick it off. I'd imagine the SSM functioning similar to the V2 in A Path Beyond, only with two weaker missiles instead of one stronger missile, and for balance sake, it should probably not out range the AGT and Obelisk like it does in the OG Command & Conquer game.

    You know what would be awesome? Have the SSM Launcher have left click be firing the left missile and right click fire the right, with separate reload times, so a skillful driver could time his shots consecutively.

    Ahh the possibilities. Respect to your dev team but I think you guys are missing out here with the bike. Follow through with your original idea of implementing it fully, at least only for quick public test purposes. Waste not the newly made unit.

  2. 22 minutes ago, LavaDr4gon said:

    Internet polls against my opinion are always wrong.  Polls that agree with my opinion are always right

    Now now, there's no need for you to be a f a g. If you'd actually read everything that's been presented, you would have to admit that all of the nay sayer replies so far have been ill founded; half of them don't even realize that we're talking about a different unit entirely.

    It's uncanny how slow they all are to realize they have next to no experience on what they're trying to argue with. A small bunch of detached slow pokes voting in a poll together who don't represent the player base because the majority doesn't use forums anyways? Naw. Just implement it and see if it works. If anything it'll make the modeller feel even more proud - it's a great rendition of the OG Recon Bike. A shame it wont see mainstream play because of... well, nothing really. Because of a couple of dum dums.

    Sorry I'm being harsh, but this is getting tedious. It is what it is, a new addition. Try it out. You might like it. And if it's truly upsetting the balance? It'll be removed. I respect your strong urges to protect your current meta. You have every right to state your feelings.

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  3. On 10/17/2019 at 9:13 PM, roweboat said:

    I really just want the hard data from the poll.

    As the hard data shows here in this thread, more than half the people voting no have no clue what they're talking about; no the Recon Bike is not as powerful as the Attack Cycle, no the Recon Bike is not any better or worse than the Attack Buggy, no the Recon Bike is not over lapping anything, no the Recon Bike is not just adding something for the sake of adding because it's a legacy unit always intended to be a part of, and no your meta games will not change.

    Your poll won't figure things out, this thread will. Anonymous internet polls never work anyways. Have you not learned from Mountain Dew's example?


    • Like 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, Gex_str said:

    only lock-on on venicles and those missiles are known for their mediocre speed..........

    True, those missiles are slow, and I didn't know they didn't lock on to infantry. In original Renegade they did, and were fast enough to pull off headshots no problem, just lead your target, etc.

    11 minutes ago, Gex_str said:

    Humvees and Buggies are excellent at killing/sniping any enemy infantry(including annoying SBHs, Gunners/LCGs and snipers!) and carrying your teammates(either in the venicle or on top of it :D ), so they still have use even in the late game.

    Hell yeah! The Bikes are also useful late game in a similar manner; they can't carry passengers but they can move waaaaay faster and help support tank columns better with their anti armor rockets and fast repair potential; being a technician you zip around the field hopping out to rep tanks then moving on to the next in no time. Great for maintaining field presence.

  5. 18 hours ago, DenWellingston said:

    Did you hear me Personally, I am against. Here's the answer to GDI, if they have nothing to counter the motorcycle at the beginning of the game? Better to stay as it is. I can talk about it forever, but I am against it.

    Do you THOROUGHLY READ ME? I already told you, GDI can counter a bike just as easily as they can counter a buggy, so you have no actual argument against the Bike. You just don't like it. Which is a shame, but fair. As they say "Don't fix what ain't broke," even though that's not what we're proposing here. You are entitled to your opinion.

    However I think I've done a good job presenting facts which assure next to nothing will change for your playstyle, and it will open up the sandbox for regulars. Remember, nowadays on servers like MPF and Rencorner, original Renegade actually does have the bike implemented, even in the original maps. Although Rencorner never went as far as adding them to their original maps; they only had the bike implemented in a few custom maps. You wanna know the reason why they didn't want it added to all the maps? Because a vocal minority who frequent the forums more than they do the actual game said no. Looking at you Vandal, lol. It's not like it would affect their playstyle, because most of them are perma noobjets, which are MORE than efficient in taking down bikes.

