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Everything posted by KwisatzHaderach

  1. Nope, Download worked fine. Installing now
  2. I must say, I feel crippled without the possibility of Voice Chat in this game. When you see a couple of flamers approaching your main base for a rush and you're in a mammy, it is nigh impossible to block them, shoot them and at the same time inform your mates that there is a rush inbound. Also, I really miss the interaction with other players on a more direct and personal level. Coming from 2 years of playing Natural Selection 2 (FPS/RTS hybrid) I am so used to my team communicating and exchanging vital intel of what's going on on the battlefield that RenX feels a little dull without that layer of team interaction. If it works in a pub game there, why shouldn't it work here? Ofc, you'd need the possibility to mute individual players to avoid the odd bad apple. Saying "go play with TS" isn't the solution unfortunately. Whenever I can get a friend to try RenX out we do get on Mumble. I just don't have many friends that are into gaming and my steam friends are reluctant. I'd also like to convey imprtant information to my whole team. tl;dr Voice comm's crucial for a game such as this, we need it ASAP. Please!
  3. Hey ISE, nice to see you made it over from the NS2 forums! I love your stuff and I'm glad you're aboard the Renegade X community, I'm sure it will profit greatly from your output and I am looking forward to what you come up with.
  4. I would be interestes in an official answer as well since I'm on 2560*1440 too. I don't have a problem with playing on 1080p, I sometimes prefer the extra fps over the image quality. While it definitely makes the image a little blurred by interpolation, it certainly doesn't stretch it as long as you stick with 16:9 aspect ratios.
  5. I watched about half an hour of footage (most on Island and Mesa) and the only obvious glitches I saw were the player getting stuck in the terrain. For a fan-propelled project of these proportions the beta actually looks incredibly smooth and polished.
  6. Hey guys! I still can't believe the advent of the public beta release, having first read about the mod on moddb in 2007! Freaking 7 years have passed since then, a quarter of my life!!! Back then Totem Arts didn't yet exist and the mod was still called Renegade 2007 . I played a couple of the beta builds before development halted and they swapped over to standalone development. Anyway, since 2007 I have been checking the various Renegade 2007/X forums irregulary, sometimes every day, sometimes once a month. I remember the many threads about how this game will never make it, how everything is dead, how they missed their chance... Now with the release just one month aheaed, I'm wondering how many other silent lurkers were/are out there, feverishly sucking up any news about the project back then, eagerly awaiting the longed for release right now? How long have you been sticking around?
  7. And the RPS article: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2014/01 ... nt-1441733 3/4 of an hour after I posted the news on their forums
  8. Funny you should mention that! Just yesterday I dug up the C&C Renegade X thread on the Rock Paper Shotgun forums to get people up to speed on game development and feel out if I can get a crew together
  9. Wow, mind-boggling stuff!!! The gameplay looks really smooth and the maps are just stunning! Everything is there: APC and Engie rushes, Orcas, massive tank battles! What I like the most is that there is a strong C&C 1 vibe all about, even more so than in the original Renegade. The way the tanks shells move and explode for some reason really made me think of the old Westwood RTS games... And Mesa really looks incredible! Great comments by the streamer and informative comments by the devs also. Cheers for that! The only thing that kept irritating me was that motion blur seemed to be enabled (hate that effect) and that the guy who taped it was constantly changing from 3rd to 1st person as infantry. Felt a little hectic and chaotic at times. But I guess that is just the case when watching someone else play an FPS.
  10. Now, that the most pressing and game-defining question was answered (will there be boing?), I have another, more humble question: Seeing the new style of Mesa (not as flat anymore), will there be paths over the "mountains" that separate the bases, or are those still restricted to the caves and the area surrounding the "mountains"? In general, applying to all classic maps, did you add new ways to get into the enemy base, by opening up some areas of the battlefield that were impassable before?
