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Everything posted by NoSoldier

  1. Goldrush may be fixed once there's a gold rush. get it?
  2. you just made it pretty damn obvious that youve either never played renegade x, let alone used the PIC, or your are a massive troll and need to GTFO i can tell by the rate of fire alone that the player with the personal ion cannon is obviously hacking, probably combining a rate of fire hack with an aimbot I think you meant to quote Iran's post. Why do you actually think so? Actually, it makes way more sense in the way it is. And about the sentence itself: Why should there be trolling if there is actually evidence? I don't even get why people are haxing in such a game, but that's just me. It's nothing that needs to be discussed.
  3. The ultimate weapon: A flying mammy.
  4. A Path Beyond
  5. The Red Alert 2 mod for renegade is still in development...
  6. I've actually got the urge to do a doge - meme especially for this thread going like "So Beta" "much information", but I think the effort wouldn't repay. The thread - creator does not know that there are options for lightning, does he? Otherwise than that, thanks for the appreciated criticism (from the other ones.).
  7. Even though it's hiding somewhere, Tiberian Genesis (as far as I know) is internal still alive. *runs away* http://www.moddb.com/mods/cc-tiberian-sun-genesis
  8. NoSoldier

    patch ?

    And don't forget that the UDK Build is approx just 2-3 Years in development. The UT3 Version was in some points actually just scrapped as far as I know. And I don't get the "hate", too. There are WAY more bugged games out there and the "flaws" are being worked on with the devs actually looking for the opinion of the people. I just don't get it. Be patient and enjoy it. Recipe for disaster. This game will be dead before July. I just love quotes like this. I'm just being able to facepalm at them.
  9. Why should that actually be the case?
  10. You may look out for Marathon-Server. (I think you know that ). As far as I know is AoG hosting one, soon.
  11. I don't get it either. Neither I'm having a problem with the arty. [And the artyarc.]
  12. As far as I know, no. But they have the ability to restart the map .
  13. As I've said. The only thing that actually has this "fast-paced"- gameplayfeeling feeling to it is infantry. And it may be possible that it may get slowed down (a bit). Remember, it's just an open Beta. Even the first version.
  14. BOINK Back to the topic: As far as I know that will be the case. It just does not have a high priority at the moment.
  15. Is there, then, inherent value in balance? In this case it is. I may provide an example if you've ever played Renegade and one of it's mods. IF there's just ONE really overpowered unit (as the Havoc/Sakura may have been called in vanilla Ren) it kills the fun. And that's not the case in RenX in my opinion. Edit: It may actually possible to decrease the weapon damage in every case/increase the health of every unit to slow down the gameplay, but that may have various side effects.
  16. You started the Flame war when you gave the post this title: Impressions from a new player and why I think the game sucks Pretty much the case to be honest. Somehow you may give the impresssion of "I'm new here, I don't know "your" game, but it's just bullshit. I don't like it. You shouldn't either." with the title. Ontopic itself: The only thing that is pretty arcadey in it's own are infantry-fights [Which is one of the main aspects of the game, ofc.]. Infantry has a lot of power in this game and that is in my opinion a good thing. You are at any point in the game a "man-in-the-middle", being able to do the difference. It's different to BF or CoD (and great in my opinion.) BUT, and that's the case atm... one of the points why it feels arcadey at the moment is that the advantages of different classes aren't yet known to most of the people. They may not know that an engineer is been able to plant mines, plant remote C4's to kill enemy infantry... or that a Sakura is useful as Sniper... And it's possible to kill a Sakura (which costs 1000$) as a rifle soldier. That's what I've always admired in Ren and here. It may feel arcardey, but that's actually kind of a balance thingie.
  17. Do an Engi - C4 rush Use your imagination and try every tactic you can think of. Alone or with your teammates.
  18. I think a "combined" Hacker list would be help. That people report (with vids) who is cheating and admins are been able to ban them (beforehand).
  19. Try ingame the console with the word "admin". The rest will show up then. That's what I found out after fiddling around an hour today.
  20. How's it actually possible to make somebody a mod/Admin of a Server? (If this server is yours.) What are the most important commands next to "Kick, Ban"? For example, the command for spectating? Unrelated to this... Our Server starts to lag. We actually don't know why, but we're thinking it's related to the channels/imcome of bytes. If it gets 4000 bytes/s/350 channels (from RenX) it starts to lag. Might there be any solution to this expect to decrese the amount of incoming bytes?
  21. what's actually the command for spectating as Admin?
  22. I'd love it if you don't play the "You scare possible community member away"- card. It's awful. And it would be better if you'd stop the insulting. [smart-Ass & Asshole count as insults.] I was just sorting out if you may had used newb tactics, which is fine as starter. The Color thing is something related to the universe which this game is pretty sticking to. Nod is Red (metallic), GDI is Yellow. (Blue in some cases. Don't forget, C&C is a series). Thus, if a red player is killing you, you're belonging to the yellow, GDI, team. And to preserve the athmosphere but still having kind of a gameplay he's got a green square around him to actually identify him. Or am I misunderstanding you here? [i'm not having a colorproblem because I'm pretty used to it and stopped thinking about it ingame, because I'm just playing the game.]
  23. As toolkiks said, use the launcher. It's way easier than fiddling around with inis.
  24. If anyone gets the chance to fraps this happening, I think everyone might be happy. [Might be way easier to narrow down the problem]. And if you're lagging/having framedrops try "stat net/stat fps" in the console.
  25. Did you watch at least the tutorial vid? Was it a 64- Ppl slot server? (because it may have been crowded and people were killwhoring [Which was always a prob in Ren])
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