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Closed Beta Testers
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Everything posted by iTweek.

  1. AHHH NICE! Canyon who says nothing, here's a movie:-)
  2. UPDATE : for now it should go. Would "eventually" can make a new one IP: http://area-community.net [GER] [CH] Thx
  3. http://renegade-x.com/downloads/RxCmd_v0.9.zip there it an update? it a error Server ist running a newer protocol (v002) You need to download a newer version
  4. or use jdownloader or cryptloader
  5. suche immer wieder leute zum spielen
  6. Hey ho^^ zwar etwas spät^^ ich zwar keine 40 aber zocke auch immer gegen abend wenn die zeit das erlaubt. wenn du lust hast können wir zusammen RenX spielen
  7. Looking forward to the beta 3: D
  8. http://area-community.net/gallery/index.php/Image/21-Harvester-bug-island http://area-community.net/gallery/index.php/Image/24-Harvester-bug-island
  9. Would also make server no longer occur. Only when the game is really "playable". and more user comes together.
  10. Um so mehr, um so besser
  11. Area of Gaming! Hallo an alle da drausen Ich bin auf der suche nach ein paar spiel gefährten für Renegade-X. Wer lust hat kann gerne mal vorbei schauen und mit mir und andere leute Renegade-X suchten. Teamspeak.area-community.net oder area-community.net Im Steam [AoG]iTweek ich hoffe es finden sich ein paar, für ein paar spiele lg iTweek
  12. please load the new game down. And then try it out again.
  13. Since the download what went wrong. Your file is corrupted. You have to re-download it. Da ist beim download was falsch gelaufen. Deine datei ist beschädigt. Du musst sie neu runterladen.
  14. where is the matter because luncher : P i will download this
  15. When is actually an update to the webpages? it will no recently viewed webpage ?
  16. I can not confirm. He shows e.g. in to my server 2 of 10. or is that another problem? IP= {GER}#1|64P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net| IP: renx.area-community.net:7710 {GER}#2|64P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net | IP: renx.area-community.net:7720 {GER}#3|40P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net | IP: renx.area-community.net:7730 {GER}#4|40P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net | IP: renx.area-community.net:7740 {GER}#5|32P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net | IP: renx.area-community.net:7750 {GER}#6|32P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net | IP: renx.area-community.net:7760 {GER}#7|28P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net | IP: renx.area-community.net:7770 {GER}#8|28P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net | IP: renx.area-community.net:7780 {GER}#9|16P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net | IP: renx.area-community.net:7790 {GER}#10|16P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net | IP: renx.area-community.net:7100 vtl kanst du mir weiter helfen
  17. renx.area-community = {GER}#1|64P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net| IP: renx.area-community.net:7710 {GER}#2|64P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net | IP: renx.area-community.net:7720 {GER}#3|40P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net | IP: renx.area-community.net:7730 {GER}#4|40P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net | IP: renx.area-community.net:7740 {GER}#5|32P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net | IP: renx.area-community.net:7750 {GER}#6|32P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net | IP: renx.area-community.net:7760 {GER}#7|28P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net | IP: renx.area-community.net:7770 {GER}#8|28P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net | IP: renx.area-community.net:7780 {GER}#9|16P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net | IP: renx.area-community.net:7790 {GER}#10|16P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net | IP: renx.area-community.net:7100
  18. Ren X launcher does not update itself. The server and pay players remain the same. Please to Fix
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