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Posts posted by Newbie

  1. Don't take this comment the wrong way but I'm completely honest with my reviews. This map is quite pathetic, very small with absolutely no attention to detail. However I and many others appreciate that you're helping the community by creating content. Thanks for trying.

  2. Hello,

    I'll make this short and sweet, I feel that the changes made in Renegade X from Beta 3 onwards to Beta 5 have been a disaster.

    - Mesa II has been ruined.

    - Refineries still generate money even when destroyed.

    - Vehicles can still be purchased even when airstrip/war factory is destroyed.

    - Suicide/nuke crates should be taken out, crates should only reward players - either with attribute upgrades or vehicles.

    - Only engineers should receive remote C4, not high tier characters.

    - Buying multiple weapons/items shouldn't replace the current slots.

    - There are many more issues/bugs which concern me but don't have the time to write a full list.

    I know these are intended to balance gameplay but I feel this was not the right way of doing so.



  3. On some servers the only way to win is to destroy the enemy base, the time limit is disabled and is very annoying of maps such has Field where players abuse this time limit to rank up on the leaderboards by not destroying the enemy base totally and just keep damaging buildings. Field usually lasts about an hour on a server with 40 players.

  4. Could there be a way of logging into the renegade client so the leaderboards are connected to your regenade account rather than using steam.

    Every 5 minuates the servers take the current scores of players, kills, deaths etc and send them to a SQL database. This could work.

  5. All our current renegade maps feature both tank and character selection which brings a more in depth war as we have to defend paths and vehicle entrances but it would be great to experiment with tank/inventory only maps as then we can see which side is ultimately better at either inventory or vehicles.

    The maps would be trailered so either only tanks can survive eg. Tiberium battlefield or where only characters can walk, eg. caves, narrow bridges.

    Seeing how getting the good characters may take a bit of time the Tiberium field should be filled with gems (x2 income).

  6. I agree that GDI should be able to see SBH's now and then however in a certain radius. Say about 5 feet, players should be able to play stealth gameplay if they intent to.

    Try playing OG Renegade where

    I did play the original renegade and I know they were terrible, but now we can finally change that.

  7. Repairing a building should receive 150% of the damage that's been done. Artillery can easily CR camp and get their team a full flame rush in minutes. Here's my idea.

    Let's say the Artillery has done 10% damage to the barracks and gains 100 points doing so.

    The GDI engineer should receive 150 points for repairing that 10%.

    Here's the awesome part.

    The more the building has been damaged, the more points the engineer receives.

    If the building was at 20% then the engineer should receive an major point increase per percentage repaired.

    100% building health = 120% repair CR payback.

    50% (yellow) = 200% more CR for repairing

    20% (red) = 300% more CR

    These values aren't perfect but it's just a start. Doing this would balance out play as the team that's being damage is usually team that's "losing" at that point. By providing more CR to that team would bring them back into the fight rather than just having to wait an extra 5 minutes for the engineers to eventually realize they can't win and stop repairing. This also motivates players to repair buildings which leads to cute cuddling near the main control terminal :)

    Please reply to this thread on what you think. Agree, disagree?

  8. When downloading Renegade X it often takes a long time for myself to download it due to shit internet providers, usually around 40% (1hr dl time) done I lose connection and the download is lost and have to start over.

    Could we please see a RenX installer with an auto updater and not have to download through the site anymore.


  9. The release of Renegade-X is getting ever closer and the Christmas spirits are rising.

    Designs constructed from the most advanced image editing software ever created, Microsoft Powerpoint.

    Which one is the best?




    Merry Christmas everyone!

    Good luck, from You...

  10. Take a look below, this may be fake. Nether the less still amazing...

    Apparently there is also a fake Kickstarter event for Renegade-X, please beware!

    - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azDTWRJBFGA

    Other relevant links...

    - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azDTWRJBFGA

    - http://www.sector.sk/hra/8117/renegade-x-black-down.htm

    Release date from links...

    - In the description of the video (from the second link above) 14th of February 2014

    - However in the video (footage) 26th of February 2014

    Okay so the original video has been posted, here it is...

    The video above was a copy and posted by someone else.


    Real release date...

    - February 2014

    Latest news...

    - http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=70835

    Enjoy, and welcome to Renegade-X!

    Official Renegade X Facebook

    Official Renegade X Twitter

    Official Renegade X Steam Group

    Download Renegade X: Multiplier Client

  11. Many players have different approaches to what they wan't in a leveling system.

    I agree with many players saying they don't want it like Call of Duty.

    I prefer simply stat saving and comparing your kills on the hiscores, please examine below.


    The selected class is a Solider level 1.

    The same account also has a level 3 Shotgunner and other classes.

    I would prefer it if these levels didn't provide bonuses for the players as I prefer everyone to be equally matched.

    Quick idea of class stats.


    +5% Run Speed

    +7% Ammo


    +2% Credit Income

    +7% Explosive Resistance

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