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Posts posted by NoSoldier

  1. About Renegade itself or here, Renegade X? Oh well. There isn't actually much too learn, try and look some Youtube Videos of Renegade and Renegade X, if you're been able to understand what's going on there, this game won't be a problem for you.

  2. A pretty known Command & Conquer community called "United-Forum" or CnC-Inside just reported that the development of Command & Conquer has been halted and that Victory Games was closed.

    There will be more information about that later that day.

    For those who might understand a bit of german or that are fond of the use of things like the Google translator, here is the link:

    http://www.cnc-inside.de/command-and-co ... ncelt-1463

    What do you all say about that?

    (Please move this to the community forum^^)

  3. The reason why it wasn't mostly implented was because the logic behind this was bugged. (This is not a hint/hind.) At least that's my last information.

  4. Ok I'm done with discussions like the one's below. Can anyone direct me to a program to record your screen? I'll make a video to show the difference between alt-fire and normal fire in a flame tank.

    As I already stated before in this threat: Normal fire shoots from both nuzzles, whatever you do. You can see this in damage and scorch marks if you have the graphics turned up high enough. With alt-fire you will only fire from the left side. It is double or nearly double damage, amounting to (nearly) the full damage of normal fire. You can also see this, again, by looking at the scorch marks. Flame on a wall and you will see only scorch marks on the left side, even if you see two fire cones.

    You can really notice if you try it on an enemy APC. They suddenly die A LOT quicker. I get the notion that to prevent only using alt-fire, the normal fire is a little stronger in comparison.

    So if anyone can direct me to a program to record my screen, I can just post that video whenever such a discussion is formed about the magical ways your flame tank works. While I'm busy, I might give an overview of all alt-fire's, as there seems to be a lot of confusion about normal fire and alt-fire. The Renegade team can also consider these alt-fire's for in the mod too. At least I'll have my tactical advantages then.

    Lots of weapons and vehicles have a different alt-fire, so just experiment for half a day and you will figure most of them out yourself. Some are more difficult to detect but are certainly a help if you know the difference.



    ps. the frank question of Lomztein is ok. Its the weird discussions that are based on nothing that grind my gear

    Allright, taking my hat down then. Had not known that there's an alt-fire for the Flame tank :)

  5. I've always found it quite odd how flame tanks are ineffective against infantry in the original Renegade, unless you hit the infantry directly with the flames. What are your thoughts on that for Renegade X?

    This is actually because of the way how the Flamer works in Ren. I think I heard some time back that it ACTUALLY just shoots from one side of the tank. (We all know, WW were lazy ;))

    Westwood wasn't lazy they just had other things that were more important to do renegade was an extremely impressive game for its time. They did a whole lot for what they had to work with. Sure there are a lot of bugs in the game but they had accomplished something great.

    They were lazy. If you ever mod a CnC game you'll notice this. But it wasn't something bad. Actually I praise lazy people because they're achieving things on the simpliest (most efficient) way. And before you get offended, I love the work WW did. Don't worry ;)

  6. I've always found it quite odd how flame tanks are ineffective against infantry in the original Renegade, unless you hit the infantry directly with the flames. What are your thoughts on that for Renegade X?

    This is actually because of the way how the Flamer works in Ren. I think I heard some time back that it ACTUALLY just shoots from one side of the tank. (We all know, WW were lazy ;))

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