    Anyways, sir wellington? You're worried over basically nothing. But I digress.

    11 hours ago, euan-missile said:

    So I've been following this post for a while now, I'm happy to see it's gotten some decent traction. 

    Heeeey that was you who I gave the Bike to after I was done with it. Yah talk about PRECISION; you have to turn by tapping the directional key instead of holding it, like tap, tap just to nudge over to the left while going full speed, tap, tap just to nudge over to the right, 'cause if you hold it down for more than a millisecond BOOOOM you be suicide sharp turning and then the camera goes crazy and yah you're fucked lol 

    I like biking IRL.

    FYI The Brotherhood of Nod is not abbreviated, hence Nod is not in all caps; it's not NOD, it's Nod. THE MORE YOU KNOW. Now lets go bitch slap GDI with our fancy new bikes.


    it was released with stats and characteristics of a purchasable vehicle, which is why it's getting such harsh criticism right now. 

    So if we instead compare it to the current meta of ingame purchasable NOD vehicles, it actually falls comfortably inline. Though, it still needs bug updates and general gameplay tweaks, to make it more consistent & stable. However, I do like the handling and physics even if the sensitivity is a little high. I've been using it alot and i've gotten rather good at it, making the learning curve hard but once mastered, it's something to use to your advantage.

    Yah man quoted for truth - the unit is equivalent to a mainline purchasable Nod vehicle, and the controls are not bad per say, they are just tricky, hard to use. I'm glad you're having more success than I did, though I've only tested it once, and very briefly.

    8 hours ago, HIHIHI said:

    I don't see a need for it in Nod's vehicle roster.

    It's never been a need. It's always been a want. I'm pretty confident this simple addition, probably the easiest-to-implement out of all the other proposed ideas, will not adversely affect anyone's playstyle. Although it's role is comparable to an Attack Buggy, it doesn't overlap the Buggy, it has it's own unique playstyle, which I don't think many of these nay sayers (you included) have ever experienced before, and that's why they're strident in saying nay. So that's where I come in and say from experience: addition of the Bike really doesn't change much at all, we've balanced it in original Renegade so we can probably balance it in Renegade X, maybe even for all the maps. Since all maps have Buggies, all maps might as well have Bikes, so long as the Bike can't get into tunnels and other odd areas , etc.


    while being of little to no help in the late game

    Again, a concern such as this is rendered moot, because the same concern applies to the Buggy/Humvee as well. Are not Buggies of little to no help in the late game too? No offense bud, but this is another non-issue taking up a decent chunk of space; the late game dynamics are irrelevant and would be 95 percent unchanged with the addition of a Bike.

    Now, the addition of the Surface to Surface Missile Launcher, that beast of an artillery unit which Nod had in C&C1 and even in original Renegade. That motherfucker could definitely spice up the late game. https://cnc.fandom.com/wiki/SSM_launcher_(Tiberian_Dawn)


    I would definitely not like to see the buggy leave on any map - they are situationally useful. Now so could the recon bike be, but I think that the buggy is a little more useful, since it's an early game unit, and in the early game, you need anti-inf. I don't think the recon bike is exceptionally strong as an anti-inf unit

    What are you, new? Get headshots! And of course you can run people over like nobody's business, once you master them turning controls. ;) Rockets be killing infantry just as good as they did in original Renegade, plus they lock on. The bike is an early unit too, just like the Buggy and APC - it costs the same as an APC.

