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Everything posted by Roflstiltskin

  1. I live in New Zealand, it's 7.40 pm 28th atm.... sometimes being the first to see the day's sun sucks >.
  2. Cool thanks for the swift and precise update, I noticed it explains it on the front page further down after posting >.< sorry about that. I want to play multiplayer now but having to buy UT3 seems a bit of a deterrent, is it possible in this single player version to skirmish, like multiplayer with bots, or will it just be campaign? If these answers are elsewhere sorry, I'm looking around for them now.
  3. I have been keeping tabs on this since I found out about it early last year.... But I don't have/want UT3 Will this upcoming standalone thing have multliplayer at all? or is it purely single player?
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