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Posts posted by Sebqt

  1. You know how on C&C Renegade, in some servers their would be a ranking system and you would get perks when you ranked up like the ability to type in !weapon or something like that and you would get a random weapon and same goes for vehicles. There are other commands too just forgot. Is their a possibility that some servers would have this feature?

    Oh and will weapons be dropped on the ground after death?


    Some will, but like others said a lot of people won't like it. Vanilla + Non-Advantageous mods is the best mix I believe. Engineer stays an engineer. Sniper stays a sniper.

  2. i Always killed myself as an engineer so i could get a repair gun as a chem trooper and heal vehicles in the tiberium field where no-one else could come on hourglass, mesa and volcano. Always gave my team a nice advantage :)

    This is why I don't want gun drops, does this happen in RenX?

  3. That's what I thought Omega, speed up the conclusion of the game to make it less influenced by point whoring.

    All out war with no modifications -> Ion Storm hits -> "SD" begins

    Possibly no timer in SD because the impacts of the storm itself should make the game end quick?

  4. Reminiscing is awesome!

    Who remembers the clan Exile(Xil) and the st0rm server/website with wilost0rm and that?

    I remember XIL, good bunch of people, was part of the clan myself for a wee bit there.

    I was XilGlac back then :P never changed to st0rm tag but we played alongside / were part of st0rm group iirc.

  5. I would be more than happy to set up a max character server for us europeans, and another for a competitive team I want to create so we can get good host. Would anyone be able to help me with specifications, I may make a little website to go alongside so people can appeal bans and whatnot.


    but there's a twist to it.

    What twist?

  6. Anyone from Europe or more specifically the UK?

    I plan to host a dedicated server in Europe (undecided location as of now) assuming there would be a player base that would enjoy the lower ping (as an alternative to US servers).

    Also just interested to see if I have any fellow brits to play with at regular times!


  7. I'm sure games would be over quickly after an "Ion Storm" knocks out the power plant / base defenses and has an EMP effect on repair guns (they don't fire), proxy mines and even tanks (yes tanks!), stealthed units become unstealthed as EMP effects the cloaking.

    No repairs, no base defenses, proxy mines become inactive, tanks disabled, 15 minute timer. I would like things to be justified by lore / by some sort of event that happens rather than a mechanical push off a button. (hope that makes sense)

    But how will anyone win without tanks? Well all it takes is you to get a few timed c4 on a MCT, they can't be removed or disabled, so rush rush rush! Just all out rush their base with infantry to get into their buildings and plant c4 both teams have to do it whilst also thinking about leaving some people to defend? Will they get the balance right in all the commotion?

    Sounds very exciting to me!

  8. "will be" as in clans have been announced in the game but are not active yet?

    What are communities? And why are there only 3 left?

    The game isn't out yet that's why it's "will be". (they can't be active per say they might have forums though)



    1. a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.

    "Montreal’s Italian community"

    "the gay community in London"

    "the scientific community"

    "a poker community"

    The surviving communities are from the old version of Renegade.

    Hope that answers your questions.

  9. I don't like "levelups" or anything that isn't very vanilla. Why in competitive is everything kept level? Because its fair.

    I want my 1k sniper to be a 1k sniper and I don't want to be able to pick up a personal ion cannon. If I see an engineer I want to know he can't destroy the building on his own (not enough c4), I don't want the building to explode because he picked up the extra damage from a gun or another c4 from an upgrade or some other random element.

    This means I could "leave" him in my base whilst I destroy his if I'm a hotwire and he's an eng, when characters become something that they aren't (gunner with repair gun) It starts to get dumb. Moreover if someone has level 10 on a server and joins and get's 2000 credits, just no. please. Or the !donate credit thing no thank you! I don't like when that tank shell thing came into renegade where the vehicle would explode and leave a repairable body - NO!

    I can see myself being alone on this but hey I hope that someone will have a dedicated server and leave it totally vanilla because that's where I'll play.

  10. Thing with that is you can still "3rd" People (COD term). Usually you have to position yourself to look around corners but having someone else do it for you makes it like someone has your back can check the other direction that you are checking.

  11. Yeah I think the continuous would be best, but a storm to disable power plant / base defenses then have everyone with 1 life (no respawn).

    The only issue is if it's 40 v 40 AoW 39 people will end up watching the 1 from their side and if it takes time I can see people complaining.

  12. Yeah I like it a lot, and instead of "sudden death" mode flashing it could just be called a Tiberium/Lightning Storm ("Lightning Storm Approaching" 5 minute timer) that knocks out the power plant / power to the base (there go the base defenses) and people will have 5 minutes to get the best equipment they can before the storm hits.

    This would be slightly different to people transforming into raves but would seem more fluid and give people time to prepare, "ok save up for sudden death". Sure people would get screwed if they are a basic soldier but it would be a very exciting last 5 minutes to save up credits to be the best you can be for that last push.

    So definitely the base defense are removed (storm knocks out power) maybe even vehicles and barracks gone, maybe all buildings and only the vehicles and players on the field survive? Till it's 1 player v 1 player.

    I've just realised if it's no respawns it could be boring for those waiting for the end though? Unless they could spectate after death.

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