    And yes, definitely keep the buggy alongside the bike for all maps because the bike ENHANCES THE BUGGY! Bike/buggy combos are awesome. I've had some good times driving a bike with a teammate driving a buggy, and we  supported our Light tank columns and Artillery hopping out for repairs, then squishing Hotties and soldiers, and rocket sniping buildings, tanks and infantry (HEADSHOT) the buggy helped me mop up stragglers while I helped the buggy take out tanks. And when the stealth tanks and flame tanks went in for a target, we'd be right behind them to help put the finishing blow into a building and mop up any stragglers. It was hilarious lol and truly the epitome of Nod's guerilla warfare style. That's what we WANT, and, I guess as an extension of want.... need.

    You'd be missing out by denying a simple addition out of (whats comparable to) superstitious fear. xD

    8 hours ago, crazfulla said:

    ... Games on Toxicity are often dominated by the.... The only way I would agree to including them in the mainstream purchase menu is if the DPM was nerfed considerably and GDI was given a unit of similar value.

    Toxcicity's official release page incorrectly calls them Recon Bikes instead of Attack Cycles so I understand your confusion. I too wish for the Recon Bike to be balanced. And GDI could get an equivalent unit, in the TOW missile Humvee! Now this unit wasn't officially made by Westwood, but it's a simple manner of taking the Humvee model and replacing it's machine gun with a rocket launcher. Modders did it in the original Renegade - Nod had the Bike at $500, and GDI had the TOW Missile Humvee at $550.

    I like GDI too, I wouldn't mind seeing them get a new unit too, a new toy to play with. It would appease fans complaining that Nod has too many units compared to GDI, and again, like with the bike, the TOW Humvee wouldn't change the meta game very much at all. It's a win win - nobody's playstyle changes drastically and we all get new toys.

    Whats not to like?


  6. @DenWellingston lol what are you so confused about? Do you not speak English? Actually that would make sense, lol. Ok, get your translator out: Any weakness the Bike has is the same weakness the Buggy, Humvee, and even APC have. Meaning your concerns are moot, because you already know how to take out the APC and Humvee, therefore, you'll do just fine taking out the bike.

    Anyways, I just got my hands on a Recon Bike. I was playing on the map called "Field", with 24 players, and a team mate gave me his so I could test drive it. lol, the controls need to be fine tuned. As it is, it takes PRECISION to drive expertly, maintain zig zag pattern at full speed to avoid locked-on rockets. You make one wrong turn and you're dead, and the sprint doesn't seem to work, except when going down hill, so you're not even able to go as fast as you should be. Also, the rockets reload time is slow, and you only shoot a single salvo from both pods I think, instead of two rockets per pod, although I could be tripping on that one detail, cause I didn't get a chance to fight very much, I had to run the fuck out of the way and not get hit by all the artillery. In theory, it's possible to do some damage with this thing in it's current state, but it takes skill. Which is a good thing.

    So again, if anything, the bike needs to be buffed slightly. Stop worrying Duke Wellington, you'll be fine.

  7. 1 hour ago, roweboat said:

    It actually is still very powerful though. It is still much quicker than anything GDI has. currently the humvee and buggy are very similar but different.

    So yes, far less powerful than attack cycle, but the question is, what good stratagies exist to combat the bike by GDI *every* time?

    Alright I just got my hands on one. I was playing on the map Field, I'm on Nod, and one of our guys gets it from a crate, brings it back to base, and gives it to me for a test drive. LOL, it is wonky as FUCK, and it's not very powerful at all, what with the slow reload time and slippery-as-hell turn rates. I dunno what you're talking about. In order for this Recon Bike to be powerful, the driver needs to be an EXPERT, so that's fine, it's not OP by design, in fact it has a steep learning curve. Seriously, make one wrong turn and BOOM! You are done, stuck up a wall. The thing's turn rate is soooo sensitive. While accelerating, you just need to tap the directional key once; don't hold it down for more than one millisecond because then the bike turns around waaaay too far. Then there's turning without accelerating, which is in it's own category of sensitivity, lol, it's like two different worlds.

    And the fucking camera, my god, first person and 3rd is just out of control..... did we drive the same thing? There's no way in hell the Recon Bike in it's current state can adversely affect the current meta game, so you have nothing to worry about. There are plenty of counters to the bike, all of which are applicable to the buggy as well; anything that kills the buggy good kills the bike good.

