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About CrimsonTemplar

  • Birthday 08/13/1991

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    Somewhere in the mythical world of South West England...

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. For the former at least, he actually says correctly that you cannot enter a vehicle until either the owner gets in or the hijack timer expires. Says it here
  2. He did enjoy that options menu then . Overall I found his criticism on the game fair. Not everything in the game is polished but you can't deny the effort TA have thrown in.
  3. It's in UDK, so there can only be 64 players since it's hardcapped (though you can have higher numbers of bots)
  4. Yea i heard the devs talking about that, but a man can dream Oh believe me kind sir, I have no desire to rob you of that dream .
  5. I am afraid to have to tell you GroundsKeeper but since Renegade X was built in UDK, then it's unlikely we'll see 128 player matches as UDK has a hard-cap of 64 'human' players. You can go up to as far as 256 with bots but the hard-limit of human players is at 64. Attempting to circumvent it, I have heard (not with Renegade x but with other games using Unreal 3), results in net-coding and latency issues . But I do agree with you, it would be sight to behold.
  6. Totalbiscuit is that you?
  7. Ah dang, missed it. Oh well I can wait. Onwards to the 26th February!
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