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Everything posted by =HT=Duro

  1. QUOTE (klote2314 @ Sep 3 2009, 07:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> next time take 30 sec of your time to search, its the third reply in General - FAQ, and this topic is pinned QUOTE (Patriot @ Dec 29 2006, 08:08 PM)
  2. QUOTE (spectre01 @ Sep 2 2009, 12:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> well i run the game on a laptop too, (C2D 2.13gh, 4gb ram, Win 7, nvidia 9800mGS 512mb.) an im running at a hihger resolution than you, eveything is @ max and the min i got is 20-22 .. but average is around 40. myself, i turn down the dynamic light and shadow, i and i gained around 8 fps. use google and search UT3 tweak. i know that in option , detail ( 1-5 option) got no really big difference between 3 and 5. try to tweak UT3 with that, cause Renegade-X will need a lil more power than the original UT3
  3. well in original Renegade i didnt see airstrike and the spy was added by ppl who mods the server side. .. so dont expect to see this in Renegade X, you need to understand, and its wrote in 90% of topic in this forum, they remake the original C&C renegade under a new engine. all new feature that ppl want .. well you will need to create it and host it in your own server. those guys work hard to remake the game, its long, and they dont have time to think and work on things that its not in the original game, like i and other ppl said, ... open Unreal editor, and start working on what you want to do .. you got some month before the official launch so enough time to work on things you want
  4. wow .. 14 years already .. i start my gaming life with C&C 95 ... when i saw the game , i was like why not .. 14 years later i still play C&C game .i have to search on ebay to get covert ops .. the only original C&C CD i dont have
  5. QUOTE (EaZiE @ Aug 31 2009, 01:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 2vs2??? well i always hated this ... i still dont understand why ppl still want to play 2vs2 in a game who was created to be played with 2 big team. at least 10 per side is perfect
  6. QUOTE (IndieHall @ Aug 30 2009, 11:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> come back the sept 30 and you will see
  7. awesome news ,great job guys, be sure Hazteam will be there sept. 30 !!!!!!!
  8. ya and ?? i didnt started playing renny in RA lol back in 2002, ho well .. good old memories lol
  9. its funny to see that a community try to remake a incredible game, everything liek the original, and theres always ppl who need to change it, my 2 cents ... 99% of modification in renegade killed the game,even crate can kill the game , there only some modification that really help, like donation. but a real game in a STOCK server is better for me than a big game with alot of things changed .. change not always mean better
  10. QUOTE (An4x1madr0s @ Aug 23 2009, 03:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> well im always in jelly .. and im sure you never and you 'll never steal my vehic lol only noob let them vehic alone outside base to repair .. me i always have a hotty or a engy with me, ALWAYS.
  11. =HT=Duro


    we made a good one yesterday ..mesa ... i was on nod .. we had pp and ob .. , gdi had pp and bar .. so only havoc ... we rush like 20 by the middle and nuke the bar .. after we left the base .. well we was around 20-25, only with engy and soldier and we rush pp epic win lol .. even with 20 and more havoc we got bar with basic engy hahahhaha
  12. harvy walkin witha hummy is nice too
  13. btw great work and nice inteview. really nicely done, congrat to all Ren-X team, this is a good pub for ya
  14. =HT=Duro

    Hello all

    ho another friend from DA im Duro, part of Hazteam clan, like i said before here, we got some good clan fight back in time against TWA. after TWA split i was leader of a clan ''RF'' we was good friend with sSs. soul and snipe JD still member of DA? anyway, like Fobby said , welcome here !!!!!
  15. QUOTE (Havoc89 @ Jul 14 2009, 02:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  16. 2002 DX8 game .. dont expect to see great texture show us a ss and we will see if there a prob, i played renegade for the first time on a celeron 600mhz with 256mb ram and a Geforce 4 MX 440, at max ... around 30-40 fps ... and you can let us some info on your computer .. it will be faster to see try this Can You Run It select UT3
  17. if you running renegade on medium or low .. or even high with low fps .. like 40-50 ...well 1 - try runing renegade after a fresh install .. if still low fps ... buy another pc ... Renegade X will run badly on your pc ... like Assassin said, run the UT3 demo an you will be fix if you will be able to run RenX or not
  18. np. almost all question is already answered in FAQ or some threads in forum. watch LIVE WIP each week, and you will find ss of update .
  19. QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Jul 26 2009, 06:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> bad Fobby, Bad fobby cant wait to see it
  20. first, Welcome second lol like jointn00b said, all the original map + the ''intro'' map in single player, will be make. i think some new map will be avaible at release. but theres alot of good mapper all over the web for UT3. so expect to see alot of new map and im sure, alot of remake of renegade fanmap
  21. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/exclusiv...t-command/53140 already on web. but stay tune . around 9pm East time. on Commandandconquer.com
  22. well why always get rope and para?? just jump off the trans heli .. if you didnt died, its perfect. you rreally want those things??? if ya, just wait till the mod is finish and start you custom server and code it in your server. those guys work really hard to get a good fun and FINISHED mod, they made it by free time, no one pay them for that. if your not happy with Dev team decision, even after they tell you that they didnt want to do that, just start to learn modding and coding and when the game will be out, make you own mod of this mod.im not flaming or losing patience, but i saw too much of ppl who argue too much even after that the Ren-X Team or Admin post a decision on somethings. ok im done and i hate most ingame mod of renegade. iut kill the fun in game .. some is good , but most arent needed at all ..
  23. lol ok .. well...
  24. a team is a team and maybe they got more important things to do than searching for a body in river all around the city :lol:
  25. QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Jun 23 2009, 01:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> for me a RPG like is like a '' how to kill the C&C series'' QUOTE (Jointn00b @ Jun 23 2009, 02:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> the link work fine under 3 diff browsers here .. and my bros tried it too and it work .. strange
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