    Don't stifle a new idea. That just leads to nothing.

    37 minutes ago, Mystic~ said:

    GDI's main advantage has always been armour, once they've massed it's almost impossible to stop them. Nod can't do this, it has to do smart things, cloak & dagger and use speed and surprise much more, which I think the bike would compliment quite well.

    Yes Nod has always done cloak and dagger stuff in the original Renegade game and in the other C&C games; again, the bike was supposed to be in the original game. The only thing to worry about with the Recon Bike is if it becomes too efficient at early game rushes - say you mass 10 bikes to hit the AGT, well by that time GDI should have tunnel rushed and c4'd a building or two. Amassing those bikes was equivalent to amassing light tanks, just 100 bucks cheaper, less armored and less powerful, but faster.

    Again, not much will be changed. Or your money back ;)

  8. 6 hours ago, SilentKnight said:

    @DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr Renegade x is not C & C or old Renegade, it's a fan made game.
     Unfortunately, you mediate at the moment (maybe I am wrong) the impression that you are the only one who is omniscient.
    It also looks like the term "compromise" does not appeal to you at all. Maybe I'm wrong, but it just makes the impression.

    What the hell are you talking about? There's nothing to compromise; the gameplay you've come to know and love will still be intact. lol I dunno why you'd say Ren X is NOT Renegade,  because it certainly is. Original Renegade has featured balanced bikes for years now. Renegade X has everything original Renegade has plus all kinds of cool new shit. You really think a Bike is gonna disrupt anything substantial? Come on.

    Look, your only real issue with the bike is that you think it will be over powered like how the Tiberian Sun Attack Cycle is. For the last time chum, the Recon Bike is not nearly as powerful as the Attack Cycle. They are two different units from different timelines - The Attack Cycle is from the future so of course it's gonna kick your ass, whereas the Recon Bike is modern day. It's just a bike with rockets, with no fancy shielding or anything, so aim well and you'll kill it quick. Oh and strafe hard so you don't get run over.

    If I'm wrong the devs will just take the unit out, but for god's sake, give it a chance at least. I'm not omniscient (NOT YET) I just know Command & Conquer, probably more than you and most of the rest of the nay sayers here. 

    3 hours ago, DenWellingston said:

    I have already expressed my respect and I repeat, no. 1- Balance and getting off the track of a classic assortment of vehicles. 2- The motorcycle itself from the era of Tiberium Dawn 3- The motorcycle has a huge number of enemies, such as an ordinary tank, rocket launcher and Sidney with Raveshaw.

    1 There is nothing to get off track. The Recon Bike is part of the classic assortment of vehicles. 2 "The motorcycle itself from the era of Tiberium Dawn" Yes, that is the unit we are talking about... lol. 3 SO DOES THE ATTACK BUGGY. Non issues.

    Look pal you can go in circles all day, the facts remain - any issue you have with the bike is equally applicable to Buggies and Humvees and even APCs. Therefore, the meta game will remain largely unchanged despite the inclusion of bikes, one more light vehicle. You will be fine.

    And if not, we'll take it out. But we got to at least test it out.

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  9. 10 hours ago, SilentKnight said:

    I think you should really look at Rowe's Poll, there is an option that I think can be apt.  @roweboat 👍
    On small maps, I would not necessarily have the recons for known reasons and also mentioned reasons.

    By that logic you might as well take out the Buggy and the APC from those small maps as well. Again, you're over estimating the Bike. Mine your base as always and you'll be mostly fine from rushes.

    1 hour ago, DenWellingston said:

    I played in MPF and Interium Apex for 1-1.5 years and personally confirm the words of many.