  11. Stunning! Nielson and van Elmen are just genii! I have dreamed of someone using the basalt columns for a basic map asset in a game for such a long time... It just lends itself so well to create an exotic and atmospheric environment. You did a perfect job! A geologists dream come true I also want to stress the amazing direction of the trailer! Again, just perfect! The pacing, the music, the angles. Such a pleasure to watch and such a nice thing to see in a time when dupstepexplosionsinyourface-trailers seem to be the only thing they teach at film academy. Thanks, I really don't know what to say other than, the RenX team just deserves to be right up there in the industry. Now I'm looking forward to my retreating tank getting stuck in that blue tiberium crystal at the center of the cave {:^D
  12. Will there be boing?!
  13. Unfortunately there is not. EA won't allow them to monetarize on this as far as I've heard. The only way I can think of supporting the devs is posting some cash to a physical adress. BTW: yay, my favorite gaming site has already covered the reveal!!! http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/11 ... ease-date/
  14. I agree that there is nothing quite like C&C mode. Still, I couldn't resist the urge to mention indie games Natural Selection (1+2) that very successfully merged FPS and RTS elements, including base building, commander mode and even asymmetrical gameplay. Check it out, it is one of the finest MP games there is imo! [LINK REMOVED] I hope this thread will not be regarded as flaming this great and long awaited announcement. I genuinly think that many ppl here might appreciate the info though.
  15. Incredible! Can't believe that after five years of following this project and checking the forums every few days, we finally have a set release date! And the game looks to be much more promising than I ever dreamed of. I really hope, this project will fuel the carriers of all the talent working on this over at Totem Arts during their spare time! It is now up to us, the community, to get the word out and gather some momentum for the upcoming release. The new models and the map look sweeeeet!!!
  16. I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
  17. You'd also have to consider that setting a proper release date might cause some hype and will be covered by some gaming sites such as Rock Paper Shotgun. If the devs can't make the release, all that uproar would be in vain and a second coverage of the actual release might not happen. That would cost the game a lot of population. They are doing it just right. I don't care if they take one more month or one more year; I've been waiting since 2007. On a side note: Is there really no way to monetize on this game? Looking at all the effort you've made so far, it seems wrong that I can't buy/fund/donate this project.
  18. You can't be serious!!! Renegade without boink! I'm speechless...
  19. Thanks for the update! Nice to hear the game is progressing and getting closer to release! These models look nice! The railgun seems a little unwieldy, but I love the new GL! Is that hourglass?! O_o Looks nice and I agree with the endless turtling being a problem, but why did you change the setting? Ah, I see, Goldrush is probably some kind of desert map and you were missing a snow map like Under? What happened to that map btw? As far as I can remember there were some pics of it redone in the UE3? Anyway, back to Hourglass: if you hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have recognized that map from the screenies. Same goes for Mesa. And it's awesome! Because, let's be honest, maps weren't the prettiest part of the original Renegade, but these screenshots look amazing!!! I loooooove the atmosphere of Mesa! Those lava columns...
  20. Just like Ban4life said, they do a great deal. This might be interesting in that regard: http://games.yahoo.com/blogs/plugged-in ... 07944.html Also: please don't change it to M1. This is not a modern military shooter, it is C&C and the med had been the med since my dawn of gaming. Don't take it away, it's mine. My... Medcious!
  21. RenX on steam would be great not only because of more exposure to a wider audience, but also because it makes it so easy to organise games and groups to play with friends. Please, if possible get it onto steam! You should really have a look at Natural Selection 2 then. Best MP game I've ever played!
  22. Thanks for the update! I'm loving the new Mesa, it's overflowing with atmosphere and is a good replacement for the bland original map. Concerning the ChemThrower: I actually don't mind the colours so much, it works for me. What I find alot more irritating is the layout of the weapon. What are the two barrels for? Especially the upper one, as the chemo-cartridge seems to diembogue into the lower barrel (which seems like an odd design desicion in the first place). Then I think it would have been better to make the weapon a hip-firing one, like the minigun in the original game. Having iron sights and a recoil pad on a weapon that throws liquid seems to be out of place.
  23. OMG, you had me there for 10 horrible seconds!!! I could say in my defense though, it just shows how much I think you deserve some attention by a publisher. Nice one! edit: I just absolutely frickin' love the basalt pillars! They look so awesome, might as well be a U4 engine pic! This is a geologists dream come true!
  24. I just really wonder what's gonna happen when I accidentally press the power button on the rifle in the right pic. Will it shut down? But not before it has 3/3 updates installed? Is there going to be a safe mode? And what are the other buttons? Plus, minus and play? Where's the rewind button? So many questions...
  25. I was wondering the same thing. I'm not sure if I would have applied, since I hardly have time to play the games I regularly play atm, not to speak of a BETA + giving feedback. Still, i'm so hyped for this game that I would just love to know if there has been some progress in this matter. Keep up the good work guys! What you have shown so far looks absolutely incredible and you can be sure I will mobilize as mucuh playerbase (and media) as I can once this comes out. Thanks for trying to bring one of my favorite MP games back to live!
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