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About EGDamag3

  • Birthday 07/07/1985

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Imo keeping RX closest to the original is best, i loved renegade, i would hate the multiplayer gameplay to change to a point where it didnt feel like renegade anymore, ren should stay like ren, i like the simplicity of it, 2 bases, 2 teams, 1 goal
  2. CNC Renegade mode. You get like a base, tanks and infantry, then you like kill each other (Best mode i reckon haha)
  3. There once was a man in an abandoned town. Remenants of mortar fire lay all around. Trying to download Renegade X: Black Dawn. but a dog appeared and started chewing on his internet cable. and that dog belonged to none other than clark gable. The dog ran of, was gone with the wind, leaving the modem alone with a chewed up cable.
  4. Thats 2 people then, now the other 18 to find!
  5. Does anyone want to try get some games going on a ren x beta server again on the weekends maybe? I missed out on all the fun as the ammount on the servers that are up now and again are mainly 0. Just wondered if anyone wants to try get some games going till the final ren x multiplayer client is released? Wish i found out aboute the beta alot earlier like when there was a good gathering and a few games going on the weeknds etc.
  6. Remenants of mortar fire lay all around.
  7. Cheers for the info H2P
  8. I have the same problem aswell, also have the 556 patch. Any staff have any news or info about the listings and server? I need to get some ren x action practice before the final multiplayer is released (A fair bit of practice haha).
  9. Its going to be worth the wait!
  10. Some of my best memories have to be when you get the teamwork spot on and just demolished the other base! Be it stanks on hourglass or med's n mammy's, aslong as the team was there the rushing was great!
  11. EGDamag3


    Maybe get a torrent going? Share the love!
  12. I cant wait for this! Bringing back the good ol days with a new leash on things, it is looking amazing, prop's to the team for putting this together! Realllllly looking forward for the multiplayer release!
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