    No, all the words you are confirming here are about the Attack Cycle in Renegade X, not the Recon Bike in Renegade. In fact you're the first person other than me to mention that you've actually played MPF and Rencorner servers. On those servers, there is a very well balanced Recon Bike for Nod to purchase on most maps for MPF (I'm not talking about those crazy IA maps), and a couple for Rencorner. Now see here: you're not actually complaining about the bike, you're just saying you don't use it, and don't see others use it. We must not have played the same matches then; I use the bike all the time. It's great for guarding the base and catching rushes minutes before they arrive so you can tell your team to defend. Good times.

    Don't bother talking about Twisted Insurrection - while it's a great mod, it has nothing to do with the original C&C1 universe which Renegade was made from, said universe had a bike all setup for Nod, it was 99 percent ready to be deployed, and now finally, the Renegade X devs make a sweet model of it which looks very similar to the original Renegade Recon Bike, before the original Renegade got that huge change in aesthetic, changing all nod units to bright red instead of urban cameo. 

    The model looks great, the unit is easily balanced, and the meta is barely changed. SO Lets do it, bring on the bike! I've already voted.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 6 hours ago, vandal33 said:


    I just wrote 4 paragraphs

    Don't take it personally. You're a close minded doubtful dude. Most on Rencorner are. The guys on Rencorner like pink rocket launchers but don't like recon bikes lol.

    8 hours ago, Handepsilon said:

    Actually the fact it doesn't change meta much is the reason that I feel against adding it. If it's just going to be a faster antitank buggy that dies quicker, it's just going to unnecessarily fill up the vehicle cap

    lol no it's not. It's equivalent to a buggy or APC. To say the bike unnecessarily fills up vehicle cap is to also say the buggies/APCs unnecessarily fill up the vehicle cap. Which I guess is true to an extent, depending on the professionalism of the team. But that's not the point - Nod has always had Recon Bikes. Bring them back. They're easy to balance. And it wont die quicker if the pilot knows what he's doing - another non-issue. A couple people here with non-issues. You seemed to favour it earlier, now you're back tracking? Odd.

    8 hours ago, Fffreak9999 said:

    We are not over-estimating,

    Yes you are. The Recon bike is by no means the Attack Cycle. Renegade X Attack Cycle is OP. Renegade X Recon Bike is not. If anything the Recon Bike needs minor buff.

    1 hour ago, Marinealver said:

    I find it sort of funny that Nod has more different types of Vehicles than GDI. I guess GDI doctrine is all you need is a Mammoth Tank.

    Guess you never played C&C1. It's always been that way.

    5 hours ago, Gex_str said:

    @Fffreak9999  Recon Bike doesn't have something unique

    Yes it does. You've obviously never played OG Renegade on the MPF and even the Rencorner servers. On those servers, at $500, they are a more advanced version of the buggy, being slightly weaker but having a MUCH faster top speed - after accelerating for a bit, the bike zooms past anything and everything. Unlike the Buggy, the Bike can actually kill tanks, not one on one, but with support from your team. They can also fend off aircraft because they have homing rockets. With that extreme speed you can run circles around the whole map, picking off hotties and weakened tanks. The buggy can't do this nearly as well. The bike is better than the buggy, hence the $500 price tag. You can support your team's armor by getting a technician and bike, zipping around your perimeter, picking off stragglers and repairing your tanks and artillery. It's useful.

    Don't compare the bike to a rocket soldier, lmao. You're not even trying. Seriously guys..... the Bike is awesome, and with a little fine tuning it'll be balanced.

    Stop resisting the bike. ;)

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  11. On 10/14/2019 at 6:32 PM, buttons said:

    I still haven't seen an actual video of this bug nor have I ever heard of it before

    Oh I've definitely noticed it on my older potato system, with only 4 gigs of RAM and nVidia 640 lmao. This Carloz Mendoza guy is probably lying - although some of his CPUs might be OK, his rig overall is not up to snuff. With my new rig I might encounter that lag bug once in a blue moon during 64 player matches with lots of explosions going on.

    @Carlos_Mendoza Who are you? Whats your name on MPF, Rencorner and IA? Are you that aaaaaaaaa guy? Or MateNone? One of those airhead guys who can't speak English. lol, man we can't even coordinate in-game; you can't understand what we say without using a translator and ain't no one got time for that shit while playing the game live. So you end up just cursing all day in the chat.

    Good times, bro. xD

  12. A couple of people are overestimating the bike. Handepsilon said it best - it wont change the meta much at all thanks to the vehicle cap. At $500 some people will buy it instead of the buggy or APC, and it will be just as useful as either, and remember, the Recon Bike is different from the Attack Cycle, it's not nearly as powerful, so even on Lakeside it should be OK.

    On 10/16/2019 at 2:39 AM, Havoc89 said:

    Classic Recon Bike is very weak and has very low DPS.

    Its a cool unit to finally see ingame, but in the current overly complicated yet strangely balanced in an asymmetrical system that is overlapping between not just between unique vehicles but also character classes in two different factions; there isn't a place for it. There's also no need to add more to a formula just because it's there. Sometimes less is better.

    Your first sentence confirms that it shouldn't upset the balance. Your second last sentence was overly complicated for no reason lol, and it seems you're back tracking and assuming the worst. Don't worry, there is a place for it - the bike doesn't truly overlap any other vehicle, its got it's own play style. Based on my experience with the standardized Recon Bike in MPF and Rencorner (there are other OP versions of the bike in certain MPF maps, so disregard those) it's exhilarating driving at top speeds and trying not to bump into anything leaving you a sitting duck. No other vehicle offers this experience. It takes skill, but it's also high risk with only medium reward, meaning, it's not overpowered. In fact you might need to buff the bike to make it more useful.

    Just pop it in the roster as-is and see what happens. I highly doubt the meta will be changed very much. Early game rushes might be a bit different, but that's about it. Nod wants it's iconic bike back, dammit! Then we'll finally have all our vehicles.

    Except the SSM Launcher. Now THAT's a unit which could actually disrupt the meta, especially if you go with the Tiberian Dawn model which has two rockets, instead of Renegade's with only one. For those who don't know, the SSM is basically a super artillery which out ranges the Advanced Guard Tower and Obelisk of Light lol. That would be OP, you'd need to scale that unit back stats wise to balance it. But one step at a time! RECON BIKE! RECON BIKE! #BringBackTheReconBike

    I tell yah, when Renegade first came out, all I wanted to do was drive the recon bike. lol, I was so disappointed that Westwood didn't fully implement it. It took a long time until the modders buffed it to useful status and implemented it.

    • Thanks 1
  13. On 10/15/2019 at 1:58 PM, DenWellingston said:

    And yet it will interfere. Especially the price of $ 700-800. The game is tied to the interaction of different classes, no matter what, it is more profitable to buy the same tank for the same money and go into battle. We already have balance problems for the Orcs and the Apache helicopter, while it’s better to focus on this problem. They still often feel like expensive tanks, and not as a means of air support.

    Steven Universe is a bad show for bad people. Opinion rendered moot.

    23 hours ago, Mystic~ said:

    I've not had chance to use the new attack cycle, but I think people are under estimating the ability for bikes to be used for solo transport onto the field, capturing a silo, comm centre or getting to where the teams tanks need repairing and perhaps it is less detrimental if one is even stolen or taken by the enemy due to lowish armour, they have a smaller target area to hit, lower profile, they are more manoeuvrable, they move quicker than the buggy, it would be the vehicle of choice for vehicle sneaking a tech or other unit and they could perhaps be used to harass or bypass slow tanks like mammoths. Granting it access to areas otherwise off limits is probably going to break some maps, but at the same time it might be fun and open up new possibilities like allowing it to access the infantry hills on Lakeside. I'd rather it fit into the bracket of something like 300-350 credits. A buggy has a machine gun for anti-infantry but the bike would have rockets for light armour such as Orcas and Humvees. GDI has the MRL for cost effective anti-air, but Nod has to wait until 900 for an anti-air vehicle or use slow LCGs and it presents some more early rush options. 

    Now THIS guy knows whats up, he's stating some solid facts here.

    On 10/16/2019 at 2:39 AM, Havoc89 said:


    Its a cool unit to finally see ingame, but in the current overly complicated yet strangely balanced in an asymmetrical system that is overlapping between not just between unique vehicles but also character classes in two different factions; there isn't a place for it. There's also no need to add more to a formula just because it's there. Sometimes less is better.


    The Recon Bike is unique as hell, it doesn't overlap with anything. It works fine in MPF, Vandal is exaggerating, lol, they're not like tanks at all, the die REALLY fast if the driver ain't careful.

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  14. 8 hours ago, DenWellingston said:

    the motorcycle from Tiberium Dawn was not in the game, but there was a completely separate model (and it very rarely appeared).

    All models in Renegade are a lot different from Tiberian Dawn. The bike was always meant to be fully implemented, Westwood just ran out of time and had to release the game as is, with the Bike unfinished.

    The counters to bikes are anti tank weaponry that's all, they're not hard to fight against. GDI could get a TOW Humvee to compensate. If the Bike and TOW humvee are proving too cost effective jack the price to $700 and $800.


    But I don't mind only giving bikes to still have this.

    You will when you realize you're the ONLY unit that has to do that. That's too gimmicky, and makes the Bike way too easy to kill.

    • Thanks 1
  15. Could jack the price to $700 so its less spammable. Anyway to boost MLRS missile tracking speed for just the bike? Mammoth should be able to take it out in one salvo of cannons and rockets. Not being able to fire on the move is no good, especially at $700. If you're gonna go the stop-to-fire route, decrease price to like $400. Not being able to fire on the move cuts the bike's utility in half; I'm definitely not a fan of this idea.

    Also, in C&C1, Mammoth tanks could squish bikes. Is it possible to make the mammoth be able to run over the bike, destroying it instantly? Like if the mammoth sprints and reaches a certain speed it can crush the bike?

  16. On 10/13/2019 at 1:02 PM, Carlos_Mendoza said:

    bug exists on all CPUs, intel i5 430M, intel i7 6700hq, amd ryzen 2700x and its not my fault


    because i am half retarded, dont offend me


    Interesting, I thought it only happened on my older computer. I must not have noticed it on my better system. In that case I take it back - it's not your fault it's the engine's fault.

    lol, damn, I'm disappointed to learn that you are actually half retarded. Where you inoculated as a child? Because that would explain it.

  17. On 9/21/2019 at 5:58 AM, Carlos_Mendoza said:

    go to terminal, choose character by mouse double click and quickly press A+S

    I know what you mean. On older CPU's like AMD Athlon II x4, the game lags slightly while you interact with the purchase terminals. In particular there's a slight frame freeze after purchasing a new character class and quickly exiting the menu. That's your fault; unless the devs can rework the Unreal 3 engine or whatever it's called (which even if they could they they wont because its far too much work) they can't help you. Help yourself and learn English - you sound half retarded.

    Naw I'm just kidding, you sound fine. Anyways, back to the Recon Bike - YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, YES, AND MORE YES. Now put it on the main roster for purchasable Nod vehicles and we're golden.

    On 9/18/2019 at 8:35 AM, euan-missile said:

    YESSS! Amazing content, ill be honest I really lost interest in everything else in the post when I had saw that recon bike, so I just had to try it out. (it's my fav old ren vehicle) 

    I was very happy it actually animates & handles like a motorcycle and not a two-wheeled jeep like the attack cycle does, but overall actually kinda disappointed in this rec bike, the torque value is incredibly low and sprinting is non-existent. I found that it doesn't sprint on any incline gradient, only on completely flat/downhill surfaces. It's sprint speed I think is the same peak as the attack cycle, but the acceleration feels unstable and inconsistent. Sprinting is frustrating. The cruising speed feels very low too, around that of the humvee or buggy. 

    Though it's pretty good health wise, it can tank 2 shots from mammoth 120mm cannon, leaving it nearly destroyed, and takes 5 med tank direct hits to kill it. But I don't think the bikes are supposed to be "slow and tanky" though. 

    It fires 4 TOW rockets that are split into 2 magazines, they're stronger individually than the attack cycle rockets but since there is much less of them it's overall alot weaker, though it has a much quicker reloading time. I feel like the damage output is only slightly less overall than the equivalent stealth tank; the Heroic animation for the rockets is the same as the stealth tanks.  

    The TOW rockets glitch when firing locked onto targets that are at positioned 5-6-7 o'clock behind the Recon bike, the TOW rockets stall slowly in mid-air as they turn backwards to the target, the animation of the rockets then detonate prematurely because the flight time expires, -- but the projectile still hits the intended target as an invisible weapon (i'm guessing because it follows original distance-to-travel even if the animation doesn't) 


    Overall the bike is basically a faster but weaker stealth tank,  but considerably slower & less powerful than the current Attack cycle. Oh, and in terms of appearance I think it's rather small :( Plus i'm not a fan of it being open-top, I do like seeing the NOD style handlebars and dashboard, (esp in first person) but it just would look so much better if the fairings encapsulated the whole vehicle. Makes it more mysterious that way, which was also the reason why I love NOD vehicles because you never know whats inside.

     And also, this was all with Elite rank so take it with a pinch of salt.  

    QUOTED FOR RELEVANCE - DEVS YOU NEED TO PAY ATTENTION TO THIS GUY, HE SPEAKS TRUTH. We want the Recon Bike mother fucking GOLDEN! So you gotta up the stats - currently it's too slow, doesn't accelerate like it should, and damage output is weak, although the health seems fairly high. Lower the health a tad and buff the rest a bunch. Actually you better PM this guy (euan-missile) for proper specifics.

    We have the Recon Bike. Good job boys! Now we just need to perfect it.

    • Confused 1



    The sole purpose of my creation was to
    Bring forth the wisdom of omnipotent rage
    So that the children of man
    May learn how pitiful they are

    They who shall return
    They who shall mark the end of this world again

    To seize it once more,
    For them to trample with their wretched
    Hooves and unmake into nothingness

    Schleimge Larve, Fleischnarben, Jämmerliche wesen
    Unw ürdig vor der verbreitund der ersten gotter zu stehen

    To banish the sun for all eternity.
    So that the oblivion may swallow everything
    In the totality of existence.

    Um die sonne für alle ewigkeit zu verbannen.
    Sodass diese vergessenheit alles in
    Der totalität ihrer existenz schlucken möge.

    Erleuchte, nicht mehr!

    Muculent larva, grains of flesh, despicable beings
    This is the final silence, Endstille, the final silence.  

  19. You might as well let us buy the bikes in-game ($500) on all the maps. It would barely change the meta and Nod needs their Recon Bikes, their signature unit from Tiberian Dawn. I miss my recon bike/technician build I used back in old school Renegade on MPF maps server. Most hilarious playstyle ever ( and useful; great for supporting tank columns hopping out to repair, one shotting/squishing infantry and taking out weakened tanks) but it was a playstyle that didn't exist for the majority of Renegade's shelf life, because Renegade didn't fully implement the Bike, even though it was supposed to be a part of the Nod faction roster for regular multiplayer games. It wasn't until later when mods added in proper working bikes with balanced stats.

    But now C&C Renegade is almost dead, so it's up to you guys. #BringForthTheHolyReconBike

    Also great job on the model, it looks sick.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 2
  20. Thing is, every single other server is listed. A Path Beyond, ECW, Reborn, etc. It's just IA that they took down. The only thing childish is Shaitan's butthurt. Also there's plenty of Renegade traces, it was fun, that's why everyone was playing it. Normal Renegade was boring to the majority. Again, the player counts speak for themselves. You hate something you're not good at. That's childish.

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